Fleta minor the laws of art and nature, in knowing, judging, assaying, fining, refining and inlarging the bodies of confin'd metals : in two parts : the first contains assays of Lazarus Erckern, chief prover, or assay-master general of the empire of Germany, in V. books, orinally written by him in the Teutonick language and now translated into English ; the second contains essays on metallick words, as a dictionary to many pleasing discourses, by Sir John Pettus ... ; illustrated with 44 sculptures.

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Fleta minor the laws of art and nature, in knowing, judging, assaying, fining, refining and inlarging the bodies of confin'd metals : in two parts : the first contains assays of Lazarus Erckern, chief prover, or assay-master general of the empire of Germany, in V. books, orinally written by him in the Teutonick language and now translated into English ; the second contains essays on metallick words, as a dictionary to many pleasing discourses, by Sir John Pettus ... ; illustrated with 44 sculptures.
Ercker, Lazarus, d. 1594.
London :: Printed for the author, by Thomas Dawks ...,

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Assaying -- Early works to 1800.
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"Fleta minor the laws of art and nature, in knowing, judging, assaying, fining, refining and inlarging the bodies of confin'd metals : in two parts : the first contains assays of Lazarus Erckern, chief prover, or assay-master general of the empire of Germany, in V. books, orinally written by him in the Teutonick language and now translated into English ; the second contains essays on metallick words, as a dictionary to many pleasing discourses, by Sir John Pettus ... ; illustrated with 44 sculptures." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. https://name.umdl.umich.edu/A54597.0001.001. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed October 31, 2024.


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[Section; 1] THIS Second BOOK describeth how Gold oars are to be known, and how to Roast Boil and Prove them; also of Washing, Purifying and Quickning the Gold Wash-works: and further, how Touch-Needles are to be made, and to Divide the Gold-weights; also to di∣still Aqua Fortis, and to rectify it: also how Silver and Gold are to be parted by Aqua Fortis and by Fu∣sion; and to make the Gold deft to cement it, and give it an high Colour, and how it must be cast through An∣timony, and be brought to its hight with the Ovens, glas∣ses and Instruments which are used to all these.

[Section. 2] * 1.1The Knowledge of Silver-Oars having been now treated of; We proceed to the Gold Oars, (although they are not found in so many Kinds and Colors) which must after their external Modes be known also, together with their proving and ordering of them. But they have this Condition attends them, (as Experience hath taught me) That no Oar hath GOLD only of it * 1.2self, without other incorporated Metals) unless it be ap∣parent

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[CAP. I] and seen, how small soever it be intermixed with * 1.3them, and the same Gold, which is thus to be found in these Oars is not wholly pure and clean, but common∣ly Silvery, although one more than the other.

[Section. 4] * 1.4Now, the fair Gold that is found thus Intermixed or commonly standing in a whitish Flint, and sometime in a blew and yellow Horn-stone, and also in a Blew shiffer streamy and yellow iron, but very small and flaming with Gold, and this is found in the Mine at Knein, two miles from the Eal in Bohemia, towards the West, where there is also found a grenish Silvery Flint, in a firm Quarry; and when this is ground and wash'd, then a fair and high Duke Gold comes out of it, which otherwise is not seen in the Flint, at the present: I know no place in Germany, where, out of any Oar, any higher Gold can be made.

[Section. 5] Further, all Goldish oars (which are commonly san∣dy) * 1.5have good Duke gold, yet not all alike, some are gross and in grains▪ others are flaming and light Gold, and there is almost in all such works a heavy * 1.6 Temper (or wolfram wash) especially in Tin and Iron stone, which with the Gold have been driven far by the Deluge, and it is both wonderful and neat, and the work and colour [Section. 6] * 1.7and difference may easily be discerned, of these sorts: and the Rivers and Channels which do flow over such works are so seeded with it, that Duke gold in many places is found in them, not only in remote Kingdoms and Coun∣tryes, but also with us in Germany, it is brought to pro∣fit, yet in Germany for the most part it is poor, and can∣not bear the charge of Washing.

[Section. 7] But some old Writers say, That (out of the River * 1.8Nile in Aegypt, which did flow into the Sea in the time of the Deluge, in which all Sand was brought toge∣ther) other Rivers and Channels have also been seeded with Duke gold; But, to this I cannot consent, for this

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Reason, Because this River is very great, and goeth [CAP. I] through that part of Ethiopia, (which is called In∣dia) in which also is found much Gold, and it is said to be the greatest of all other Rivers, and doth flow the furthest; yet I esteem it much too small to inrich so many Gold-Mines with Gold-sand and channels in so innumerable places of the World.

[Section. 8] * 1.9There is also with us in Germany all sorts of Grains which are found in many Mountains and Channels, and are carried away by out-landish men; some of them are flinted, in part brown yellow and black, and within like Glass, and in form commonly round, and also square, of which, as 'tis said, Gold is also made: for my part, I esteem such not at all, because I have assayed many times such Grains in the Fire, and other ways tryed, but could not find Gold in them. But thus much I have from very credible Persons, who have assured me, That such Grains have not Gold in them, nor none is made out of them, but by such persons brought far into Italy and other places, for an Addition, out of which fine Colours and Amel is to be made, which colours and Amel by them is thus esteemed and sold dear, as if it were Gold, which also is agreeable to reason and may be believed, especially because many sorts of Mines, with us in Germany, are found which do yield glossy and fine Colours.

[Section. 9] * 1.10Further, sometimes with the digg'd Gold (which lies in flints, especially in the Gold-Mine at the Eal in the Kingdom of Bohemia) there breaks a small grey spissy Oar, which, after its colour, is called Iron-man, that same also is not only rich in Gold, but 'tis also silvery, therefore it is not to be compared with the other dig'd Gold which standeth in flints. Also there is found much Gold flints which have not only Gold but silver also, and common∣ly [Section. 10] * 1.11more of silver than gold, likewise flints which are ve∣ry

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[CAP. II] copery and silvery, the silver of it is also rich in gold; as also some white flints which have no Copper at all, and but a little silver, and are goldy, but the flints which are coppery, and whose Silver hath Gold are found common∣ly with small flints intermixed.

[Section. 11] Concerning the Marcasite, of which many make Fa∣bles, * 1.12and do write as if it were a meer flint, is very rich in Gold (because it doth not loose the fourth part in the Fire) and in roasting and glowing becomes more and more fine: I have many times diligently enquired after it, but never receiv'd any good account concerning it, much less could I hear of one who had seen such a flint.

But, as far as I can comprehend, the Marcasite can and must be nothing else than a very good Gold-oar: Now whether this Name be given it, or any other, it matters not: But how these (one after another call'd Gold-oars and wash'd Works) are to be proved and try'd, shall plainly follow.

CHAP. II. What Proofs and Washings the Gold-washers use in Gold-works.

[Section. 1] * 1.13GOLD-Washers who go abroad in the Country for Gold-washing, and get their Livelihood by it, they have for the Gold-works a special proving, whereby they do observe how much Gold they wash in one day, and accordingly make their Accounts, whether the VVork will bear the charge of Washing, and whether it be poor or rich, and to this Proof they use a particular Weight, which is di∣vided by the weight of an Hungary-Gilder, after the

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worth of so much as is used to pay for such wash-Gold. [CAP. II]

[Section. 2] But because commonly 92 Creicers are given for an Hungary Gilder weight of wash Gold, therefore they * 1.14make forth the greatest weight as high as an Hungury Gil∣der, and sign it with 92 Creicers, the second piece or half of the weight with 46 Creicers, and so of all the other pieces, one after another, with their Worth, till to the single penny, as followeth,

  • 92 Creicers the weight of a Gilder.
  • 46 Creicers the half Gilder.
  • 23 Creicers the fourth part of a Gilder.
  • 12 Creicers
  • 6 Creicers
  • 3 Creicers
  • 2 Creicers
  • 1 Creicers
  • 2 Penny weight Bohemish Money.
  • 1 Penny weight Bohemish Money.

[Section. 3] * 1.15By these Weights every one may be informed of a grain of Gold, how much it is worth when weighed, therefore commonly the Gold-washers which go into the Lands for such Work carry with them such a Weight, with a black * 1.16Sicher Troy, and a little Box full of Quick-silver, and a soft Leather, a proof Test, and a little Bal∣lance (to all these things pertaining) then as soon as one of them enters upon a sandy or soft Work, and worketh upon it: if he finds Gold in it (how small soever it be) then doth he cleanse a little of it, and doth cause it to enter cleanly into the Quick silver, and doth afterwards press it through the Leather, from it, and that which doth remain in the Leather he puts upon a Proof Test, into the fire, which he doth presently kindle, either in the

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[CAP. II] Woods or Mountains and causeth it to go off, and the Gold to be red-hot, and what it doth afterwards weigh according to his Creicer and penny weight, so doth he make his Reckoning, how much of such Oar he can wash and make it return to an account in one day, and so in a Week.

[Section. 4] If upon Search he doth find by such proof that the * 1.17Wash▪work will recompence his labour pains and charges, then each one, according as he is best instructed doth wash the same, and make his profit thereby, among which there are some who do wash that which doth lye in the Fields under the moist earth, as also the Sand out of the flowing Rivers or Channels, and do wash it over a Board, in which are cut little Gutters and wrinkles, here and there, into which the heavy Gold will descend and remaineth; but part of it will wash over, especially if the work be rich and hath grain Gold; but if it doth go slow, it requires more pains.

[Section. 5] Some years past, there was found upon such Work * 1.18and sand, by the water-side, a special wash-Work by which, in one day near 300 weight of rubbish have been wash'd away, and the Gold saved: which is done thus, There must first be made of Brass Wire a Rattar or [Section. 6] * 1.19Seeve as wide or narrow as the Work requireth, and it is to be tyed from above downward with Brass wyer, and it must be stretch'd fast upon Iron-stays; that it may not bend or rise, the bigness of the Rattar is to be seven spans long, and five wide, and in depth a good span, with a bottom that doth enter two thirds into the Rat∣tar, and with one third part to be extended for carry∣ing the matter out (which is to be done over with Tin) the Rattar must also have, on each side, little wooden pieces fastned to it, by which he may reach to the fore∣most Instruments, that the gross matter that doth not go through may easily be emptyed.

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[CAP. II] As also the lower bottom under the Rattar must have on each side Boards fastned to it, that nothing may fall from the Rattar, for from that place the Work pas∣seth from the Rattar, upon the flat hearth (which is to be thirty spans in length, and four broad) and the Cha∣nel through which the Water doth run-out must be wi∣der than that above, and also covered-over with Tin: to this there is also Water used more or less, according as the Work is foul or sandy.

[Section. 7] This Wash-work serveth only for Sandy-works, but not at all for the clean and deft: yet because this work is not common to this day, therefore (for them that have not seen it) I have delineated it in the follow∣ing Sculpture, thus


  • 1. The man that worketh with the Rattar.
  • 2. The middle Floor whereon that which goeth through the Rattar doth fall.
  • 3. The lower Floor whereon that which cometh from the middle Floor doth fall.
  • 4. The Plain Receiver of that which falls from both.
  • 5. The person that stands on a Board, and out of a Wheel-barrow throws the Matter or Oar, into the Tunnel, which guides it into the Rattar.
  • 6. The Channel in which Water doth run into the Rattar.

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[CAP. II] Sculpture XIV.

[Section▪ 8] Then some of the Gold-washers use upon their * 1.20hearths the strong Timode black and russet woollen Cloth, over which they do drive their Works, because the wool∣len cloth is rough and hairy, so that the small and round grains of Gold will remain, and not run forth (as it will from the Timode) whereby the Gold (upon the black Cloth may apparently be known, though it be small and little.

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[CAP. II] [Section. 9] Others use in stead of the Timode or black woolen Cloaths Linsy-woolsy (half linnen and half woollen; wrought in the manner as the Timode is) upon which the * 1.21Gold doth stick better, and such Cloths do last longer, because of the Linnen that is among the Woollen which doth strengthen it, therefore it is better for this Work.

[Section. 10] * 1.22But there is another way of Washing (not much in use) which is called Driving and Washing through the long Rattar; but according to my mind, it is not so convenient a way for the small VVorks, which have great and small Gold, and are both sand and Clay toge∣ther, yet I do not much decline from the before descri∣bed Rattar-work: For, in this Labor or washing, be∣cause of the turning in the upper and lower falls, the run∣ning Gold is preserv'd better, and the Gold goeth with the small common Work over the plain hearth, upon which it is driven: and the manner of doing it is seen in the fol∣lowing Sculpture; thus


  • 1. The Miner which caries the matter to be wash'd in the Rattar.
  • 2. The Parts of the Rattar, more visible than in the for∣mer Sculpture.
  • 3. The Washer that governs the Rattar.
  • 4. The upper and lower Falls from the Rattar.
  • 5. The plain Boards, or Hearth) on which they fall.
  • 6. He that stirs about the muddy water from both Fal∣lings.
  • 7. The Tub wherein that which falleth from the hearth is to be wash'd.

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[CAP. II] Sculpture XV.

[Section. 11] Thus much I was willing in short to discourse about * 1.23the Gold-Washing, as a Direction how the Work is to be done to Advantage. If now a Work be rich, then it is the better, and then may easily be found and used a manner of Washing, that the loose Gold by it may be preserved: and when the Slick is brought into a nar∣rowness, and the Gold drawn out with the great Instru∣ment, or with the slender and long one (which is called a

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Saxen) then may it be quickned and pressed through [CAP. II] the Leather; then glow out and cast all together, of which more shall be written in what followeth.

[Section. 13] Thus far I have spoken of the Gold and * 1.24wash-works which do need Boxes: Now I intend to write also of the Gold Oars which are had in the Mines out of the Veins▪ and how that must be buckt or washt; in which * 1.25the digg'd Gold is clearly to be seen, and such must have a special way of preparing it) namely, those Oars in which the Gold standeth in great Grains, and may be parted with the hand, or beaten in a great Iron Mortar, and, if there be much, then set it over a Seeve, made on purpose, and so cleanse it, and it needeth no more pains, nor greater Art: and it is better than that the Oars (without difference) were brought under the Buck, or washing place (especially because one useth to observe such a hand parting in smaller Mettals, as Silver, Cop∣per and Lead Oars.)

[Section. 14] * 1.26But the poor Gold Oars which are mingled with small Gold (and cannot be separated with the hand) the same if they can be wrought without Roasting, may be Buck'd and prepared two wayes, viz. by a wet and a dry Bucking or beating; by the wet Bucking is the Oar washed through Tin plates and Channels (and like unto silvery Oar, driven over a plain Hearth, and afterwards made clean) but in the dry beaten Work, the Floor is driven over the plain Hearth with Wool∣len or Linsy-Woolsy stuff (as above, where the Gold-work hath been taught) and so wash'd and made clean and quickned.

[Section. 15] * 1.27There are also Flinty and Horn-stony Gold Veins, in which the Gold is very subtil and thin, and is mingled with other Water-flowing Gold Oars, the best way of preparing them is, That such Flints and Horn-stones, provided there may be had Wood enough in the place,

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[CAP. II] may in a special Roast Oven, made on purpose, be burnt: first, very hard and well, and when it standeth in the greatest heat, pour water upon it, that it may cool sud∣denly, and so the subtil flaming Gold will be, as it were, frighted, at the incorporated Oar, and run together, and become a round Body, and is strengthned and remain∣eth the better in washing, also 'tis better preserv'd: like∣wise, the Flint by quenching doth become so brickle, that afterwards in great quantity, it may easily be buckt and separated, and is not so hurtful (after it is roasted) to the tender Gold, as before when it was raw) because the hard Flint among the Gold-Oar doth more hurt in Bucking in respect of its weight, and the muddiness carri∣eth away some of the Gold with it, in the mudy Water, but seing that it is very rare to find plenty of wood in such places where flinty, Horn-stone Gold Veins are; therefore every one is left to try the best way.

