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Title:  An address of thanks to a good prince presented in the panegyrick of Pliny, upon Trajan, the best of Roman Emperours.
Author: Pliny, the Younger.
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of the Commonwealth, we are encouraged to a solemn return of thanks to the best of Princes? For what indeed is a more acceptable, more generous gift of Heaven, than a Prince who is Just, Religious and in all accomplish∣ments allied to those Gods, who gave him? So that were it yet a matter of debate, whether Kings ow'd their Ori∣ginal to chance or compact, or not ra∣ther to the more creditable title of Divine Right: were this (I say) any subject for contest; yet that our Prince at least may justly claim a Divine Right is be∣yond all colour of dispute. For he was instated in his Empire not by any blind hit of fate or fortune, but by the more regular conduct of an all-wise providence, and brought, as it were, by the hand of God himself to be happily Crown'd and inthron'd before the Holy Altar, that place, which (if any) is a heaven upon earth; for it is there that Omnipotence does more especially reside. Upon this account duty and devotion prompt me to address my self to you, most potent Jove, the best and greatest God, hereto∣fore the Founder, and still the Preserver of our Roman Empire, to beg of you, so to direct my heart and tongue, that 0