Theatrum poetarum, or, A compleat collection of the poets especially the most eminent, of all ages, the antients distinguish't from the moderns in their several alphabets : with some observations and reflections upon many of them, particularly those of our own nation : together with a prefatory discourse of the poets and poetry in generall
Phillips, Edward, 1630-1696?

AAron Batalaeus the Au∣thor of a little Poem, Entitled, Plausus Tri∣viliensis, Printed at Basil, with some small Poetical peices of the choicest of the Modern Poets.

Abraham Cowly, the most applaud∣ed Poet of our Nation both of the present and past Ages; his early Muse began to down at the Thirteenth Year of his Age, he being then a Scholar at Westminster School, in Two little Poems Page  2Antonius and Melida, and Pyramus and Thisbe; which discovering a Maturity of sence above the Years that writ them, were thought worthy to be then publisht, though not to be in∣serted into the now compleated Edi∣tion of his Works, divided into 4 parts, his Mistress being the amorous pro∣lusions of his Youthful Muse, his Mis∣cellanies or Poems of various Argu∣ments, his most admir'd Heroick Poem Davideis, the first Books whereof he Compos'd, while but a young Stu∣dent at Trinity Colledge in Cambridge; and lastly that is in order of time though not of place, his Pindaric Odes, so call'd, I suppose, ftom the mea∣sure in which he Translated the first Ithmian and Nemean Odes, whereas the form of those Odes in the Original, is ve∣ry different, & yet in Imitation of him, 'tis pleasant to observe what a notable Trade hath been driven of late in Pin∣daric Odes: Besides these Poems of his in English, there is Extant of his writing in a Volume by it self a Latin Poem of Herbs and Plants; also he hath Translated Two Books of his Davideis into Latin Page  3 Verse, which are in the large Volume among the rest of his Works.

Abraham France, a Versisier in Queen Elizabeth's time, who imitat∣ing Latin measure in English Verse, wrote his Iviechurch and some other things in Hexameter, some also in Hexameter and Pentameter, nor was he altogether singular in this way of writing; for Sir Philip Sidny in the pastoral interludes of his Arcadiae, uses not only these but all other sorts of Latin Measure, in which no wonder he is follow'd by so few, since they nei∣ther become the English nor any other Modern Language.

Abrahamus Laescherus, the Author of a Poem Entitled the Monomachie or single Combat between David and Goliah, his Two Books of King also, and Lamentations of Jeremie in Latin Verse were printed by the famous Oporinus, not to mention his Epicedes, Epithalamies, and other Poems.

Actius Sincerus Sanazarius, a Nea∣politan Poet, of principal Fame and Reputation for Latin Verse, gain'd Page  4 by his Poem de partu Virginis, his piscatory Eclogues, Epigrams, &c.

Adamus Regius a Scoth-man, whose Latin Verses are Extant among the works of some of the chief Latin Poets of that Nation.

Adamus Schroterus a Silesian, who wrote an Epithalamium upon the Nup∣tials of Sigismund K. of Poland, with Catharine the Daughter of the Empe∣rour Ferdinand.

Adamus Siberus a Germane, the Author of Proseucha pro Ecclesia, Epi∣nicia, Acholastica, and several other Poems.

Adriano Polito a Comic writer among the Italians.

Adrianus Blienbergius, Adrianus Laurentius, and Adr. Marius a Trium∣virat of Adrians, of no obscure name among the Belgick Poets.

Adrianus Junius, a most learned Physician of Holland, and moreover by the Testimony of Melchior Adams a Critic, Poet and most exact Historian aud Antiquary.

Adrianus Turnebus Professor Regius at Paris of Philosophy and the Greec Page  5 Tongue, he is reckon'd among the French writers of Latin Poesie.

Aegidius Menagius a French-man, whose not uneloquent Poems consist∣ing of Elegies, Epigrams, and Varia Garmina in Latin, Ecloge of various Poems in Greec his Italian Rime, his Sonnets, Madrigals, Balades and Epi∣stles in French were printed at Amster∣dam Anno 1663.

Aemilianus an Elegiac Poet, who wrote Epigrams, and an Epicedium upon the Emperour Frideric.