[Section. 16] The Roast-Ovens in which those flinty Oars are roast∣ed, * 1.28and afterwards quenched with water, make them thus: Give to each Oven two Ells in square, and six Ells high, and cause it to be built up with stones, that the Oven before the lower part may remain, open so high that the roasted Oar may be drawn out of the hole (af∣ter the Oar which is to be roasted is put in) then it must be closed up with Clay, also there must be in the Oven, in stead of the roast, Separations, made of Tiles an Ell high, upon which the wood is to be laid, that the Wind may go between the Tyles into the Oven, whereby the fire may burn clear.

VVhen you intend to roast in such an Oven, then lay into the Oven upon the Tile-stones, short split wood, two Ells high; upon which put the stony Oar, as gross as it doth come out of the Pit, but the small which are not in ve∣ry great pieces set along the sides of the Oven▪ that the great pieces may be in the middle, so that the flame and

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heat of the fire may wind about it, and also the heat [CAP. II] of the fire remain together in the Oven, and force it self through it to the top of the Furnace, and such for∣and inclosed Heat doth much more than in an open Roast, and when the Roast in the Oven burneth at the fiercest, then must water be poured on it, and be quen∣ed suddenly, therefore such a Roast Oven for better Ad∣vantage is to be built in such a place where water may [Section. 17] * 1.29easily be poured into it, so the subtil Gold will run to∣gether in grains, and the stone will becom brickle (as hath been said before) although the same do become brickle only with burning, yet it becommeth more brickle by quenching, and it is done more especially for the Gold sake.

The form of such Roast-Ovens, and how they must stand in its proportion and shape, will be seen in this following Sculpture, thus


  • 1. The Form of the Roasting-ovens.
  • 2. The Shutters to them.
  • 3. The In-side of them.
  • 4. The Partitions in them, made of Tile, and a person atending at the mouth of them.
  • 5. He that pours Water into the top of the Oven.
  • 6. The wood that is used in those Roasting-ovens.
  • 7. The Instruments to close the Ovens.
  • 8. The Ladder to go to the Top of the Oven.
  • 9. The Pieces of Metal that are to be used.

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[CAP. II] Sculpture XVI.

[Section. 18] If there be a great quantity of the Gold-stones, then there may be made more Ovens, as also bigger, and ac∣cording as necessity requireth, regulate them that the Fire may have its full force.

Thus much I was willing to mention concerning the Preparation of the Gold Oars: But because I have not from my youth, medled so much in it, as with other Oars, therefore have I shortned my Discourse: and others that know better Methods have their Liberty to inlarge.

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CHAP. III. Of Gold Slicks▪

[Section. 1] FURTHER, know also that when the Gold Oars and Gold Slicks are clean∣sed * 1.30for to quicken: and the Gold drawn out, with the Quick silver, and hath been quickned, yet there will remain from the quickning a Slick, of which some is poor in Gold, and some rich, yet the rich Slicks may be made to pofit and melted like as a rich Silver Oar: But the other common Gold Slicks, especially if they be of the Gold-Mine at the River Eal) are flinty, and that the Centner which hath but a dram of Gold, cannot better be melted than over the raw Slicks into Slackstones; but if the Slicks be not flinty of themselves, then there must be another flint, (which yields much Stone) added to the Slick in melting, and when the Slackstone doth not come out rich in Gold, then add more of such Flints to it, to help the Flint, until a Centner of the Slack-stone doth contain 13 or 14 Drams in Gold, but it must not be wrought by adding more to it, because if it should become too rich in Gold (it is to be feared that) the Slakes would remain too rich: therefore, if there be enough of such flints to be had, let them be added to it, or if the Slick it self be flin∣ty, and yield stones, then 'twere better that the Slack-stone were brought no further in Contents, than to 10 drams of Gold in the Centner, and so the Slack will re∣main the poorer: thus the Iron flaky Oars (which have very subtil flaming Gold, and commonly the Centner of

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it doth contain a dram or two in Gold) may return to great Advantage.

[Section. 2] But the rich Gold Ram or Slick (out of which Gold is quickned) which in part useth to be very rich in Gold that sometimes it doth contain a Centner from three to * 1.31many Loths of silvery Gold, such can no better way be melted than with Lead; yet because that same Slack is very subtil, therefore the blast in melting doth raise it up very easily, so that it doth fly out, and is lost by it: to prevent this, Let the Slick be mingled with strong Yest, and let it dry, then break it into Bits, or before it is quite dry, cut it to small Bits, and put it in∣to the Oven, and so it will remain better in the fire.

[Section. 3] * 1.32'Tis necessary I further direct, That when one hath a Gold Slick, and would melt it, and that a Centner thereof doth hold from two to five drams of Gold, and is not stony in it self, there must be other flints added so that the flint and slick may not be throughly mingled together, nor run upon the slick, for by this there will be danger, because the flint doth spread it self, and gives a little rough stone, whereby there will remain much of the Gold behind, but weigh the flint and the slick, each by themselves, and if any of it be melted, so much (according to the quantity, partly flint and partly slick and slacks) must be set into the melting Oven, and it will fine it self well enough together, and by this means (as Experience teacheth) more row stones and more Gold will be wrought out, than if such slick, flint and slacks had been mingled together, because the work re∣maineth close together and is not spread.

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CHAP. IV. How Gold-Slicks with Gold from digg'd Oar are to be prepared.

[Section. 1] WHEN the Gold-slicks which do contain Gold are made clean, and there is a desire to make more profit of it, by quickning and getting the Gold out of them, then the slicks must first be prepar'd in the following manner: viz. Take good strong Wine Vinegar, put into every gallon half a pound of Allum, cause it to boyl up a little, and then let it cool, then put the Gold-slicks in a clean prepared Vessel, and pour the prepared Vinegar upon it, that it may cover the slicks, let it stand two or three nights in it, and work well upon it, so the Vi∣negar will make a fresh ground to the flamy Gold, that it will not easily enter into the Quick silver, and that which is yet among it of deft Oar will become slimy, and the Gold is made less, and when the Vinegar hath stood the mentioned dayes over it, then separate the Vinegar clear from it, and wash the slicks clean and fair with warm water, and let it dry, then put it in the grinding Tub or wooden Vessel, and so much Quick-silver to it as the quantity of the Gold in the slicks doth require, and rub it well together with the hands, afterwards with a wooden Pestel, fitted for it, grind it well and so long, till the Quick silver hath taken up all the Gold; when this is done, then pour warm water upon it, and wash the slicks and Quick silver clean, and pour out the mud∣dy matter, and the Quick silver will run together again:

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which must be separated very clean from the slicks, that nothing remain behind, because it is more Goldish: when this is done, dry it with a spunge; and put it in a double strong Timode or into a fine leather (which is [Section. 2] * 1.33better) and force it with a strong Coard so as the Quick-silver being so prest will pass through such Timodes or leather, and the Gold with almost as much Quick-silver will remain in the Leather; put this on a flat Test upon a coal fire, and the remaining Quick silver will cooperate and the Gold will remain alone; then glow it well and melt it together before the Bellows with Borax, so long till it doth hold the wind, then pour it into an Ingot: * 1.34The prepared Vinegar (as hath been said) with Allom, is for the most part used by all Refiners, but they quick∣en Gold only simply with slick, but 'tis better that such Vinegar be prepared and used.

[Section. 3] * 1.35But if the Gold be a little silvery (as commonly wash Gold is, which do not come out of an higher Content than they are in the Oar) beat it thin, put it in Cement; as hereafter shall be discoursed, then it will be clean and have a high Colour.

[Section. 4] * 1.36What Gold hath been pick'd out and is wholly dig'd (or else separated by the hand) such Gold may be melted with Borax and cast, and if there is yet any uncleanness then set it first upon a flat Test, let it drive with a little Ball of pure Lead until it doth hold the Blast, and after∣wards again with Borax melted into an Ingot, and so it will be deft.

This manner of quickning doth serve upon all slicks; (which have digg'd Gold) because as the same is wash∣ed in Sand, and pick'd out of the Oars; in the same man∣ner it will come out in quickning, and doth not hurt the Quick-silver at all, and when it is forced out, then may it be used again.

[Section. 5] There have been also some Gold-washers which have

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had a singular manner in the Gold-washing and quick∣ning; [Section. 5] namely, they have first ground in a Mill the Gold Oars (or Slicks) very small (as small as Meal) after∣wards they have moistned it with strong, hot Salt-wa∣ter, and have mingled it very well like unto Copel Ashes, that the Salt may every where touch the Slicks upon the Oar; and while the Salt water is yet warm and hot they have upon five pound of the Oar poured twenty pound of Quick silver, and have mingled the Slick or Oar several times with it, and stirred it well, so long untill the Quick silver could hardly be discerned in it, and they have afterwards put the Oar into several Ves∣sels full of Water, made on purpose, and have stirred it, but one Vessel did always stand lower than the other, that that which did fall out of the upper vessel, (and so to the second or third) might be received and settle in the fourth.

And thereby washed the most of the Muddiness away; then they have taken the Oar and mingled it with the Quick silver, and put it upon the Mill (which hath an hollow stone) and have ground it with water, that it might flow through it, untill no more Muddiness did go from it, till all that which is come through the Mills be setled in the Vessels and preserv'd, so that nothing was lost: Lastly, the Quick silver was taken out of the Mill, and with diligence kept together, and dryed, and pressed through Leather. This Work I like well upon great Quantities of poor Oars, in which the digg'd Gold is very subtil and not flinty, and yieldeth no stone, which cannot be melted otherwise to Advan∣tage.

This is a neat work, and is worthy of Deliberation; But I for my part have this further Consideration in it, That poor Gold slicks, cannot be much Charge; because, first, the Slick must be ground, and the Charge of the

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Salt or mingling, well considered, as also the Charge of the other grindings, and the waste of the Quick silver; but lastly, to make the Gold compleatly clean (besides the charges of the building up of the Gold-Mill) 'tis ne∣cessary to be careful herein, for, some Gold-Oar may have so much subtil Gold, as will pay richly for all the Charges.

CHAP. V. How Clean Gold-slicks are to be made to pro∣fit without Quicksilver.

[Section. 1] IN want of Quick silver one may melt the clean and rich Gold slicks with grained * 1.37Lead, Litharge and Lead-glass in a Cru∣cible with a little of Caput Mort. and Sandover, and cover it over with Salt, and so cause it to flow well in a Wind-Oven, and afterwards cause the Regulus to go upon a flat Test, because of the Black-stoney Veins there will be also much fine slick thrust out among the Iron, therefore the Iron is first to be drawn out with a good Loadstone, otherwise it will be much hindred in the upboyling, but if the Gold slick be flinty or the like, then it must first be roasted, so all the Gold which is not loose in the slick will enter into the Regulus of Lead, and be made to profit.

[Section. 2] * 1.38The Test to such work must be prepared with wash'd Ashes, among which must be mingled half the quantity of small Bone▪Ashes, and a little Potters-clay, and the up∣per part must be done over with good Clar, that nothing of the Gold be drawn into it, and when it is all thus pre∣pared, then water must be poured into it, and let it suck it in, whereby the Test will be made firm and good,

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and when the Gold is gone off upon the Test, then take the appearing Gold, which is yet unclean, put it upon a flat Test, done over with a little Clar, and let the Bel∣lows blow upon it, so long until the Gold doth endure the blast, and so it will be deft, and then you may (if it have yet a little smoak of Lead) cause it to melt in a Crucible with a little Borax, and cast it into an Ingot, or presently let it go into the Cement, as hereafter you will be instructed.

[Section. 3] * 1.39The rich cleansed Gold slick may also be boyl'd up with the following Fluss, like unto the Copper Oars: thus, Take Slick, mingle among it twice so much Fluss, put it in a Crucible cover it over with Salt, cause it to flow well, with a strong heat in a Wind-furnace, and there will be as much Gold Regulus in the Crucible as there was in the slick; then cause it to cool well, and knock the Regulus clean off from the Fluss, but because it is yet unclean from the Fluss, therefore cause it to go off upon a flat Test with a small lead Ball, until it melts and becomes deft: and altho in the quantity of the slick, the quickning is most fit to be used, yet there may (by this Ʋpboiling) be ten pound at once melted in a Cruci∣ble, and the Gold be brought into a Regulus.

CHAP. VI. Of Fluss to boyl up the Oars.

FLUSS (of which hath been spoken) is made thus, Take one part of Salt-pe∣ter and two parts of Argol (both stampt small and mingled together) cause a gla∣zed Pot to glow, put the matter into it, and cover the Pot quickly, so the fluss will

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be presently burnt out and become a black-grey Pouder; or else, when the pulverized matter is put into the Pot, then put a live Coal into it, so it will burn out to a Fluss, mingle also Salt Petre, melted Salt and Sandover, and crude Argol with it, then is the Fluss ready.

CHAP. VII. How Gold may be separated very clean from the Quicksilver.

[Section. 1] AFTER Gold is quickned, and the Quick∣silver * 1.40press'd through a leather and forc'd from it, yet there will remain common∣ly a little Gold with it, especially when the Gold-slicks and Gold Oars have been poor, and that the Quicksilver did not become rich, such Quicksilver may be preserved for other Work of the like nature. But if there were no more such slicks to be done, yet the Gold (which did go with the Quick silver through the Lea∣ther) must be separated from it very clean, by an Ar∣tificial Separation, and such Quicksilver doth common∣ly contain two or three Loths of Gold in the Centner, es∣pecially when the Quicksilver came from poor slicks, and [Section. 2] * 1.41such separation is done thus,

Cause an Iron Jug to be made, which may be taken asunder at the belly, lute the lower part of the inside, about half a finger thick, with very good and weighty Loam, (that will hold well in the fire, and not crack) cause it to dry, set the upper part upon it, and bind them both very fast, and close together with an Iron Wyer, and then do it all over on the out∣side

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with good Clay, and when it is dry, then set it in an Oven (which is called an Athanor with which one useth to burn Aqua fortis) and put in it fifty pound of Quick silver (if you have such a quantity of it) and place an Helmet upon it, and also an earthen Jug before it, in which there must be full three quarts of Water, and all must be luted well on the outside, and cause it to dry, then let the fire burn by degrees to be stronger from one hour to the other, un∣till at last the Jug be very red, yet make it not sud∣denly hot, that the Jug may not burst, nor the Quick-silver fly out, so the Quick-silver will all come over into the water in the Receiver, which when the fire is kept in good order) is done in seven or eight hours: when all is come over, then let the Jug cool well, and take it out of the fire, and open it, so will you find all the Gold in the bottom, then take it from the Loam, and let it flow together.

After this manner (now directed) the Gold which remaineth in the Leather (which hath Quick silver with it) may be put in and drawn off: and the Quick silver may return to Advantage.

