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Title:  A short demurrer to the Jewes long discontinued barred remitter into England Comprising an exact chronological relation of their first admission into, their ill deportment, misdemeanors, condition, sufferings, oppressions, slaughters, plunders, by popular insurrections, and regal exactions in; and their total, final banishment by judgment and edict of Parliament, out of England, never to return again: collected out of the best historians and records. With a brief collection of such English laws, Scriptures, reasons as seem strongly to plead, and conclude against their readmission into England, especially at this season, and against the general calling of the Jewish nation. With an answer to the chief allegations for their introduction. / By William Prynne Esq; a bencher of Lincolnes-Inne.
Author: Prynne, William, 1600-1669.
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Pat. 1. H. 3. m. 8. De Ju∣daea deliberan∣da.Mandatum est W. Marescai juniori, quod sine dila∣tione deliberari faciat Cheram Iudaeam de Winton, quam Galfred de Laurton, et Frnket servientes sui ceperunt, et captam detinent, et ut permittant ipsam Cheram sine impedimento venire usque Winton, quia Dominus Rex plenam pacem suam ei concessit. T. Com. (to wit W. Earl Marshal then Protector) apud VVinton 22 die Aprilis, Anno reg. Dom. Regis primo.Et mandatum est praedictis G. et Franket, quod ip∣sam Cheram sine dilatione deliberent, et sine impedi∣mento permittant venire ad VVinton. T. eodem.Ibidem.Rex Iosceo de Plugenap, salutem. Mandamus vobis firmiter precipientes, quod sine dilatione et occasione a∣liqua deliberetis, et quietum abire permittatis Ioppe fil. Iocei de VVilton Iudaeum quem cepistis et captum tene∣tis. Et in hujus rei testimonium, &c. T. Comite apud Winton 21 die Aprilis An. reg. nostri primo.Ibidem.Rex Rico fil. Rog. salutem. Mandamus vobis sicut alias mandavimus firmiter praecipientes, quod sine di∣latione et occasione aliqua deliberetis Isaac fil. Solomo∣nis Iudaeum quem cepistis apud Winton, ipsumque mit∣tatis quietum ad Comitem VV. Marescallum Rectorem nostrum et regni nostri apud VVinton. In cujus rei resti∣monium, &c. Teste Com. apud VVinton 21 die April. an. reg. nostr. primo.King Henry in the second year of his raign, being in∣formed by his Counsel what great advantage he might make by the Jews upon all occasions, by the advice of his Counsel sent forth thse special Writs and Lerters Patents to 24 Burgesses in each Town where the Jews resided, to protect them and theirs from injury; appoin∣ted special Justices for their custody and affaires, and likewise confirmed all their former Liberries for prote∣ction of their persons and Estates from violence, and ex∣empting them from the Bishops Jurisdiction, and all o∣ther Courts and Judicatures whatsoever, but those Ju∣stices he specially appointed for their custody. And like∣wise 0