Aenaeas Sylvius a Hetrurian, born in the City of Siena, and by the name of Pius Secundus, Exalted to the Papal Chair, if ever any, by the merit of his great Learning and Excellent Parts, which produc'd almost innumerable Volumes of various Arguments, and among the rest some in Verse not of the meanest value for Wit and Poetic Fancy, particularly his Epigrams, his Niraphilenticum, and his Epistolar Poems.

Agnobo Firenzuola, see Ottavio Rinue∣cini.

Page  6 Alexander Brassicanus, see Joannes Alexander Br.

Alexander Brome an Atturny of the Mayors Conrt, yet Poetically addicted, a Man of Law and Poetry at once, (strange incongruity one would think) and that of so Jovial a strain, that among the Sons of Mirth & Bacchus, to whom his Sack-inspired Songs have been so often Sung to the sprightly Vi∣olin, his name cannot chuse but be im∣mortal, and in this respect he may well be stil'd the English Anacreon; many also of the Odes of Horacc, who was like∣wise a good Fellow, are of his Translat∣ing; nor are there wanting among his Extant Poems many other various Subjects as well serious as otherwise; there is also of his writing a Comedy called the Cunning Lovers.

Albertus Cistarellus the Author of a Poem in praise of St. Anna Goriciana.

Alcadinus a Sicilian Poet, who wrote in Verse the Tryumphs of the Empe∣rour Henry, and the acts of his Son Friderie.

Alessandro Gatti, an Italian writer of Madrigals.

Page  7Alexander Prior of the Monastery of Essebie, in the Reign of K. Edw. the Third, and reckon'd among the chief of English Poets and Orators of that Age.

Alexander Rosse a Scotch writer, of whose Poetry the only thing noted is his Cento out of Virgil, Entitled Virgi∣lius Evangelizans.

Aloysius Cherchiarius a Regular of the Congregation of Somascha, who professing Poetry and Oratory, open'd an Academy at Venice, called the Aca∣demy of the Generosi.

Andreas Alciatus, a famous Juris-consult of Milan, who though a wri∣ter of many learned works in Prose, is yet best known by his Book of Hiero∣glyphical Emblems Elegantly illustrat∣ed and explained in Elegiac Verse.

Andrea di Bergamo an Italian writer of Satyrs, which were printed at Ve∣nice Anno 1556.

Andreas Canonherius a German of much esteem for Latin Verse, and therefore by Learned men rank'd among the German Poets.

Page  8Andreas Dactius, a Florentine, the Author of a Poem Entitled Aeluro-Myomachia, or the Battle between the Cat and Mice; besides underwoods, Epicediums, and other Poems of various Argument.

Andreas Fabricius, a Poet of Chem∣nitz, the Author of a Poem Entitled Christus Lachrymans, which was printed at Wittenberg in the Year 1551.

Andreas Janus Lascaris, a writer of Rhyndacum, with whose Treatise of the Roman Militia, Collected out of Polybius his History, are Extant a num∣be of Greec and Latin Epigrams of his Composing.

Andreae Giuseppe Rossolo, an Italian, Author of a Poem Entitled Giacobbe Ripatriante, which was printed at Rome Anno 1646..

Andreas Libavius a German, whose not unhappy Vein in Latin Verse ob∣tains him a place among the eminent Poets of that Nation.

Andreas Melvinus a witty and learn∣ed Scotch-man, and particularly fam'd for Latin Poetry; very notable is his Di∣stich to the Lady Arabella, with whom he was fellow prisoner in the Tower.

Page  9
Causa mihi tecum communis Carceris, Ara
Bella tibi causa est Carceris Ara mihi.

The cause of his Commitment being his writing Verses against the Altar at Whitehall.

Andreas Navagerius, a Venetian, both Historian Poet and Orator, but among his Poems his Eclogues are particularly fam'd, being printed by Oporinus among the Eclogues of other conspi∣cuous Poets.

Andreas Papius, an exact Master of the Two learned Tongues, yet with∣all so excellent in Musick and Poetry, as if either of them had been his whole business.

Andreas Bamseius, a Scotch Latin Versifier, of whom what is Extant, or at least attainable, is to be found in a Collection Entituled Deliciae Poetarum Scotorum.

Angelinus Gazaeus, a Belgic Poet, whose Pia Hilaria, or Divine Latin Poems are generally esteemed.