[Section. 3] * 1.42But because the Quick-silver will become a little weak from the drawing over (so that it will not attract so soon as in the beginning) and if you would have it fresh again, then put it into a Vessel of Wood, draw warm salt Water upon it, grind it with your hand well toge∣ther, and dry it with a Spunge, then it is as good again as it was before, and you may use it again: also there is no great loss by it in the drawing it off, if the Pots and Glasses be well luted.

[Section. 4] In case you cannot have always in readiness an iron Jug, cause one to be made of earth (which will endure the fire) and lute the same likewise with good and firm Clay, as you did to the iron Jug; so put the Quick-silver

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into it, and Helmet upon it, and set before it the Jug with water, and lute it well altogether, then force the Quick silver over it, and you may have it again for use, but such Labor is performed with Sorrow and danger, because if such an earthen Jug should crack or spring then the Quick silver will be lost, and will evapo∣rate to smoak, therefore there must not be so much Quick-silver put in it, as into an iron Jug or Pot.

[Section. 5] Some use to put upon such a Jug an earthy blind * 1.43Limbeck (that on both sides hangeth over) and there∣in they put water, and draw the Quicksilver from the prest Gold in it, and when it is a little cool, they put it out through the Pype which is above on the Helmet, and then the Gold will remain on the Jug.

Now, which of these (that is found most serviceable and convenient to any one) he may use: only take notice, That if you let the smoak away and the remaining Quicksilver from the Gold (without distillation) take heed the smoak or vapour go not into thy Belly, because it is a poysoning and cold Vapour, which lameth and kil∣leth: for, he will find that it will there congeal and af∣terwards spoil his body.

Now, that the Reader may know how the Jug and Instruments are to be made which are to be used for quickning, and attracting, he may find exactly in the following Sculpture, which is thus


  • 1. The Athanor or great Furance.
  • 2. The Ovens on the sides of it.
  • 3. The earthen Receiver for it.
  • 4. The earthen Helmet for it.
  • 5. The blind Helmet with a Pipe by which water may be pour'd in.
  • 6. He that fitteth the matter.
  • ...

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  • ... 7. He that presseth the Quicksilver through a Leather.
  • 8. The lower part of the iron pot or Receiver.
  • 9. The upper part of it.
  • 10. The Leather purse for the Quicksilver.
  • 11. He that causeth the Gold to melt, by help of the Bel∣lows.
  • 12. The Pieces of Metal.

Sculpture XVII.

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CHAP. VIII. How Gold-Oars are to be proved for Gold.

[Section. 1] GOLD Oars are of two sorts, one is part∣ly flowing, the other partly harsh (as is discours'd in the first Book) Now from the silver Oars the common Assayers have had in their proving two Proces∣ses, namely, upon the mild and flow∣ing Oars, viz. the Iron-streamy and bright Oars) and such as are without flints: their Pro∣cess was thus: They used to grind their Oar or slick very small, and have weighed a Centner of the Fluss, which they had prepared for the Gold-Oars, (as we shall discourse hereafter) and have mingled altogether, and did put it into a clean Crucible, and covered it with Coals, and have set it before the Bellows, and did blow about it, and when the Fluss was melted, then have they put fifteen Centner of clean Lead into it, and when it did begin to slack, then they take the Crucible out of the fire, and suffer it to cool, then beat the Regulus with the slacks out of the Crucible, and put it together upon a proof Test, in an Assay Oven, and have caused it to boil up, and slack again, as other silver Oars; and have stirr'd it about with a clean Iron-hook, and when it was vvell boyld up, they did let it cool; finally, they have beaten off the slacks from the Work, and upon a well nealed Coppel caused it to go off, but they have made their fluss, (for such proving) of one part of Li∣targe, and one part of Antimony well ground toge∣ther and melted them, and when they did intend to use

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it with such Oars (as were not Iron-streamy Oars) they added a little filings of Iron, that the fluss might have something to devour and not hurt the Silver and Gold.

[Section. 2] * 1.44But the flinty Oars and slick which are harsh and un∣flowing they have assayed according to the former way, only they have first roasted it, and some do quench it in the roasting with Ʋrine, or with a particular prepa∣red Lye, thinking thereby to obtain the more: But for my part, I do not esteem such Processes, because no more (by such Labour) can be brought out by it, than by the following Method, which I esteem more necessary, and through which the Proof may be accomplish'd clean∣lier, and in a shorter time: yet, because the abovesaid Labour was by the Ancients in use, therefore I do leave it according to its esteem with others.

[Section. 3] * 1.45The other proving is done thus, take the Gold-Oar or slick, either flinty, raw, or deft, as it happens, and grind it small: Of this weigh a Centner with thy Proof-weight, and put to it fifteen Centners of granulated Lead, and mingle them together in an Assay-Test, then put to it a Centner of small grounded Lead-Glass, and set it in a warm Assay-Oven, make it first hot so long untill the Lead beginneth to drive, and the Oar to rise, then let it cool again, that the Oar may roast over the Lead, and rise no more, then cause it be hot again, so will it slack very clean, then stir it about with an iron Hook, and let it stand a little longer, when 'tis enough, then take the Test out of the Assay-Oven, let it cool, and beat the work clean off from the slacks, and let it go off upon a Copel; when this is done, then draw up the Grain against the Lead-grain, and as much as it is heavier, so much doth the Oar or slick contain of Gold, or Gold and Sil∣ver, which thou maist know by this that when the Grain is very white, then put it in a separating-Glass, to

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dissolve in Aqua Fort. but if the Grain is too rich in Gold, so that the Aqua Fort. will not touch it, then add to the Grain a little fine Silver which holdeth no Gold: so that to one part of Gold, there may be three parts of Silver and cause this in a Copel, with pure Lead, to drive together: After this, take that Grain, beat it flat with an hammer, glow and dissolve it in Aqua fortis, as you have been instructed before, then pour the Aqua fortis off, and dulcify the Gold with warm water, put it out of the separating Glass and glow it well, when this is done, then draw it up with the Proof Scales, and you will see how much a Centner of the Oar or slick doth contain of Gold and Silver, and by this Proof the Assayer may know that all the Gold and Silver which is in an Oar is certainly found, and hath not need of other Circumstan∣ces, because the Lead doth take very willingly the Gold and Silver to it self.

But how the Gold is to have its due dissolution, dul∣cification, and what is else to be done with it, all this I intend to declare hereafter more fully.

Hereby one may know that there is no need to take any Lead-glass for such soft flowing or deft Gold Oars or Gold-Slicks, but it may easily be boyld up, by gover∣ning the fire; one may also do the flinty Gold Oars in like manner, only they are sooner and better boyl'd up when Lead-Glass is added.

[Section. 4] Some Assayers have also used to grind the Gold-slick-flint * 1.46and other Gold Oars very small, and weigh them off, and put it in a separating-Glass, and pour into it good strong Aqua fortis, and they let it dissolve as much as it will, afterwards letting the Aqua fortis be evaporated, that it may all come hard in the Glass, they beat it out, and boil it up in a Test, with Lead, and cause it to go off upon the Coppel.

This proof I like well, and I judge, that if something

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more of Gold may be obtained, that it must be done this way: only the great quantities must not be regulated according to this Method: Therefore every Assayer is to take heed with good Diligence, that he may order his Assayes thus, that he may alwayes find the Contents as near as he can, so that he may afterwards in melting great quantities, find the same according to the pro∣portion.

CHAP. IX. How Gold in Lumps, Plates, Ingots or coyned Gold is to be assayed, and first of Touch-Needles.

[Section. 1] BECAUSE in Touch Needles of Gold, there is often used much Deceit, especi∣ally * 1.47by such who do buy Gold by the Touch, therefore to such Proving it is ne∣cessary to make true Needles, without Deceit, That one may not be over-rea∣ched by touching, so as when Gold is brought to a high colour by Graduation, that such a stroak upon the Touch-needles of eighteen Carats, with good Crown Gold may be made, and thereby may be judged.

[Section. 2] But first you are to be instructed that some sorts of Gold (that come from separating and have no red, but * 1.48altogether white) cannot be touched upon a certainty with Touch Needles for Gold, on the contrary, such which have much red and little white, as the Crown-Gold, with white Needles, which are made for the separating, and wash'd Gold must not be touch'd, much less can the Rhe∣nish Gold, which hath more white than red, be done by these now mentioned Needles, I will therefore first de∣scribe the Needles which are most in use, how they must

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be prepared and made, and afterwards the others also with this Caution, that every Assayer may take good heed that he may so well order his Gold stroak, that he may not be esteem'd as one without understanding, and that he may not come to Dammage, because through false Needles, not only they who are unacquainted with the several sorts of Gold, but also such who handle them dayly, are oftentimes deceived.

CHAP. X. How the white Touch Needles are to be made.

[Section. 1] TO all Touch Needles for Gold you shall take pure and fine Gold, although such can be as little demonstrated as fine Sil∣ver, and I judge such Gold to be pure and fine, which is cast and diligently blowed off, and afterwards beaten thin, and by Cement and other ways cleansed (of which here∣after) now you are to weigh such Gold off: (for Nee∣dles) with a singular Carat-weight, which must be a lit∣tle more than a common Carat weight, and to every one must be allowed, as followeth.

[Section. 2] Weigh to the first Needle 24 Carats of fine Gold, which maketh the first Needle: to the Second, weigh 23 Carats and a half of fine Gold, and a half Carat, or six Grains of white fine Silver: to the Third, 23 Carats of fine Gold, and one Carat of white: to the Fourth, 22 Carats and a half of Gold, and one Carat and a half of White: to the Fifth, 22 Carats of Gold, and two Carats of White: to the Sixt, 21 Carats of Gold, and two Carats and a half of White: to the Seventh, 21 Carats of Gold, and three Carats of White: to the

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Eigth, 20 Carats and a half of Gold, and three Carats and a half of White: to the Ninth, 20 Carats of Gold, and four Carats of White: to the Tenth, 19 Carats and a half of Gold, and four Carats and a half of White: to the Eleventh, 19 Carats of Gold, and five Carats of White: to the Twelfth, 18 Carats and a half of Gold, and five Carats and a half of White: to the Thirteenth, 18 Carats of Gold, and six Carats of White: to the Fourteenth, 17 Carats and an half of Gold, and six Carats and an half of White: to the Fifteenth, 17 Carats of Gold, and seven Carats of White: to the Sixteenth, 16 Carats and a half of Gold, and seven Carats and an half of White: to the Seven∣teenth, 16 Carats of Gold, and eight Carats of White: to the Eighteenth, 15 Carats and an half of Gold, and eight Carats and an half of White: to the Nineteenth, 15 Carats of Gold, and nine Carats of White: to the Twentieth, 14 Carats and an half of Gold, and nine Ca∣rats and an half of White: to the One and Twentieth, 14 Carats of Gold, and ten Carats of White: to the Two and twentieth, 13 Carats and a half of Gold, and ten Carats and a half of White: to the Three and Twen∣tieth, 13 carats of Gold, and 11 carats of White: to the Four and Twentieth Needle, 12 carats and an half of Gold, and eleven carats and an half of White.

[Section. 3] One must also according to this Method make the Needles: yet further, if one would do it well (but it is not useful) to touch the meaner Gold under twelve carats: or one might make the Needles from carat to carat, so that the half carats are not brought in, for they are very difficult to be discerned) but the Nee∣dles will be fewer in number: this now is left to every ones pleasure: and these white Needles are to be used upon the parted and washed Gold, as abovesaid.

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CHAP. XI. How Touch-Needles are to be made and used for Crown-Gold.

[Section. 1] CROWN-Gold is not to be order'd like the former Additions: for the Italian Crowns have more Red than the French Crowns: so that it will be necessary to make to every sort of Gold particular Needles: for the French Crowns have almost the half part white, (or Silver addition) on the contrary, the Italian Crowns have their addition of one part white and two parts red (though they are not all alike, for some part have addi∣tion almost the half part white, and some parts more red then white:) therefore I will here set down the Division upon two parts red, and one part white; for, if the one sort of Gold should be whiter than the Nee∣dles (hereafter mentioned) then the half white and half red are to be used.

Weigh then to the first Needle, 24 carats of fine gold, which maketh the first Needle: to the Second, 23 carats and an half of gold, and two grains of white, or fine silver, and four grains of red, that is, pure boiled copper: to the Third, 23 carats of gold, and four grains of white; and eight grains of red: to the Fourth, 22 carats and an half of gold, and six grains of white, and one carat of red: to the Fifth, 22 carats of gold, and eight grains of white, and one carat, and four grains of red: to the Sixth, 21 carats and a half of gold, and ten grains of white, and one carat and eight grains of red: to the Seventh 21 carats of gold, and one carat of white,

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and two carats of red: to the Eighth, 20 carats and a half of gold, and one carat and two grains of white, and two carats and four grains of red: to the Ninth, 20 carats of gold, and one carat and four grains of white, and two carats and eight grains of red: to the Tenth 19 carats and a half of gold, and one carat and six grains of white, and three carats of red.

[Section. 2] After this Method and Instruction one may divide the Needles more or less, so as they may decrease or increase from carat to carat as one pleases: These Needles are used not only upon the Crown or Coin'd gold, but also upon all other Gold, which is of such Allay, or have in them the Addition, after the above-mentioned Instructions.

CHAP. XII. The Division of the Touch-Needles, when the Me∣tal is half white, and half red.

[Section. 1] BECAUSE some Crowns are ordered which have half white and half red, * 1.49which I esteem the finest in Colour, there∣fore weigh in the division to the first Needle, 24 carats of fine Gold, as al∣so in all the Needles, the highest best or first Needle shall be fine Gold: to the Second Needle, 23 carats and an half of gold, three grains of white, and three grains of red: to the Third Needle 23 carats of gold, six grains of white, and six grains of red: to the Fourth, 22 carats and an half of Gold, and nine grains of white, and nine grains of red: to the Fifth, 22 carats of gold, one carat of white, and one

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carat of red: to the Sixth, 21 carats and a half of gold, and one carat and three grains of white, and one carat and three grains of red: to the Seventh, 21 ca∣rats of gold, and one carat and six grains of white, and one carat and six grains of red: to the Eighth, 20 carats and an half of gold, and one carat nine grains of white, & one carat nine grains of red: to the Ninth, 20 carats of gold, two carats of white, and two carats of red: to the Tenth, 19 carats and a half of gold, and two carats and three grains of white, and two carats and three grains of red: to the Eleventh, 19 carats of gold, and two carats six grains of white, and two carats six grains of red: to the Twelveth, 18 carats & a half of gold, and two carats and nine grains of white, and two carats & nine grains of red: to the Thirteenth 18 carats of gold, three carats of white, and three carats of red: to the Fourteenth, 17 carats and a half of gold, and three ca∣rats and three grains of white, and three carats and three grains of red: to the Fifteenth, 17 carats of gold, and 3 carats and six grains of white, and three carats and six grains of red: to the Sixteenth, 16 carats and a half of gold, and three carats and nine grains of white, and three carats and nine grains of red: to the Seventeenth, 16 ca∣rats of gold, and three carats of white, and three carats of red: to the Eighteenth, 15 carats and an half of gold, and four carats, and three grains of white, and four ca∣rats, and three grains of red.

[Section. 2] After this Method you may divide the Needles more or less, or to increase or decrease from carat to carat, as you were instructed before.

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CHAP. XIII. How Touch-needles are to be made for Rhenish Gold, in which there is two parts white, and one part red.

