Memorials of godliness & Christianity in three parts : with a brief account of the authors life / by Herbert Palmer.
- Title
- Memorials of godliness & Christianity in three parts : with a brief account of the authors life / by Herbert Palmer.
- Author
- Palmer, Herbert, 1601-1647.
- Publication
- London :: Printed for Henry Million,
- 1670.
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- Subject terms
- Christian life -- Puritan authors.
- Meditations.
- Devotional literature.
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"Memorials of godliness & Christianity in three parts : with a brief account of the authors life / by Herbert Palmer." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed October 13, 2024.
- title page
- license
A Brief Account of the Life of Mr.
Herbert Palmer. - to the reader
- to the reader
- Of making Religion ones Bu∣siness.
- An Appendix applyed to the Calling of a Minister.
- title page
- The Character of a Christian in Paradoxes and seeming Con∣tradictions.
- A Character of visible Godli∣ness.
- Generall Considerations to ex∣cite to Watchfulness, and to shake of spiritual drousi∣ness.
- A Remedy against Carefulness.
- The Soul of Fasting.
- title page
- TO THE Christian READER.
- A Daily Direction.
- Particular Directions for the LORDS DAY.