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Title:  The first part of a brief register, kalendar and survey of the several kinds, forms of all parliamentary vvrits comprising in 3. sections, all writs ... illustrated with choice, usefull annotations ... / by William Prynne ...
Author: Prynne, William, 1600-1669.
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ANGLIAE INCOLAM IMPERANS (there∣fore Bishops, Abbots and Clocks, as well as Laymen) totam terram descripsit, &c. asHistoria, p. 908.Ingulphus in∣forms us flourishing in that age. The Pope being much offended that Kings should thus conferre Bisho∣pricks, Abbies, and other Ecclesiastical dignities Per Annulum et Baculum, and that Bishops, and Abbots should thus doe Homage and Felty to them, and be∣come their men, as well as Lick, (as being a grand im∣pediment to their Supreme Authority over Emperors, Kings and Princes of the earth, strenuosly attempted by Pope Hil lebrand;) thereupon Pope Urban the 2d. Ans. 1095. in aMat. Paris p. 20. Council held at Claremount ordained, Ut Episcopi, vel Abbates, vel aliquis de Clero ali∣quam Ecclesiasticam dignitatem de manu Principum, vel quorumliber Laicorum, non recipiant. And this not prevailing, in another Council held by this Hoveden; Annal, pars 1. p. 467. Mat. Parker, An∣tiqu. Eccl. Brit. p. 103. 107. Malmsb. de Gestis Pon∣tif. p. 224. Pope at Rome, Anno 1099. Urbanus Papa ex∣communicavit omnes Laicos investituras Ecclearum dantes, et omnes easdem investituras de manibs Laicorum accipientes, necnon omnes in officium sic dati honoris consecrantes. Excommunicavit etiam eos, qui pro Ecclesiasticis Honoribus LAICORUM HOMINES FIUNT id est, HOMAGIUM INE∣UNT as learnedGlossari∣um, p. 357. Sir Hen. Spelman truly expounds it.) Dicens minus execrabile videri, ut manus quae in tantam eminentiam excreerant, ut quod nulli Angelorum concessumest, ut Deum cuncta creantem suo signaculo CREANT (mark the blasphemy and contradiction) et eundem ipsum pro salute totius mundi Dei Patris obtutibus offerant, in hanc igna∣viam vel stulitiam detrudantur; ut ancillae fiant eorum manuum quae diebus et noctibus obscenis con∣tactibus inquinantur, sive rapinis et injustae sanguinis effusione addictae maculantur. Et ab omnibus est cla∣matum, fiat, fiat, et in his consummatum est concii∣um. HereuponEadmerus Hist. Novor, 1. 2, 3, 4 Mar. Parker, Antiq. Eccles. Brit. p. 105, 106. 107, &c. Malmb de Gestis Potif. l. 1. p. 215. &c. 224, 225. Godwin in the life of An∣selm.Anselm Archbishop of Canterbury, a Burgundian by birth, and great Creature of the Popes, 0