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Title:  The visions of dom Francisco de Quevedo Villegas, knight of the Order of St. James made English by R.L.
Author: Quevedo, Francisco de, 1580-1645.
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Earth. Among the Buffons, I saw di∣vers that pas'd here in the World for Men of Honesty, and Honour: which were in, as the Devil told me, for Flat∣tery, and were a sort of Buffon, that goes betwixt the Bark and the Tree. But, why are they condemn'd? said I. The other Buffons are condemn'd (quoth the De∣vil) for want of Favour; and These, for having too much, and abusing it. You must know, they come upon us, still at Unawares; and yet they find all things in Readiness; the Cloth laid, and the Bed made, as if they were at home. To say the Truth, we have some sort of Kindness for them; for they save us a great deal of Trouble, in Tormenting one another.Do you see him there? That, was a wicked, and a Partial Iudg; and all he has to say for himself, is, that he re∣members the Time when he could have broke the Neck of two Honest Causes, and He put them only out of Ioynt. That good-fellow there, was a careless Hus∣band, and him we lodge too with the Buffons. He sold his Wives Portion, Wife and all, to please his Companions; 0