[Section. 1] ALTHOUGH some of the Rhenish Gold hath also the addition of half white and * 1.50half red, to which the Needles before set down are to be used: Nevertheless if the Addition be two parts white, and one part red, upon such you shall divide the Needles thus,

To the first Needle weigh 24 Carats of fine Gold, which maketh the first Needle: to the Second needle, 23 Carats and a half of fine Gold, and four Grains of white, and two grains of red: to the Third, 23 Carats of Gold, and eight grains of white, and four grains of red: to the Fourth, 22 Carats and a half of Gold, one Carat of white, & six grains of red: to the Fifth, 22 Carats of Gold, one Carat and four grains of White, and 8 grains of red: to the Sixt, 21 Carats and a half of Gold, and one Carat and eight grains of White, and ten grains of red: to the Seventh, 21 Carats of Gold, and two Carats of White, and two Carats of red: to the Eight, 21 Carats and a half of Gold, and two Carats and four grains of white, and one carat and two grains of red: to the Ninth, 20 carats of gold, and two carats and eight grains of white, and one carat and four grains of red: to the Tenth, 19 carats and a half of gold, and three ca∣rats of white, and one carat and six grains of red: to the Eleventh, 19 carats of gold, and three carats four grains of white, and one carat and eight grains of red: to the Twelfth, eighteen carats and an half of gold,

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three carats, and eight grains of white, and one ca∣rat and sixteen grains of red: to the Thirteenth, eigh∣teen carats of gold, and four carats of white, and two carats of red: to the Fourteenth, 17 and an half ca∣rats of Gold, and and four carats and four grains of white, and two grains of red: to the Fifteenth, 17 carats of gold, and four carats and 8 grains of white, and two carats and four grains of red: to the Six∣teenth 16 carats and a half of Gold, and five carats of white, and two carats and six grains of red: to the Seventeenth, 16 carats of gold, and five carats and four grains of white, and two carats and eight grains of red: to the Eighteenth, 15 carats and an half of gold, and five carats and eight grains of white, and two carats and ten grains of red: to the Nineteenth, 15 carats of gold, and 6 carats of white, and three carats of red: to the Twentieth, 14 carats and a half of gold, six ca∣rats and four grains of white, and three carats and two grains of red:

Although now the Rhenish Gold useth not to be of so small a content, nevertheless the Needles are thus to be made for the Allay or additions sake, that one may by the Touch know the Mean-Gold by it, and judge of the nearest Content.

[Section. 2] One may also according to this manner dress or or∣der * 1.51some few Needles with all red or Copper, for some Golds especially they which are rich among the Coynes, (the Hungarians having all red:) But when one would make Touch-Needles upon a certain Content of gold, which with the addition of the Allay should be other∣wise than they which are shewn before, then they may be divided after the above-mentioned instruction: which you are to understand thus: Let the Contents of gold be with Allay or addition, as it will, yet order thy Touch-Needles thus, That alwayes gold and the ad∣dition

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may make together a full Mark, as is to be seen in the above-mentioned instruction of the Needles.

[Section. 2] When you have divided the Needles with dili∣gence, then let the division of every one severally be put * 1.52in a little Crucible with a little Borax, flow it together and when it is flowed put it quickly out, for the soon∣er the division of the composed Metals flow together and come out of the fire, the better it is. Some let it go together in a Charcoal fire, but the Divisions remain not alwayes deft of it, and sometimes the Coals break, and by that division does come to nothing, therefore 'tis better to let it flow together in a small Crucible, whereby there will not be so much care of running through.

[Section. 4] * 1.53When the Divisions are cast together, then beat them every one severally into Lengths, and form them accord∣ing to thy pleasure, beat and cut also upon the Needles the Figures what every one containeth of fine Gold and Allay, that one may see how many carats and grains of fine Gold, every Needle hath, that in the Touch there may be no Mistake.

If one hath a mind he may soder together the ordered Needles upon copper or silver pieces, that only the ends may be Golden divided Needles, as also commonly of the Gold-Touch, and usually Needles are made so, else they would come to much Mony, as may be seen by the following Sculpture. * 1.54

[Section. 5] But the Gold-Smiths take not so much Pains, nor are at so large Expences, but cut a piece of a Duccate and of a Crown, and of a Rhenish Gilder, and soder eve∣ry on Copper piece, after this they touch their Gold: And by this they can very well see whether the Gold have its right Content either of Duccats, Crowns, or Rhe∣nish Gold, but if there be a different Content, then they cannot know how much properly the Content is less.

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Sculpture XVIII.

  • 1. The Proportions of Touch Needles for Gold.
  • 2. The Ingot to be compared with those Touch-Needles.
  • 3. As also by the Touch▪stone.

CHAP. XIV. How the Touch Needles are to be used.

[Section. 1] WHEN then the Touch-needles are prepa∣red * 1.55with diligence, and one would use them, there is need of a good Touch-stone upon which the Gold is to be tou∣ched, of such are found some part which are grey and pale green, but the black ones are the best, although the same be not all good, especially, if they are either too hard or too weak. The weak ones have this property, that upon them no Gold doth touch

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bright, but the Gold doth only grind on it, and becom∣eth in the aspect weak and ruffe, also the Hungarish or other weak Gold will not touch it self right upon Touch-stones which are too hard, for the Gold doth run over it, that the stroak is not very well to be seen, and that Touch-stone is not good which doth not touch the Gold, of what Contents soever it be, with a fine good and strong stroak, that it be bright upon it, and also the Touch-needles as long untill the same stroak be like the Gold-stroak in the colour, and as high: then you have ve∣ry nigh the Content of the Gold: only, as I have given an account above, Observe well, whether the Gold be high-grain'd; viz. whether it hath much Copper added, or much white, which is called Pale Gold, according to * 1.56this, use the Needles, which every one doth not under∣stand, and therefore he must have the Knowledge of the righ stroak from great Practice. But as to the hard [Section. 2] * 1.57Gold, they do not give a right stroak, but they do touch all of a smaller content than they have in fine Gold, therefore such stroaks are to be judg'd false and uncer∣tain.

CHAP. XV. How the Gold is to be proved by Aqua fortis.

[Section. 1] * 1.58IF you have Pieces of Gold either in Plates or Ingotts, and wouldst assay them, then first cut Pieces or Plates a∣bove, at one end of it, and below at the other end, and beat the Bits thin that you may weigh so much as you have necessity to use for a tryal, but if it is a cast Ingot, then

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beat it thin only at one end, and weigh of it for thy Tryal.

[Section. 2] To such a Tryal of Gold and Gold-Gilders, you * 1.59must have a particular Carat-weight fitted for it, and it must be small because of the Silver-cut, otherwise the Ballance cannot carry the Cut (concerning which shall be treated of hereafter) the dividing of the Carat weight is as followeth.

Division of the Carat-weight.
  • 24 Carats is one Mark.
  • 12 Carats
  • 6 Carats
  • 3 Carats
  • 2 Carats
  • 1 Carats
  • 6 Grains is half a Carat.
  • 3 Grains
  • 2 Grains
  • 1 Grain
  • ½ Grain
  • ¼ Grain
  • ¼ Grain

If you would prove the Gold, see if it be of a rich or poor Content, and would also certainly judge how much a Mark▪ of it hath of fine Gold, then you must know first (and before the nearest Content of the Gold according to which you are to make your Tryal, as shall follow.) That for such contents you shall have two sorts of wayes to inform your self, First, by the Touch with the before made Golden Touch-Needles;) Secondly, One may make a nearer Trial of the Gold, for, although the Proof do not remain whole in the A∣qua fort▪ yet you may see very near what the Gold doth

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hold, Therefore it is best to use the Assay-proof upon [Section. 3] it, by which one may also find, what the Gold contain∣eth both in white or fine Silver. When now you have * 1.60found by these waies the nearest content of the Gold, then make the cut of fine Silver (which must be with∣out Gold;) take then the Gold and beat it with a Ham∣mer upon an Anvil fine and thin, and make thy cut so, that the white or Silver, which is already with the Gold) may be counted with the Tryal or fourth part (for it must contain three times as much Silver as of fine Gold.) To comprehend this the better, the following Example shall demonstrate it, which I have found by the tryed Proof, that of the Gold which containeth 14 Carats, 8 grains of fine Gold, and 7 Carats, and four grains of white; I weigh it with the small carat weight to two alike half-Marks, then there will be in every half Mark 7 carats, and four grains of Gold, and 3 Ca∣rats and eight grains of white, to which I add three times the weight of fine Silver as the gold containeth of fine gold; this is my Proportion. Now I do multiply [Section. 4] * 1.61the seven carats and four grains (which containeth the half Mark) of fine gold, with three, and there will come 22 carats of white or Silver to the Addition or to the Cut: from this I reckon, That of three carats, and eight grains of white there will be as much as the half Mark had of Silver with it before, so there will remain 18 carats, and 4 grains, and thus much fine Silver you must add in an half Mark.

[Section. 5] * 1.62As this Silver or Cut and the half weighed Mark do make together 30 carats, and 4 grains, so much also must be the inweighed gold, of the other half Mark cut. Put every one of these with its Cut upon a well neal∣ed Copel, and add nine weights of pure Lead into it, let it go off together, and see whither the grains come a∣like, then lay one of the grains in the Scale, and as much

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as it now weigheth less than thirty carats and four grains, so much containeth a half Mark of Gold-Red-Copper, but to the fine Silver because it looseth upon the Copel, if it goeth off upon it with Lead as much as the Lead hath carryed away, may by a grain weight be account∣ed; for, understand it thus; In case every grain did weigh after it was gone▪ of 29 carats, and 4 grains: also a grain wast of fine Silver, there would be wasted one Carat upon the half Mark, then there will come upon the whole Mark two carats; thus much Copper (or red) containeth a Mark of mixt Gold.

[Section. 6] * 1.63If the grains are diligently drawn and weighed, then beat out of every grain a fine and clean piece or Roll, not too thin, and glow it often that it may not be shive∣ry, and that nothing may go off; at the last glow the little Roll, and roll it gently over, that you may see whether by the often glowing and beating somewhat be come off: When now the Rolls are clean prepared, glow them once more, and if they from the glow∣ing and rolling be come hard, let such things be men∣ded.

[Section. 7] * 1.64But the glowing must be done in a golden little half Pipkin made on purpose, that nothing unclean may come in it, put then the Rolls together in a little separating Glass, put to it near so much Aqua fortis made for Gold∣proofs, that it may go an half finger broad over the lit∣tle Rolls, stop the Separating Glass above with a hard twisted paper, that no vapors may go out, and put it thus into a little Vessel of Iron or brass made on purpose, over a few live Coals, that the Aqua fort. may begin to work, so will the separating-Glass become brown, but let it not work too much or too fast, yet take it a little while from the fire, and then put it on again, un∣till the Aqua fortis hath done its working, and the Glass become white again: Then put off the Aqua fortis

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again and put fresh Aqua fortis upon it, set it again with the Vessel over the fire, and let it work: this is done, because if the first Aqua fort. were grown too weak, and had lost somewhat of Silver by the Rolls, that the other Aqua fort. might touch it again, and make it clean. Take notice also, That you may cause the last Aqua fort. to work in great Bubbles, that the Roles may become very clean, and put in the second Aqua fort. which hath not beenused, for it hath its strength as before.

[Section. 8] * 1.65Then put clean sweet warm water upon the little Rolls, (Rain Water is the best for it) let it stand a little, and put more warm, or rain Water, upon it again, and set the Glasses with the Rolls over a coal fire, let it boil and work in great Bubbles, then take it off, and casting the water again away, this do three times with warm or rain water, that the silvery Aqua fort. which did hang about the little Rolls be dulcified, then is it enough: When the little Rolls are thus clean and sweet, then put them out very gently, with the last sweet water in a glaz'd pot or glass bottle, and pour the water off from it, and take the Golden Rolls with clean Pincers out of the Pot, and put them in a clean cloth to suck the rest of the water into it, and the Rolls will look very fine and brown.

[ 9] * 1.66Then put them into the Golden pott, and after, put them into an Assay-Oven, but not in an exstream heat∣ing, and glow them well and they will become as fine as a pure Gold: When this is done, Take the two little Rolls, weigh them one against the other, and if they are alike in weight, then have you proved them right: next, put them together in a weigh-scale, and weigh them with the Carat-weight, and how much they do weigh, so much containeth the Mark (of the mixt Gold) in fine Gold: this only is to be observed, That the weight of the Wa∣ter,

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(as much as the Water hath left after it with the Golden Rolls) must be substracted always in the Weight from such Content. But how much there will be to substract you must search with a singular Proof, with which you use to prove the Aqua fort. but when you have once proved the Aqua fort. then you have no need to prove it any more, but may keep it for use: yet 'tis commonly found that upon a Mark of fine Gold, as from 24 carats you must substract one and a half, sometimes two grains for the weight of the water, and so you must substract according to the Example of the before mentioned Proof, as upon 14 carats, and 9 grains, as much as the Golden Roll of one grain, did weigh, then there will remain 14 carats and 8 grains of fine gold, for in the gold proof, in many places, one useth not to give in, in buying, a half grain, but in the coin-works they use all wayes to count, and give in the half grain: If then the little Rolls contain in fine gold 14 carats and eight grains, then a mixt mark of Gold will contain 7 carats and four grains of white or fine silver substracted.

Now, the Gold of 24 carats and 8 grains of the whole cut, and 24 carats of Gold & 44 Carats of silver, you shall finde (as I have said) that the Contents will be a mixt▪ mark, 14 carats 8 grains of fine gold, and 7 carats, and 4 grains of white, and two carats of red, and these three Contents will make together a full Mark.

[Section. 10] After this manner and method are to be proved all * 1.67other Golds, likewise the coyned Gold, and one needeth not the Assay-Proof, in the coined Gold, if one know∣eth the nearest Contents, but if one doth not know the Contents certain upon a carat, then an Assay of it must be made.

[Section. 11] * 1.68Now I use this Method in my Cut (and common∣ly on the silver or Cut) to take two carats or some∣what

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less for a tryal which doth agree with the Multi∣plication (as above-heard, of the three Contents,) and it is better to take two Carats of silver less than one too much, and so the Rolls will remain the firmer and more intire, and there is no fear though somewhat of the Rolls were lost or torn off.

[Section. 12] * 1.69You may also finde in a Gold (of which you intend to prove the red and white) that if you make the Assay-Proof, (as above demonstrated) then cut one Mark of the Gold more, and put it with its due of Lead without any other Cut) upon the Coppels, and let it go off with the Try-proof, then weigh the same Grain, and you will see what is gon off, and how much it comes out lighter, so much hath been red with it.

Thus you have the right and clear Instruction for Gold Proofs, and if you will follow it, you will do well, and thereby not be apt to err in your proofs.

CHAP. XVI. How to prove the Aqua fort▪ and how much Gold it doth leave in the Proof.