Page  10 Angelo Badalucchi, see Dominico Cor∣nacchini.

Angelo Grilli, an Italian Lyric Poet, or writer of Sonetts, Madrigals and Canzonetts.

Angelus Politianus, a most conspicu∣ous Italin Author, the writer of many learned & polite Volumes, among which those in Verse are not the least in same, viz. his Sylvae, his Treatise of Poetry and Poets, and his Epigrams.

Annibal Nicolini a Dramatic Poet of Eugubium a Town in the Dutchy of Spoleto, but chiefly in the pastoral way.

Antimo Gallo, an Italian Lyric, or, pourer forth of amorous conceits in Sonetts, Madrigals &c

Antonie Brewer a contributer to the English Stage by his Lingua, Loves Loadstone, and the Countrey Girl, Co∣medies, The Love-sick King and Landa∣gartha, Tragecomedies, and Loves Do∣minion a Pastoral.

Antonio Cornazano an Orator and Poet of Ferrara, among whose other Poems of various Subjects the princi∣pally noted is that of the Life atd Death of the Blessed Virgin.

Page  11Antonio Hungaro, an Italian, both Comic Poet, and writer of Sonetts.

Antonius Brun a writer of certain Lyric Poems printed at Noremberg by Joannes Petreius.

Antonius Codrus Vrseus, a learned and polite Author, in Profe of works of various Subjects, in Verse of 2 Books of Sylvae set forth by a great admirer of them Philippus Beroaldus-junior, be∣sides Satyrs, Eglogues and Epigrams.

Antonio Decio de Horta an Italian Tragic Poet.

Antonio Facchenetti, an Italian Dra∣matic Poet, but chiefly in the way of Pastoral.

Antonius Fayus an eminent French writer, out of whose writing there is also a Miscellanie of Emblems and Epi∣grams.

Antonius Franciscus Rainerius an Ita∣lian Versifier, but chiefly in the Latin Idiom.

Antonio Geraldino, Protonotary to the Apostolic See, and Poet Laureat of Rome, he is principally recommended to the World by his Divine Bucolics, which have been Printed in several Page  12 places; his other chiefest Works are his Acts of the Kings of Spain in various Verse, his Fasti in Elegiac, his Hymns of the Heroes in Lyric, the Acts of the Martyrs in Heroic.

Antonio Mancinelli, a Grammarian most professedly, who wrote several Grammatical Treatises at Venice about the Year 1490. but both many of them, and some also of other Subjects, in Verse; he is much esteemed also for his Comments upon Virgils Eclogues and Georgics, and upon Horace his Odes, his Book of Epigrams, with other things.

Antonius Millaeus the Author of a late Poem Entitled Moses Viaetor, print∣ed at Lyons Anno 1636.

M. Antonius Muretus, a most learned Fr. Commentator and Eloquent Ora∣tour; and also so much a Poet that Scaevola Samarthanus in his Elogies of the Learned Men of France, among other Commendations, hath also this of him, That he was so like Catullus, that Catullus was not more like himself; he dyed Anno Dom. 1585.

Page  13Antonius Sebastianus, a Native of Minturno, who is not asham'd to ap∣pear among the choice Latin Poets of Italy. Of like Estimation is,

Aonius Palearius another Italian writer of Latin Verse.

Archangelio Archangelio, see Domi∣nico Cornacchini.

Armentoldo Samponiano a Noted Italian writer of Pastoral Dramatic Poesie.

Arthurus Johnstonus, an eminent Scotch Physician, who in his younger Years had the reputation of so excel∣lent a Poet, that he was Laureated at Paris before he had fully arriv'd to the 23d Year of his Age; of his Poetical works there are particularly Collected rogether, his Epigrams, his Parerga, his Musae Aulicae, his Reges Scoti, and his Heroes Scoti, his Paraphrastical Translation of David's Psalms is also remembred with particular Commen∣dation.

Sir Aston Cockain the Author (what ever he hath written in Poetry besides) of several things to the Stage, as the Obstinate Lady, a Comedy, TrappolinPage  14 suppos'd a Prince, and Tyranical Go∣vernment, Tragecomedies, and Ther∣sites an Interlude.