denouncing their woes, &c. and terrifie the people.
They are taken and imprisoned by the Burghe••s, but
continue shamelesse. May 5. 1535. they are put to
death; some of their last words.
IN the year of our Lord one thousand five hundred
thirty and five, upon the third of February at Am∣sterdam,
in a street called Salar street, at the house
of Iohn Si••rid a cloth-worker, who at that time
was gone into Austria about some businesse, there
〈◊〉〈◊〉 ••even 〈…〉〈…〉, and five women of the same
perswasion; of which flock, the Bell-weather was Theo∣doru••
Sartor, who rapt into a strange enthusiasme and
〈◊〉〈◊〉, stretching himself upon the ground stark-naked
upon his back before his brethren and sisters, seemed to
pray unto God with a certain religious dread and horrour.
Having ended his prayers, he affirmed that he
had beheld God with his eyes in the excessive and inef∣••••ble
〈◊〉〈◊〉 of his glory, and that he had had communica∣tion
with him, both in heaven and in hell, and that
the day of his judgement was at hand. After which he
said to one of his companions, Thou art decreed to
eternal 〈◊〉〈◊〉, and shalt be cast into the bottomless
pit; at 〈◊〉〈◊〉 the other cried out, The Lord God of
Mercy 〈…〉〈…〉 passion on me; the Prophet said to him,
be of good 〈◊〉〈◊〉, now art thou the sonne of God, thy
sins are forgiven thee. Upon the eleventh day of Febru∣ary,
the foresaid year, the persons aforementioned, un∣known
to their husbands, repaired to the same Augias's
stable. This Prophet, or Seer, having entertained them
with a Sermon of three or four hours long, casts a hel∣met,
a brest plate, a sword, and other armes, together
with all his cloathes into the fire. Being thus stark na∣ked,
and his companions who yet had their cloaths, be∣ing
uncovered, he peremptorily commanded them to
do the like, as being such as must be as safe as himself.
He further affirmed, that the children of God ought to
look upon all things of this world with contempt and
indignation. And since Truth, which is most glorious
in her nakednesse, will not admit the deformity of any
earthly disguise whatsoever, he affirmed that they ought
in all things to conform themselves to that example of