[Section. 1] ALSO, if thou wilt prove an Aqua fort. how much is substracted in the Gold-Proof, * 1.70Take Gold which is cast divers times, through Antimony, and is brought to the highest: and make the proportion upon 24 carats▪ and weigh it also in two half Marks (as you have been instructed before) and multiply it by 3▪ then there will come upon every half Mark of fine Gold 36 carats of fine Silver, then put every half Mark of its propor∣tion

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by it self, upon well neal▪d Coppels, let it go off to∣gether, weigh the grains off, and see whether they come alike, and beat them in slender Rolls, and put them in∣to separating Glasses, and put upon them so much A∣qua fort. as one doth use to take to a Gold-proof, as hath been shewn before in the Gold proof: then place it with an iron Trevet over a little Coal-fire: Let it dissolve, and put upon it the Second time fresh Aqua fort. set it over again; when now it is right, and well dissolved, pour the Aqua fort. on it, and make the Rolls with warm vvater very clean, and dry them, and glovv them in a little melting pot for Gold, and they vvill become fine, then weigh them one against the other, and if the Rolls be alike then the Proof is right; then lay them together, and against it thy whole mark: (after you have weigh∣ed it) and as the Golden Rolls do come out heavier, so much is to be substracted in the Gold-proof upon this one Mark of fine Gold.

[Section. 2] * 1.71Take this for an Example: I have weighed in two half Marks upon one Mark of fine Gold, and have par∣ted it vvith the Aqua fort. (as above is mentioned) and after the dissolving, dulcifying and glowing, then the two little Rolls have weighed one Mark or 24 carats and one grain and a half, so that the Aqua fort. hath left behind two grains, in the Proof, thus much is to be substracted in this Aqua fort. upon 42 carats.

[Section. 3] Know also that such as is kept back in the Aqua fort. * 1.72is nothing else but silver which the Aqua fort. could not draw out so clean, by which the Gold doth not become so very clean and fine, which is to be seen. If one let∣teth the Golden part go off with a little clean Lead upon a Coppel, to see how they become smaller or retain their weights. But if the Aqua fort. do leave its strength or spirits with the Gold, (as some do think) then the same could not remain nor consist upon the Coppels.

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Out of which may be concluded, That by Aqua fort. fine Gold is made: But this is sure, That a good and well purified Aqua fort. bringeth the Gold in part∣ing (especially if the Gold Calx (as shall follow) hath been cleanly dulcified) to 23 Carats and 11 Grains. But it is not yet quite fine Gold, for the remainder with the Gold is nothing else (as is said before) than Silver: (as well in the parting the Gold, as in the Proof) else one may drive away what is left with the Bellows, and make it clean.

[Section. 4] But if you have no fine Gold, to the Proof of the Aqua fort. then take Hungarish Gold, whose Content * 1.73you know certainly, and make of the same Content the Divisions and Proportions, then you may find what is to be left behind of the Aqua fort. and how much is substracted of it: But the Gold which is cast through Antimony (as is before mentioned) is for such use much surer and better: And know, That the same Aqua fort. after the Distilling must be purified and settled, before you do prove or use it to the Gold-Proof, of which after∣wards an Instruction shall follow.

[Section. 5] * 1.74To all such proving you must have clean separating Glasses, Tunnels and little glass Pots for Gold to sweeten in, these are to be made of good Venetian Glass, and the brighter, whiter and clearer they are, the better it is, that the proofs may well be seen in them.

[Section. 6] But the Iron or Brazen Instrument, upon which the little separating Glass must stand, is to be made four foot∣ed, * 1.75that it may stand fast, and also with a little handle, by which it may be taken off, likewise another little foot or instrument of Copper or Iron, which must be flat, upon which is to be set the Golden little Pots (if one will have it set in the proof-Oven for the out-glowing) because this Proof is the finest, most glorious and lovely, therefore all

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things pertaining to it must be made and prepared with all diligence and cleanliness.

CHAP. XVII. How Silver is to be proved for Gold.

[Section. 1] THAT I may not mix the Proving * 1.76of Metals together, but give to every proof its due, and to write of every one apart, how it must be done: Know then if one would prove a goldish silver upon Gold, it must first be proved upon fine Silver, that one may find the right Content, both of the fine Silver and also of the fine Gold: Therefore when it is proved upon the fine (as I have taught in the Sil∣ver proof) then take the same proof Grains, beat them thin, glow them, and weigh a Mark of it with thy Penny∣weight, and dissolve the Silver in a little separating glass in Aqua fort. then there will remain a brown Gold-Calx: [Section. 2] * 1.77pour off the Aqua fort. very gently, then take warm sweet water (as you have done before in the Gold Proof) and put it upon the Gold-Calx, and let it boil over the Coal-fire in a little Culbe or bottle: now when the Gold Calx hath setled it self again, then drain the water off, and put upon the Gold Calx two or three warm waters more, that thus the silvery water may be clean taken off from the Gold Calx, then put the Gold Calx clean out of the Culbe, into a glass pott, that nothing may remain, then drain the water very clean off from it, and bring the Gold Calx in the golden little Pot clean together, and if there be wetness about the Gold-Calx, then press it with a clean little cloth where 'tis made moist, and gently on

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the end of one side, that the wetness may be suck'd in (only touch not the Gold Calx with the Cloth.)

[Section. 3] When this is done, then set the little golden Pot upon the Trevet in the Assay Oven, but not suddenly (that * 1.78the Gold may not leap, and the proof become false) and glow out the Gold calx, so will it become fair, then put it again out of the golden little Pot into the inward Scale of the Proof-Ballance, and see how much it weighs according to the divided Penny-weight, with which you have weighed it, so you will have the Content; now how much a Mark of Silver containeth, I put this as an Example, for I have proved, That a Goldish silver or grain'd Gold, of this mixt Mark) hath contained 14 loths and a dram of fine Silver, and such fine Silver hath in a dram a penny-weight of Gold, then the Content in the Goldish Silver upon a Mark doth signify that it doth contain 13 loths, 3 drams, and three peny weight of fine silver, and one dram and one peny weight of Gold.

[Section. 4] * 1.79Likewise in this manner one may also prove the fine Gold which is come from grained Silver, if one doth weigh a Mark of it, and dissolve it, and if the fine Mark in such a proof do contain one dram, one peny-weight, and one Heller of Gold, and is the Contents: and if a Mark of the grained Silver containeth 14 loths one dram be reckoned upon fine Silver, then the Mark will signify one dram, one peny, one heller of Gold, and of such proof it is counted, that by it the Gold is found a little less than the former, but I leave it to every ones pleasure to try and judge.

[ 5] * 1.80Some Assayers have this Method, when they would prove a goldish grain'd Oar for Silver and Gold, then they weigh the grain'd Metal with their penny weight, and prove it upon fine Silver, (as 'tis usual) and they weigh in a grain such grain'd Metal after the mentioned weight (as at first) and dissolve it raw in Aqua fort.

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[Section. 6] and as much then as they do find in Gold, they sub∣stract it from the fine-Silver, and this they count for the right proof to prove Silver upon Gold.

* 1.81 But that one may know that this their Proof is false and unjust, although somewhat more of Gold is to be found by it, therefore I will shew some Reasons why the same Gold is not so high in Fineness as the Gold which is separated out of the Proof of the fine Silver by Aqua fort.

First, although the Copper doth dissolve, yet the green Coppery water sets it self rather on the Gold than on the silvery water, and then the Copper which hath set it self cannot be brought off again so clean from the Gold, as from the tender silvery-water.

Secondly, Gold cometh higher out of the separation than when the silver is Coppery, upon which the Aqua fort. doth not work so easily, as on the fine Silver: Therefore no Separater of Gold doth take upon him to separate such Silver after such proof, but all the Silvers which he separates in Aqua fort. must first be burnt up∣on a Test.

[Section. 7] Thirdly, Although the first Process to prove the * 1.82Goldish Silver upon Gold is the common way, and also the right Proof, by which the true Content is to be found. Nevertheless, I must further mention a singu∣lar proof (which is found upon such goldish silver and grain'd Work) by which, in the dissolution the little grains or small cut pieces of Silver will remain whole in the Aqua fort. (of what light Contents soever they be of Gold) and how small and subtil soever the grains be: also that one may number all the little grains of Gold af∣ter the number of the little pieces of Silver, how many there be laid in the Aqua fort. and no splitting will go off from it (as in the other proofs) yet if the grains should be weighed in, (also raw) the Gold will remain the bet∣ter

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whole, but this proving is to be done thus, when you have weighed off the Silver put upon it a very weak Aqua fort. which the Silver cannot well touch, and put it in a Culbe to dissolve over a little Coal-fire (as is usual) and let it be very hot, that the Aqua fort. may work with great Bubbles, and almost boyl over, this dissolution do, so long until thy inweighed Silver be almost dissolved, but that it may have the better help, put (if the Silver be dissolved) a little more than half of new and a somewhat stronger Aqua fort. into the Culbe, and the Silver will dissolve it self clean out, and will split no more, although the second time, there be put to it, the stronger Aqua fort.) but what it doth will be done at first.

This is a fine way through which the Gold remain∣eth together in grains close, but 'twill have somewhat more time than the other common proof: there are also other wayes to such proofs, as follows.

CHAP. XVIII. To prove Goldish-Silver by the Water-weight.

[Section. 1] I MUST further signify, That the old Artists have also proved the Silvers * 1.83through common flowing Water, and known in the Weight, whether they have been rich or poor with Gold, This their Invention, because it proceedeth from natural Reason, doth please me, and is an inductive Meditation to many other serviceable things: Now the Water-weighing with the Silver is done thus, Take a Ballance, and put in one of the Scales

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the Goldish-silver, and in the other Scale so much Silver, (which containeth no Gold) as that they may be equal * 1.84weight, then let down both Scales just together into a Vessel full of clean water, so you shall find and see clear∣ly that that Silver which is Goldish shall have in the wa∣ter greater weight, but not so much as the Silver which hath Gold with it. The Reason of this Difference, is because the Gold in a like greatness excelleth all other Me∣tals in weight, and is the heaviest Metal; Therefore such (as every one himself may judge) cannot swim so easily in the water, but must much sooner sink down on the ground, than they which are lighter: as the like is to be seen in the Lead, which goeth much before Tin and other Metals in the Water.

[Section. 2] * 1.85But that I may give the Reader to understand, That 'tis possibly by such Water-weighing to reckon how much may properly be in the Silver, therefore know that such (in my thoughts) may be done and found out in this following manner.

First, Take fine grain'd Silver which is without Gold, lay to it good pure Gold, put it in one of the weigh-Scales, and in the other Scale lay fine grain'd silver also, so that it standeth just even: then sink both together in the water, and so much as the Silver goeth before with the Gold, so much you must supply with good Gold to the weigh-Scale in the vvater, then take the Ballance out of the water again, dry it well, and weigh it, and take so much from the Silver as the Gold hath drawn to it in the water, until the Ballance standeth even in Aequilibrio, then sink it in the Water again, and supply again the difference with good Gold, and then take off from the Silver; this do as long until both weigh-scales stand just (both within and out of the water) then you shall find that in one scale will lye so much Gold as in the other: and by this way (if you do

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it carefully) you may also prove in weighing a goldish silver, whose content you did not know.

[Section. 3] Secondly, The water-weighing may also be done by Arithmetical Proportions, to which the Demonstrations * 1.86will be serviceable, but they are not to every one known, namely thus, That if the Gold (as I have tryed it) weigheth against the silver in a like quantity 405 Marks, and 8 Loths, and the fine silver also the like quantity with the Gold two hundred twenty sev'n Marks, 4 Loths; this observe well, Then take the silver vvhich contains Gold, lay it in one of the weight-scales, and weigh it a∣gainst the Weights which are made of pure silver, that you may know the weight to be proper, then sink them together into the water: now, as much as it doth go for the Goldish silver, so much you must supply of with the silver weights, then make an account and observe the Proportions how the Gold and Silver stand together, as you have been instructed before, and I doubt not but you may come to a right proof by this Example.

CHAP. XIX. To find without such water-Proof, whether Silver con∣tains Gold.

[Section. 1] BECAUSE the Metals have divers Quan∣tities of like greatness, one against the * 1.87other (as has been spoken of the Gold and silver) if then you would know and finde the difference of the mixture in the Goldish silvers you must draw the Gold through an Iron plate wherein an hole is made, in∣to which a thin and subtil wyer is to be put, and do

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the good silver also through the same hole, then cut a piece of both, equally in one length as near as possible, and weigh one against the other with a Proof-weight, upon a quick Ballance, and so you will soon finde the difference betwixt the Gold and Silver. Now, if you have a Goldish-silver, and do draw it through the men∣tioned hole, and doth take the right length of it, like the aforesaid former Wyer, and doth weigh it likewise upon the proof-Ballance against the silver-Wyer, then you will finde a difference in the weight, out of vvhich you may count the weight of the Gold (as much as is in the wy∣ers which you have weighed) then also weigh such with the proof-weight, how much it weigheth, and you may compute (after this thy Account) how much Gold is in the whole weight of the Goldish-silver.

After this manner all other Metals may also be pro∣ved and accounted, because they have one against the other divers Quantities in like Greatness: likewise in the coyn'd Money, if it be drawn to a Wyer (in the same thickness with the Wyers before mentioned) you may find in it the Copper and fine silver by this Rule.

[Section. 2] Also, this I would not leave unmentioned, as an In∣struction * 1.88for further Consideration, and it is necessary to be known, That there is a difference in weight, be∣twixt Tin and Lead, if they be mixed together, as also in other Metals, which I have found in my diligent search∣ing; For, one Copper against another, and one Tin against another, hath a difference also in the weight, else I would have proceeded further and surer with such reckoning.

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Sculpture XIX.

  • 1. How the Assayer stands before the Assay-Oven to prove Metals.
  • 2. The Iron on which the Proof is to be cast.
  • 3. A wooden Instrument to see through into the fire to prevent hurt to the Eyes.
  • ...

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  • ... 4. A separating▪ Glass for proving Gold, placed on a lit∣tle foot.
  • 5. He that washeth the Goldish Silver in water.
  • 6. The Block, Hammer and stool.

CHAP. XX. How to separate Gold and Silver, and how to burn or distil Aqua fort. and prepare Instruments and Clay for the Work.

[Section. 1] HOW, in respect that to the Burning of A∣qua fort▪ there belong many Preparations, it is necessary that of such I write some∣what, and signify the same: Where∣fore, I will first speak of the Clay where∣with they use to Lute the Helms and Receivers, and to coat the Separating * 1.89Glass which ought to be prepared thus; Take good sound and substantial Clay, wash it in water that the stones and the course sand may come off, make it into Balls, and dry it well in the Sun; Of such wash'd Clay take ten parts, and two parts of wash'd Ashes, three parts of clean Stone-Horse-dung, one part of the scales of Iron, and two parts of Cow-hair beaten well, and min∣gle all these together, and moisten it with warm Oxen or sheeps-blood, and whilst it is warm, work it with an iron Instrument: one might also take, among this Clay, Venetian Glass beaten small, but not too much: and with this Clay one may lute-over the separating Glasses and the great Glasses, in which the Aqua fort. is to be distilled, such as will hold in the fire: it may also serve to joyn together the Ovens which are called Athanors,

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because it holdeth fast, and doth neither break nor crack.

[Section. 2] But the Clay and thin mixture with which one useth to lute over the Joynts of the Helmets and Receivers, is * 1.90is to be made thus, Take the white of Eggs, as many as you think fit, beat them well, in a Peuter dish, and take a clean spunge, and press the clear of the Eggs into it, by squeesing it out of the spunge into the dish, and do this until it becometh clear like Well-water, then take Mill∣dust, 4 Loths, Bole Armoniak, one Loth, white dryed Cheese without Crust or rind, two Loths, and of Sanguis Draconis, one Loth; Grind all these very small, and sift them through a hair Seeve, mingle these with the whites of the Eggs, and with it, Lute over the Joynts, which you must understand thus, That such Joynings be first with the above-mentioned Clay luted over and dryed well again, then this thin mixture is to be put upon a little cloth and laid over it, and let it dry of it self, but this ought to be done before you bring it into the warmth, or makest a fire to it, then such mixture will hold fast, and the spirits will not go through, but if the Joynings should afterwards let the spirits go out, then do it over in the heat with Tallow, vvhereby the Clay will become hard and fast.

[Section. 3] * 1.91Here followeth another Clay wherewith to lute or glaze-over the Culbs or bottles, which will endure the fire, Take a good wash'd dry Clay, a little Dragons blood and Bole Armoniak, and add to it a third part of Potters clay, & a third part of a half part of Calx vive, make each apart into Pouder, and moisten it with the white of Eggs, as is taught above, or with warm Ox or Sheeps-blood, add to it so much flox of woollen Cloth or wooll shav'd or shorn, as of the Bolus, mingle all well together with a stick or wand, and with it lute over the Glasses, but▪ not thick, also lute over the joynts with it, and this vvill

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hold fast in the fire. Likevvise other Clays are to be used to lute-over, which do also hold well: But because these now mentioned do suffice, I have omitted for bre∣vity sake to set down others: therefore every one may try which are the most serviceable unto him.

[Section. 4] The Glasses or Bottles in which one useth to separate, * 1.92and in which they put Aqua fort. are to be made of good Venetian Glass, of an equal thickness in the midst, for if they be made too strong or thick of Glass, they will not hold well, but they which have a right equal thickness, and are not strong will endure the fire the bet∣ter, but if the Glasses be made of other Glass, then the Aqua fort. will work on them, and they are subject to break the sooner, by which there cometh dammage, and they will be also dark and pale.

[Section. 5] * 1.93One may also cause Juggs of Potters-work to be made for Distilling Aqua fort. or mixing Clay with Bran or clean fine Sawdust, this therefore is done, That when the Juggs are made and burnt raw, that the Bran or Saw-dust may burn out, and then to glaze such over * 1.94with Venetian glass within and without, that the Glass flow into the holes, out of which the Bran and Sawdust is burnt away, whereby they will prove very firm and hold very well in the fire, of such stuff very good Re∣torts are made, which will not break in the fire, but are much better to use than the over-luted Glass bottles, therefore such stuff is very convenient to use for Retorts: But how great the Juggs, Glasses or Bottles must be, I conceive, that every ones Work will teach what he may make according to it, for if one hath much Aqua fort. to burn at once, then it will require a great Jug or Re∣tort for it, in which the stuff is to be put, and also the Recipient must be the bigger.

[Section. 6] * 1.95Also 'tis in use to burn Aqua fort. in Iron Jugs which are of two pieces, and can be done asunder, whose form

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you will see in the next Sculpture. In such a Jug one may set in more at one time than in a glass-bottle; also they need not fear the breaking of such Jugs, or that the stuff will be spoil'd in it; and the Gold hath been of a better colour by such Aqua fort. made in Iron.

For this and other Reasons, I judge it to be better alwayes to burn Aqua fort. in such Iron Jugs, than in glaz'd Bottles, which can but once be used, the bigness of which must be as one may put in near 20 pounds of stuff at once, but if one would burn less, the Opportu∣nity will shew it self, how to proportion it, but for strength it must be the thickness of a finger, so it will en∣dure the longer.

[Section. 7] If now one will burn Aqua fort. in such Jugs then must the joynings be well luted over, that no spirits may * 1.96go out, lute-over also the Jug without, with thin Clay, that the fire may the less hurt it, and lay before it a Reci∣pient of Glass, but of such a bigness that the mentioned spirits may have room enough in it, and that such may not break out of necessity or force, by which there will be dammage.

[Section. 8] After the vvork is finished then must the Jug be suffe∣red * 1.97to cool, and put water in it, then will it mollify the Caput Mort. put it out gently with an Iron, and so the Jug will become clean again.

The form and likeness of such separating Glasses and earthen Juggs you may see in the following Sculpture, thus


  • 1. A luted glass-bottle covered with an Helm.
  • 2. A luted glass-bottle without an Helm.
  • 3. Another sort of Glass-bottle.
  • 4. The Form of an Helm.
  • 5. An half Glass, or half * 1.98 Pipkin with one Ear, and a Mouth.

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  • 6. A Receiver with a Pipe.
  • 7. A Receiver without a Pipe.
  • 8. An earthen Retort.
  • 9. An earthen Jug or Culb to burn Aqua fort.
  • 10. Other kind of Bottles, Glasses, half-Glasses, Tunnels.

Sculpture XX.

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CHAP. XXI. How to make Ovens to Distill Aqua Fort.

[Section. 1] EVERY one useth to prepare the Ovens to the distilling of Aqua Fort. according to his pleasure: But there is one Form much better, and more profitable than the other (as I have seen and used many my self▪ for I finde, That the Ovens called Athanors, which, as in the following Sculpture is [Section. 2] * 1.99properly delineated, are the best to be used to distil Aqua fort. and they are to be formed thus, Make a Steeple in square or round four Els high, and below in it lay an Iron Grate, under vvhich must be a Wind-hole, according to the demonstration in the next Sculpture: and then make again on both sides of the steeple, in the same wideness, according to the height of the Juggs or Glass-bottles round or square Ovens, in which the Glas∣ses or Juggs may stand: Put also below in the steeple or tower, Iron-Grates, so that it may have wind-holes below: in such By-Ovens must be left holes from the Tower, that the heat (as you shall hear) may come out of it, and if they are about a large span wide, and four fingers and a span high, then are they wide and high enough: only observe, That when you do set up the high Tower, you do not make it two thick near to the holes, but rather narrower▪ that the fire or heat may go the better into the By-Ovens, then cause to such holes, through which the heat doth pass, fit Instruments of Potters-work, with which you may govern the fire as you please.

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[Section. 3] Some cause such Instruments or Registers to be made of strong Iron, but they are not so good as the earthen, for, if the Iron one become hot and glowing, then they give likewise great heat, and if they are drawn before the fire, then they cannot well be managed or govern'd by it, and there is also danger therein.

[Section. 4] Further, you must also have to every By-Oven (in vvhich you set the Jugs or Glass-Bottles) covers made of Earth or Potters-clay, which must be cut out also, that they close just on the neck of the Jug or Glass-Bot∣tle, and that the Ovens may be shut very close, and leave Air-holes through it (being called Registers) and have Pins of Wood which go in very close to govern the Fire by it, as you may see in the eighth figure of the next Sculpture. Likewise upon the Tower a cover is to be set, which must be so large that it may cover all the upper holes of the Tower; and so is the Oven or Atha∣nor prepared to distil the Aqua fort. But how it should be governed with the Wind-holes followeth hereafter in the next Sculpture


  • 1. The Athanor.
  • 2. The Mouth-hole over the Grate.
  • 3. The Mouth-hole under the Grate.
  • 4. The Grates in the By-Ovens.
  • 5. The By-Ovens.
  • 6. Instruments to open or shut the By-Ovens Mouth.
  • 7. A Cover for the By-Oven.
  • 8. The Pins for the Registers or Wind-holes.
  • 9. A Semicircle piece of Wood by which the Athanor is to be made round.
  • 10. The Cover for the Athanor.
  • 11. The person that tends them.
  • 12. A dish of Metals to be used.

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Sculpture XXI.

CHAP. XXII. How the Ingredients are to be prepared for distilling of the Aqua fort.

[Section. 1] FOR distilling of the common Aqua fort. there are used only two Ingredients, Ni∣tre and Vitriol, which must be prepared * 1.100before they are put in: first, the Vitriol must be calcined which is to be done thus, Take at once four pound of those Ingre∣dients,

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[Section. 1] and put them in an earthen glazed Crucible, set it over the fire, that the Vitriol may melt to a water, * 1.101let it boil gently, and stir it about continually with a woo∣den spatula, until the wateriness be evaporated away, and the Vitriol begins to be thick, then take with the wooden spatula, some part out of the Crucible while it is warm, and grind it upon a Grinding-stone before it be cold, then take more out of the Crucible, upon the Grindingstone until all the Vitriol is out of the Crucible and ground small, for if you do not take the Vitriol warm out of the Crucible, but lettest it be cold in it, then it will become as hard as a stone, and so 'tis difficult to be brought out, neither is it easy to grind: Thus the Vi∣triol is to be prepared for the distilling of the Aqua fort.

[Section. 2] * 1.102Concerning the Nitre, it needs not be calcin'd, yet one may set it upon a Oven that it may be dry, and then beat and grind it fine and small, then is it also pre∣pared: But because it is not all pure, but some part of it is very Salt, therefore it is first to be clarified and purified from its Salt (which every one who converseth with Distillation of Aqua fort. certainly should know) and that with the hand: But how the clearing should be done▪ see full Instruction in the first Book.

CHAP. XXIII. How Aqua fortis is to be distilled.

[Section. 1] * 1.103TAKE four pound of clean Nitre, and three pound and a half of calcin'd Vi∣triol (as is mentioned) grind them very small, and put them in an over-luted Glass-body (brush'd with an Hares-foot bound to a little stick) the neck of the

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Bottles being taken off, that the water may go clean over, and not have cause to ascend, when then the stuff is put into the Bottle or Jugg, then put it in one of the By-Ovens, on the Grate (with a Copel made for it on purpose) and lay upon the By-Oven a Cake made of Earth or Clay, and daub it close about the neck of the Jug, and over-lute the joynings every where with the Clay very well, that no heat or vapours may go out of it, and let the Air-holes on the side be open (as you see in the former Sculpture) yet not too wide (for if they are open near three fingers wide, then 'tis wide enough:) But you must not put the Bottle (as now 'tis mention∣ed) [Section. 2] naked into the Oven upon the Iron-grate, as you * 1.104do with the Iron Jug, but in a small earthen Test (made on purpose) which hath below a little Foot which is called a Coppel: and in this put ashes or clean Sand, that the Glass Bottle may come to stand a good square hand above the Grate: when you have put in the Stuff set an Helm upon it, and dawb the Joynings very well over with the Clay, which you have prepared.

[Section. 3] But some have another way, viz. When the Bottle is put in, then they lay round about the Neck good pre∣pared * 1.105Clay, and over the Clay they lay Paper, so that the Helm may not quite stand on the Clay, and this is done for this Reason, that the Helm, (after the distilling) may loosen it self clean; and then they do set upon it the Helm, and lute it over with good Clay; and lastly, ap∣ply the thin stuff upon a little Cloth, that no spirits at all may go out.

[Section. 4] * 1.106You ought also to prepare the By-Oven, and likewise the Jug or Bottle with the Helm set in Order, that the mouth of the Helmet may go out a pretty distance over the Oven, then lay before it the Receiver, that the mouth of the Helm may well reach into it, that you may see how the water doth go, and the drops fall.

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[Section. 5] And that you may also know how much the Vi∣triol hath lost of its weight; first, in the Calcining, you must' put sweet or flowing Water in the Receiver, else the Water will be too strong, and very little water will remain, also lute all very well over the Joynings on the Receiver and Helm, thus, Take some of the prepar'd Clay, and lay it about the Joynings, then put in the Clay (through the joynings, in the Receiver) with a little smooth sprig of a Broom) which will do this Service, that the first and gross spirits (as you shall hear hereafter) may come through it; then upon the Clay lay a little Cloth, as abovesaid, that the Joynings may every where be luted-over, and let it be dry: Thus also you may set into the Oven, the Jugs with the stuff on both sides the Athanor, and with one fire burn and make perfect two or three works, and mannage every one according to its necessity without hindrance to the other, of giving or taking heat, as hereafter somwhat more may follow.

CHAP. XXIV. How Aqua fortis is to be distilled in an Iron Jug or Pot.

[Section. 1] BUT if you will put the stuff in an Iron Jug, which is cast or hammered, and di∣still * 1.107Aqua fort. in it, then put the Jug with its short feet, upon an Iron Grate or Roaster, that it may stand firm and fast, but if the Jug hath no legs, then it must stand upon a three-legg'd Iron, proportioned to the Jug, and before you do put the Helm on it, first place upon the Jugs neck an old broken neck of a glass Bottle, and

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then put the Helm upon it, so the Helm will remain whole in taking off: But if you have not a glazed Neck (as is said) then lute the Jug's neck round about with the prepared Clay, and lay over the Clay a Paper (as abovesaid) upon the Helm, and over lute it the best you can, then the Helm will go from it the better.

[Section. 2] When you have set into the Athanor the stuff with the Jug, and all the over-luting is well dryed, then put * 1.108into the Tower of the Athanor, live Coals upon the same, with other dead Coals; so that the Tower may be full to the top; then cover the Tower with a thick Co∣ver made of Potters-Earth, but you must lay Ashes up∣on the Tower half an hand thick, and so fit the Cover, that no vapor at all may goe out, and let the wind-hole below, on the Athanor, be open which is mark'd in the beforesaid Sculpture, with Figure 3: and shut the wind∣holes of the By-ovens, and the Mouth-hole of the Atha∣nor very close, mark'd with the figure 2. and draw it not open too soon with the Instruments noted at Figure 6.

[Section. 3] But, when the Aqua fort. doth begin to go, then * 1.109open but one wind-hole, and, if it will not go well, then draw the Instruments a little nearer to the Tower, so the heat will go through the same space, under the Jug or Bottle which is set in, and in which the Ingredients are, and presently, the water will begin to run better.

[Section. 4] * 1.110Now, if it thus proceeds, then a Vapour will come into the Receiver (these are the gross spirits) then let them go out through the little Pin of Wood near the Lym∣beck of the Helm, then stick it in again, and lute it over the best way you can, that no more spirits may go out, and when the drops fall into the Receiver to five or six, so the water will go in the beginning from the calcination stuff, with which governing, shutting and opening of the Instruments, you may alwayes keep the Oven in order that the water may go well. But when you put the stuff

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raw, uncalcined in; then you must do it very gently in the beginning, that the drops may fall in, to 15 and 16, &c. But 'tis a tedious and long while in distilling, and there can no more water be had than of the calcined stuff, therefore it is always first to be calcined, and when from the calcin'd stuff, the drops are fallen one or two hours to 5, 6 and 7 drops, then you may draw a little more with the Instruments which are between the Atha∣nor and By-Ovens, and then the heat will be stronger, and the Drops will fall faster.

[Section. 5] Now, when the Drops come but to two and three, * 1.111it goeth too hot: then with the mentioned Instrument shut the under wind-hole again, very close: whereby they will go slower again, for in too hot going there is danger, that the stuff should ascend, and dash all in pieces (where∣by cometh Dammage) and although the calcined stuff doth not easily ascend, yet it may so happen in going on (especially if the Jugg be filled too much with the stuff.)

[Section. 6] * 1.112And know that You must number the drops accord∣ing as one beateth with a hammer or fist, or keepeth a tact or time as in Musick: viz. as many common stroaks as can be done betwxt the drops, may be 4, or 5, or more, they are to be called stroaks, therefore govern the sire also in an equal heat, untill the water come al∣most over, and the Helm and Receiver become Cherry∣brown.

[Section. 7] * 1.113Then you must strengthen the fire with opening of the Instruments while the Spirits go through the Limbeck or Nosel of the Helm and Receiver of the water, by which the Helm and Receiver (as is said) becomes brown. Then hasten not with the forcing of the fire, till at last, when the spirit is gone an hour to six or more, accor∣ding to the quantity of the stuff, and the Receiver be no more so brown, then open the Wind-holes markd with

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the figure 8. and lay in the same holes under the Jug or Bottle) small split Wood, and force it with the fierceness of the flame, that the rest of the spirits may come over, and that all strength may come into the wa∣ter, so as the Helm and Receiver become white again, and that also the Jug or Bottle which is put in, may glow near an hour well with the Caput mort. so that which remaineth behind in the Jug or glass, may have no more sharpness in it but become dry and of a reddish Brown.

When the Aqua fort. is thus distilled, then let the Athanor be opened and cool well, and lay over (above the neck of the Helmet, where it is luted) a wet cloth, also near the Lymbeck of the Helm over the Recei∣ver, mollifying the overluted hard Clay well, that it may go off, that you may not break the Limbeck of the Helm, [Section. 8] * 1.114which may use afterwards (the Receiver being first to be taken away) then put the made Aqua fort. into a Glass, and stopt it with wax: thus you have good Aqua fort.

You may also be instructed, That when you are di∣stilling of Aqua fort. and that the Coals in the Athanor are almost gone out (which happens hardly in 10 or 11 hours) then lift up the Cover from the Athanor, make it full again with Coals and cover it, else the Fire will go out, and all will be cold, as Oportunity it self will teach thee and make thee to remember.

CHAP. XXV. How to distil Aqua fort. in 4, or 5 Hours.

[Section. 1] IF one in haste would distil Aqua fort. and cannot have such an Athanor, then must be made a little Oven on a wall three quarters of an Ell square, and two Ells high, and put in it an Iron-Grate. so that below there may remain a Wind∣hole,

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and on this little Oven make another little Oven, in which may be put the Jug with the stuff, cause an Hole to go out of the Oven, which is set first into the By-Oven▪ lay also a Grate in it, as you have done in the Atha∣nor, and you may in stead of the earthen Instrument before noted with Figure 1. use a smooth Pan-tile, and it will do the same thing: or, if you will not spend so much time about an Oven, then make but one square Oven, which hath a grate below, and under it a winde∣hole, in which you may set the Jug or Bottle with the stuff, take then of the above-mentioned stuff four pound of Nitre, and three pound and an half of calcined Vi∣triol; Grind both very small, and among it put six pound of Calx viva, and let all be well mingled toge∣ther (but put not so much water in the Receiver, as above is taught.)

[Section. 2] Now therefore, when all things are well luted over, and become dry, then make a fire under it, and let the water go strong over it, so that at all times the water and spirit may come over together, and because the stuff is mingled with Calx viva, therefore you need not take care for running over, then strengthen the fire immediately untill the water and spirits are come over.

[Section. 3] And lastly, the stuff in the Jug will glow so well through this Labour, that you may distil in 5 or 6 hours an Aqua fort. to which else you must have 24 hours, but you will have but little water, yet 'twill be very good to use for Separation.

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CHAP. XXVI. Another good way to distil Aqua fort.

[Section. 1] TO use uncalcin'd Vitriol for Aqua fort. it must be dryed in the Sun till it be * 1.115white, then take thereof four pound, and two pound of Salt-Petre, beat it small, mingle it together, and set it in the O∣ven (as is done with the first stuff) put no sweet or clear water into the Receiver: this also yields good Aqua fort. only you must (as abovesaid) do ve∣ry gently in going on, that the stuff may not run over:

[Section. 2] Take to such Aqua fort. good Hungarian or Goslarish * 1.116Vitriol, or which is boyled out of a flint, and of a fine and high colour, and not of such Vitriol of which Alum is made, for the pale Alumish Vitriols do not yield good strong Aqua fort. Some take also one part of Cop∣per water, and burn Alum among their Additions, which is left to every ones freedom. This only is needful to be mentioned, That if one take much Vitriol among the stuff, such Aqua fort. which cometh out of it, doth very well work in separating, and gives much brown spirit, nor do they improve in the separation, as other Aqua fort. for they hold not fast on in separation.

[Section. 5] Likewise some take to their Aqua fort. four pound of * 1.117Nitre and as much Vitriol, which of the two is the best, you may (like my self and others) learn by Experience.

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CHAP. XXVII. How to make an Excellent strong Aqua fort.

[Section. 1] YOU must, for the making of strong Aqua fort. Take three pound of calcined Vi∣triol, 3 pound of Nitre, one pound of burnt Bruxish Alum, out of Belgia, and two pound of burnt flints; burn these to a water, the first water let go, untill the Helm begins to be colored, cast it away, lay the Recipi∣ent again before it, and lute it all over vvell again, and let the other vvaters go over (as I have taught above) at last, force all the spirits over vvith a strong fire: this water keep in a good Vessel, and put to it, in an over∣luted glass Bottle, 6 Loths of Nitre, 4 Loths of Vitriol, and tvvo Loths of burnt flints, and one Loth of Verdi∣grease, and one Loth of roasted Antimony, and one Loth of filed Iron, and half a pound of white Lead, and let all these be beaten to small pouder, and put upon it, of the Water now distill'd, a little and a little at a time (for it useth to make a Noise until 'tis all put in) then cover it very vvell, let it stand some dayes in a Celler, and stir it every day tvvice, then set it in and distill it as an A∣qua fort. only that the Helm may soon come upon it, and let it go as long as 'tvvill go, for it vvill begin of its ovvn accord to go; then give it very gentle fire, and dravv it most gently over so long till all the water is brought over, then augment the fire, the fiercer the bet∣ter, until the spirits vvith great heat are all come over, (which hardly is done in two dayes and two nights) like as you have done before with the Aqua fort. then let the Oven be cool, and take of the Aqua fort. and cleanse

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it from the feces, and preserve it in a sound Vessel which holdeth well, for 'tis an exceeding strong water, and use it.

[Section. 2] Some will say of this Water, That by it somewhat more of Gold, in the Separation, is to be obtain'd, than * 1.118by common Aqua fort. Experience will manifest it; for my part, I believe it not: and for such Hopes without ground, I was neither willing to except, nor to try in distilling.

[Section. 3] * 1.119You may also be instructed, That to this Water you had need of a great Recipient, wherein the spirits may have room; and, if you will take off the Recipient, and lay it before again, then you may lute over the Joy∣nings with lute made of two parts Clay, and one part of Quick lime, and moistned with Rape Oyl, and lute it: such a Clay the spirits do not touch, but the other which is used, by some, to lute with, they touch, and thereby are made alwayes leaky, and never holds well.

CHAP. XXVIII. How to distil an Aqua fortis, called Aqua Regis, which dissolveth Gold, Copper, Iron, Lead and Tin; also Mercury sublimate and Arsnick.

[Section. 1] * 1.120PROVIDE good Aqua fort. which is distilled only from Salt-Petre and Vi∣triol, and purified with Silver from its dregs and faeces, and in which one may dissolve Silver as necessity requires, put it into a sound well luted glass Bottle or Culb, and add 8 Loths of melted Salt, which Salt in flowing must not run▪over, but as soon as it floweth must be put out, that it may remain in its strength and

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virtue, and only come off from the flegm or superflu∣ous moisture; now, as soon as the Salt comes in it, then lay the luted glass Bottle with the Aqua fort. and Salt side-wayes in the Oven in which one useth to distil Aqua fort. but thus, That you may lay to the Bottle the Recipient also, and lute it well, then it will soon begin to go off, by its own Virtue, then draw the flegm over with a small fire, and strengthening the fire more and more, at last force the spirits to come over, as is usual in distilling the Aqua fort. and you must drive the spirits much longer because of the Salt.

[Section. 2] * 1.121Then you may finde that by this way of distilling by degrees, there will be a fine yellow and stronger water, because the spirits will not ascend too high, (as over the Alembeck:) But it requires good diligence and obser∣vation to prevent the water from running over: This Aqua Regis when 'tis thus burnt, may presently be used, and hath no need to be purified from its feces.

But how to distil it by degrees you may see in the following Sculpture, thus


  • 1. The Tower of the Athanor, in which the Coals are to be put.
  • 2. The Oven in which the Bottle is to be plac'd.
  • 3. How the Bottle is to ly in the Oven.
  • 4. The Glassy Helmet, made for it.
  • 5. The Recipient or Receiver.
  • 6. The Pot full of Materials prepared.
  • 7. The empty Pot.
  • 8. The Person that tends the Athanor and By-Ovens.

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Sculpture XXII.

CHAP. XXIX. To distil Aqua fort. in Retorts with other Ad∣vantages.

[Section 1] DISTILLING Aqua fort. in Retorts is no old Invention, and no long Labour, but a short way; if Retorts may be had which are made of one piece, and will hold Aqua fort. and Oyl; then lute such over with good and sound Clay, let it be well dry, put in it the Ingredients or stuff, which shall be calcin'd and mingled with Calx viva, and lay the Retort in an Oven made on purpose (whose Descrip∣tion shall follow hereafter) and fill a Receiver with wa∣ter before it, then make a fire in the Oven (and speedi∣ly

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[Section. 2] increase it) then the stuff, because it is mingled with Calx viva, will not run so soon over, because the spi∣rits * 1.122and water are to go over together, at last force the spirits with Fire, so that the Retort may glow bright, near two hours, at least: In such a Retort you may di∣still the Aqua fort. in 5 or 6 hours, but it will not yield so much water as through the Alimbeck, but it will be strong and good for use.

[Section. 3] * 1.123If you cannot have a great Receiver (as it often hap∣pens) to the distilling of the Aqua fort. then take a great Waldenburgish Jug, or one made of the like Clay, (that it may hold Aqua fort. lay that before as a Receiver, and make the Process, as now is signified, such an one I esteem better to the distilling of Aqua fort. in Retorts, than in a glazed Receiver.

But when you will use it (in stead of the glazed Re∣ceivers to lay before the Jug and Helm) then you must have a neck of a glass Bottle: Lute it well over in the Jug, so that the Neck may reach out of the Jug near a Span, in the same Neck lay the nossel of the Helm, and lute it also well over, so you may see in the neck of the glass Bottle, how the drops do fall, and govern the fire ac∣cordingly.

[Section. 4] * 1.124Some who distil Aqua fort. do make (on purpose for the Receiver) great Jugs with great Bellies, of good and solid Clay, so that near the Jug▪s neck, are to be cut in it square holes, then they fit to it square Glasses of good Venetian Glass, and then they lute over the Jugg with a thin Clay made of Varnish and Bole Ar∣moniack, and cause it to be dryed well, and when they will lay the Jug before, then they place the Glasses to the Jug and Nossel of the Helm, so that they may see the drops fall well, and that they may govern the fire as it [Section. 5] * 1.125should be.

Also it often comes to pass, that the Helms have not

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always right spouts, they are either too high or too low: Now, these you may make your self, as followeth, viz. slake a Coal-fire upon a Test, hold the spout so as that it may be only warm, then nearer and nearer; at last, lay it on the glowing Coals, and the nosel will glow, then bow it in the fire, as you wouldst have it, but you must not take it so quickly out of the fire again, lest it break in pieces, according to this way others are to be bent and fitted like Pellicans.

[Section▪ 6] I have taught before, how the Ovens are to be made and prepared in which Aqua fort. is to be distilled: if it * 1.126now should happen, that one would at once resolve to distil more than two at a time: then for such the Atha∣nor must be made somewhat greater and larger than for others, but not much, yet may serve three or four By-Ovens, which are to be governed with one fire, only the Instruments which in other Athanors are drawn on the sides, in this must be drawn upwards, and hang them on the wall by nails, as the following Sculpture doth shew.

[Section. 7] * 1.127Besides this, one may make another Oven to distill Quantities, in which four or more Jugs may be set in length one after another: so that the Oven standeth free, and you may alwayes come to lay one Receiver on one side, and also another on the other side; for this Reason, not only that it may not hinder one the other, but also that on the backside under every Jug may be laid wood, and that the spirits may be forced strongly.

Besides, such an Oven must have on the lowest part but one hole, in which the fire upon a grate is to be sto∣red with wood, and under the grate one wind-hole more, and the same must not be opened, till the water is almost over, that one may strengthen the heat; like∣wise on the upper part, as on the head must be placed

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wind-hole, that the fire may have its draught in the length.

[Section. 8] If then you would distill Aqua fort. in such an Oven, then first calcine, and prepare the stuff afterwards; put it into the Jugs, and the first Jugg which stands next the fire mingle with Calx, then there will not be so much danger, that the stuff will run over: After this, when the water is almost over, then open the wind-holes, which are alwaies to be behind by the Jugs, and force the spirits over, according to every stuffs necessity, by this you will have also good Aqua fort. and maist distil much of it at once, but how the Oven is to be formed you may see at the figure 7. in the next Sculpture.

[Section. 9] But to return to the Aqua fort. I find it necessary * 1.128to mention, That some conceive, if they have too strong Aqua fort, they will go as far in separating one Mark, as of two Marks with weak Aqua fort. which cannot be: the Reason is, that though the strong Aqua fortis do touch strongly, yet it cannot take more Silver to it self, than the Aqua fort. hath wetness: I say then, * 1.129That an Aqua fort. which is of a middle strength, and made of good stuff doth more in separating according to its worth, than a very strong water, for the weak water endures longer in the operation, on the contrary the very strong water consumeth away suddenly, and leaveth off the sooner. The following Sculpture


  • 1. The Tower of the Athanor.
  • 2. The two sides or By-ovens in which the Jugs are to be set, with the Stuff. 2. 2.
  • 3. The Glass Receivers. 3. 3.
  • 4. The earthen Jug or Receiver.
  • 5. The Oven for the Retorts.
  • 6. The little Receivers to be added to the great Recei∣ver,

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  • that there may be room for drawing the Spirits.
  • 7. The Long Oven.
  • 8. The By-Ovens, by which the spirits are to be forc'd into the Aqua fort.

Sculpture XXIII.

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CHAP. XXX. How Aqua fort. is to be separated and cleansed from its Feces.

[Section. 1] WHEN the Aqua fort. is distilled, (accord∣ing * 1.130to the Instruction given) then it is not to be used raw, as it comes from di∣stilling, but it must be first cleansed and precipitated from its feces, that it may be pure and clear, and this is done thus, If the distilled Aqua fort. be two pounds, then put near 2 loths of it into a little glass Vial, and dissolve in it half a dram of fine silver, and while the Solution is yet warm, put in, the other new burnt Aqua fort. so it will be∣come white and thick as milk, stir it once or twice a day, every day, then let it stand one day, and one night till the feces do settle in the bottom like a Calx, when it is become wholy clean and clear, then put it off, and you have purified or precipitated the Aqua fort. for * 1.131the separation prepared; only take notice that the A∣qua fort. distill'd in an Iron Jug. doth not give so much feces, neither is it so unclean as that which is burnt in a glass Bottle, because the Iron-Jug is a Metal of it self, upon which the Aqua fort. doth partly purify it self, and it likewise gives to the Gold a higher and finer colour than the other: Keep the feces clean together, pour it off, enter them into the Lead, and let it go off upon a Copel, so you will find the most part of the Silver in it, which you have used to the precipitation.

[Section. 2] * 1.132Some use this Method, viz. They do precipitate the new distilled Aqua fort. with Hungarian or Bohemish Pence, or such like Money, which to the separating is

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all one, only the Aqua fort. remains not so clear, fine and white, but because there is Copper in it, therefore the Aqua fort. becomes a little green: for this Reason, this Aqua fort. settled with Coppery Money cannot be used to the Gold-Proof, for the Copper which is in the water sticks rather to the Gold Calx than to the Silver, and then 'tis not easily wash'd off so clean: which is pre∣judicial to the Proof: but, if after the first setling, the Aqua fort. be unclean, then you may settle it once more, and then use it to Separate or prove Gold, according to your pleasure.

CHAP. XXXI. How weak Aqua fort is to be made stronger.

[Section 1] IF it should be neglected in the distilling of the Aqua fort. as easily may be done, * 1.133when the Joynings are not well luted over, so that the water will become too weak, and in the separating will not touch the Silver: such weak waters may be made stronger by two wayes: First, set in again a new stuff of Nitre, and calcined Vitriol, and put the weak Aqua fort. in the Receiver before it, and distil the stuff: after this make the spirits to go well over, so the Aqua fort. will become stronger, that it may be used well and safely in separations.

[Section. 2] * 1.134The other way isshorter: thus, Set the weak Aqua fort. in a glass Bottle or Culb, which must be luted over upon a Coal-fire, heat it till it begin to boil, then the wateriness of it will boil off, which you may often prove while it is boyling, whether the water do become strong enough. Or, set the weak Aqua fort. in a Bottle, which is luted

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over in the Athanor, or in another Oven, (in which one useth to burn Aqua fort.) and put an Helm upon it, and draw off from it the Flegm or superfluous wateri∣ness, until the Helm begins to be brown, fo the weak A∣qua fort. will become stronger and is fit for use.

[Section. 3] The Flegm which is dravvn off you may retain, for * 1.135if you do distil another Aqua fort. then you may use it in the Receiver again, for this flegm is much better than common vvater.

CHAP. XXXII. How Gold and Silver in the Aqua fort. is to be separated.

[Section. 1] * 1.136TO separate Gold from Goldish Silver in the Aqua fort. Knovv that the Silver must first be burnt clean upon a Test, then cast it into an Ingot, and beat it thin upon an Anvil, and cut it into lit∣tle lamins or thin pieces, bovv them that they become hollovv, glovv them in a Crucible that the Aqua fort. may touch them the better, such glovved Lamins vvhen they are cold, put them into a luted neck separating Glass, and put not above five or six of those Mark-Goldish-silver Lamins in at once; (because of the Danger in breaking,) and if you have much Silver (for they take much room vvith the Bot∣tles) then put upon it so much of the purify'd and set∣tled Aqua fort. that it go over the Silver a good large Finger, and as soon as it begins to vvork of it self, put the separating Glass vvith the Silver upon a warm Sand in a great earthen Test of good stuff upon an Athanor, that the Sand, may alvvays remain hot, and vvhen the

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first Aqua fort. hath work enough, that it will touch no more, then put away the Silvery Water into another luted Bottle, but not too hot, that the Bottle may not break, and put upon it other good Aqua fort. which hath not been used, set it in warm Sand, and let it work the second time, but a little stronger than at first, until it will work no more: Then put it clean off to the Silvery Aqua fort. and put upon it the third time Aqua fort. and set it upon the hot Sand, and let it work strongly, and with great Bubbles, until all the Silver be dissolved from the Gold, which will come out very clean through the three waters now mentioned: But, if one had more to separate, one might use the last water upon other Silver, and put it upon it the first time, for it will touch and work so that somewhat of the Aqua fort may be spared.

[Section. 2] * 1.137Know also, that upon one Mark of beaten Silver, there will remain one Mark and a half of good Aqua fort. and upon a Mark of thin graind Silver, (because the Grains remain somewhat thicker, and not so light as in beating) two Marks; now when the Aqua fort. hath separated and attracted all the Silver from the Gold, then put the Silvery Aqua fort. together in a Bottle, as abovesaid, and upon the Gold or Gold Calx (which remains in the Bot∣tle) clean, boyling hot water, so that it go well over the Gold, and put it over again, let it boyl well with the Gold calx, then put it off in a particular Vessel, clean and [Section. 3] pure, that nothing come off from the Gold, and put up∣on * 1.138it another clean hot water, let it boyl with it, do this until the water goes off from the Gold very clean and clear, and hath no sharpness at all in it, and that it take to it self the remaining Silver which the Aqua fort. hath left behind with the Gold in the moistness, till it co∣meth clean, this is called dulcifying, but that you may be sure that you have the Silver sweetned clean, prove it

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thus, let fall a drop in a Coppery clean dish, and if it do not stain it, then 'tis dulcifyed clean, such sweet waters are all to be put together, because of the Silver in it, and use it for precipitation, (of which you shall have an in∣struction hereafter) When the Gold calx after this man∣ner is taken clean off, then hold in your hand the Bot∣tle, and put the Gold or Gold calx very gently out into an half Glass Bottle, with the last clean water together; then put it again into the Bottle or Culb, and hold your hand before it again, and turn the Culb so that all the remainder of the Gold (together with the water) may flow against the hand, then put it finely and gently to the other Gold in the half Bottle.

[Section. 4] * 1.139When all the Gold calx is settled in the half Glass Bottle, then drain the water off cleanly, and put also the Gold calx (being moist) into a clean Crucible, and set it on the fire, and let the water softly evaporate, and boyl in; then set the Crucible warmer, and at the last very hot, that the Gold calx may glow clean out, then the Gold will receive a fine colour, let it be cold, and weigh it, then in the casting all together nothing will go from it.

Now if you will cast together the glowed Gold calx then mingle it with a little Borax, and put it in a new clean Crucible, (but rub it at first very clean with chalk) and set it in the Fire, and when the Crucible gloweth, blow to it that the Gold may come to flow, of this you may use a little in the Fluss, and when you will cast it, then lay [Section. 5] * 1.140a clean little Paper upon it, which is Luted with Ve∣netian Soap and Wax, and while the Paper yet burns upon the Gold, cast it out under the Flames, so it will receive no scum, but will casts it self also clean, but if you will cast an Ingot, then make the Ingot warm, and Lute it with Wax, and then quench the cast Ingot with Ʋrine, and so the Gold will become fine and deft.

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[Section. 6] But if one have much to separate, if it be Golden grain'd or Gilt Silver, and you would separate it in the water, then it must be first burnt clean upon a Test, and the burnt Silver must be Grained, (for it would be a hindrance to the Separator, if all Silver should be beaten) especially in a great quantity, yet he who hath time and opportunity, will do better to beat the Silver, or cause it to be beaten, whereby the separation will be done soo∣ner and with less Aqua fort. (as above is signified) but if you want time and opportunity to beat it, then take the burnt Goldish Silver, and set it in a Crucible in a Wind Oven, and grain it with a split or round stick, or stir the water with a stick fast about in the Vessel, to make the Silver cast it self into Bubbles, whereby it will [Section. 7] * 1.141grain it self thin and hollow, and when 'tis drayn'd, then dry and glow it, and put it in the separating Glass, and put Aqua fort. upon it, that it may go over it pretty well, and set an Alimbeck upon it, that it may begin to move of it self, and, when it ceaseth working, then set the separating glass upon the Copels in the sand upon the Athanor, and let the Alimbeck or Helm stand continually upon it, and what Water goeth off from the Aqua fort. keep that same by it self, for 'tis in the distilling of the Aqua fort. to be put into the Re∣ceiver, and is better than common Aqua fort. and you must still govern the fire in the Athanor by strength∣ning and weakning it as the work requires: and of this graind Silver, put 9 or 10 Mark of it into a bot∣tle at once, for it will not take so much room as the beaten, yet if there were a quantity to separate of the Gol∣den silver, one may prepare more of such Athanors than [Section. 8] * 1.142one, that divers of the Bottles may be set in at once, but you ought to observe this, that one must put upon the Graind more than three times fresh Aqua fort. for the thick Grains sake, that the Gold may be pure.

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[Section. 9] And if it happens that a Glass Bottle should break, and the Silvery Aqua fort. run into the sand, 'tis not * 1.143quite lost, for one may boil most part of the Silver out of the Sand again with warm Water, and that which remains in the sand may be mingled with that which is swept off, and passes through the melt Oven, and be made to profit, but of such danger there is little Fear upon the Athanor, especially if you have good separating Glasses, and also are careful.

[Section. 10] * 1.144When the Silver is separated clean from the Gold then sweeten the Gold Calx well out, dry, glow and cast it to∣gether (as often as hath been mentioned) and know, if you have been diligent in separating and sweetning it the Gold which comes out by the separation, will be 23 Ca∣rats and one grain; but commonly it cometh to 23 Carats and 7 or 8 grains.

[Section. 11] Further, I add as a Caution, That you must not * 1.145let the Aqua fort. evaporate too dry upon the Gold (as many times it happens by Negligence) whereby the Silver can not set it self on the Gold Calx again, which afterwards the other Aqua fort. will hardly touch, and therefore so soon as one part of the last Aqua fort. be poured from the Gold, one should quickly cast upon it hot flowing water before it be cold, that the Silver [Section. 12] * 1.146may not settle it self too hard on the Gold, and turn to Cristals, and though hot boyling water will dissolve those Crystals, yet 'tis better, it may not be, but be soon dul∣cified.

[ 13] * 1.147Likewise, if it be neglected so that the Gold should come too white out of the separation, and were not of a high Content, then it is by the Cement (as in next Scul∣pture is signified) to be perfectly cleansed. But that you may understand the Labour of the Separation, and how the Ovens and separating Glasses use to stand, you will al∣so see in the following Sculpture.

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Sculpture XXIV.

  • 1. The Tower of the Athanor.
  • 2. The Side-Ovens upon which the Copels are placed on Sand.
  • 3. The Glass Bottle for Separation covered with Hel∣mets, 3. 3.
  • ...

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  • ... 4. The Receivers which are laid to the Helmets.
  • 5. How Aqua fortis is by them to be drawn from the Silver.
  • 6. An Iron Instrument by which the Glasses are to be taken out and in.
  • 7. The Person that attends the Operation of the Glasses, in figure 5.
  • 8. Another person to take off and put on Glasses upon the shelves.
  • 9. The Ingredients prepared, in a dish or pan.

CHAP. XXXIII. When the Gold is abstracted, how the Silver is to be brought again, out of Aqua fort.

[Section. 1] IF one have dissolv'd Silver from the Gold, through Aqua fortis, and the Aqua fort. hath suck'd the same into it self, and if one would bring it again out of the Aqua fortis; this may be done several wayes. The common Me∣thod is this (which is used by most Goldsmiths) if they separate but a little silver, and require no great pains, then they take the settled water with which they have purified the Gold (as is said before) and put it in an half Bottle made of Copper, to the silvery Aqua fortis: only observe the right measure, for if the setled water be but little, and on the contrary, if the silvery Aqua fort. be too much, then it will begin to work too hard in the Copper Bottle: to prevent this, put into the Copper Bottle, to the settled water, and to the inweighed Aqua fort. a little more warm common flowing water, and then it will not so much hurt the Copper-bottle; and

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the Silver will quickly and apparently fall down in the Copper Bottle: Let it stand a while, then put the Cop∣per Bottle (together with the water and fallen Silver) over the fire, let it boyl a little, then the Silver will the better and closer come together.

When this is done, then cause it to settle and pour the clean water off (which will be fair, clear and transpa∣rent) put the silver Calx into an half-Glass bottle, or, if it be much, then into a clean Kettle, and pour clean warm water upon it, two or three times, until the silver Calx be clean and pure, and see that the Silver alwayes settle well, and preserve it carefully together, that nothing be lost.

[Section. 2] The Reason why the silver Calx must be dulcified, is Because the sharpness which the Aqua fort. hath left in * 1.148it may come out of it, for the sharpness doth rob some of the silver in the fire by drawing over the Helm as shall be shewn.

Now, when the water is drain'd from the silver Calx then put it in a clean Copper half Bottle, and let the wa∣ter of it boil off and evaporate, that it may be very dry, then put it in a Crucible, set it in the fire in a wind-Oven or before the bellows, according as it is more or less: make it not too suddenly hot, that if there be left by the silver Calx, any Spirits of the Aqua fort. that they may evaporate before the silver Calx floweth, and the waste of the silver may become the smaller, which waste is not often small, and comes all from the spirits, for if they could be retained in the separating Glass then little would go off from the Silver.

[Section. 3] * 1.149After the melting together of the Silver in the Cruci∣ble, then grain it, or cast it in an Ingot, as you please, this is the old manner of the Goldsmiths and common Se∣parators to cleanse the silver out of the Aqua fort. and this silver which is thus settled out of the Aqua fort. is

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not fine silver: but it worketh on the Copper from which it is to be cleansed, and the stronger the water is in clean∣sing, the more it will touch, and mingle among the silver Calx, and it holds commonly a Mark of cleansed silver, and this thus cast, holds near 15 Loth of fine silver.

[Section. 4] * 1.150The settled blew water is to be used again with pro∣fit when you distil Aqua fort. and have put the prepa∣red stuff into a Jug (whereof Iron ones are best) then put of this blew water two pound upon ten pound of calcin'd stuff; as soon as this is done, set the Helm upon it, for it will presently go off it self, without any fire, and lay the Receiver before, (without any sweet Water) lute it well every where, and let it first go over the flegm, then increase the fire till all the spirits are driven into the water (as is said, when we spake of burning the A∣qua fort.) then you may put this blew Aqua fort. into a great Culb glass, which is cut off in the Neck, and lu∣ted over, and evaporate the moist flegm with the fire, then it will become stronger, and so put it to the stuff in the distilling.

But the Aqua fort. which comes of it, when the blew water is put upon the calcined stuff hath not so much fe∣ces in cleansing and seething down, and is not so unclean as other common Aqua fort. which is burnt of other stuff, because the blew water becomes Metallick by the Copper in the precipitation, and hath purified it self in the Jug or Bottle.

[Section. 5] * 1.151Know also, That one may in a glazed or earthen Ves∣sel (if it be good, and will hold Aqua fort. and Oyl) cleanse the used silvery Aqua fort. and the silver precipi∣tated in it, namely, one must put such Aqua fort. toge∣ther with the clear water, (as aforesaid) mixed in the glazed or earthen Vessel, and lay in it red hot pieces of Copper, and set the Vessel warm, then the silver will quickly fall to the Bottom, but 'tis better to cleanse it

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in a Copper Vessel, which may be done in a coppery or [Section. 6] earthen vessel, yet in the cleansing of it, put iron La∣mins, then the silver will come clean out of the water, as Experience teaches. * 1.152

CHAP. XXXIV. How Aqua fortis drawn from Silver may be used again.

[Section. 1] THE Second manner of bringing the Sil∣ver out of Aqua fort. and to draw off Aqua fort. so that it may be used again for Separation, is a singular ART and Dexterity; 'tis thus, Put the Silverish Aqua fort. in a good glass Bottle which is luted over, and wherein Aqua fort. may be distilled, set it in one of the Ovens which are for distilling, and lu∣ted over (but in an Athanor is the best, and not so dan∣gerous, as in a common Oven) let it be dry, then put the silverish Aqua fort. through a long glazed Tunnel, warm and not cold, into the Bottle, then set a Helm upon it, but not so strong luted over, lay the Receiver before, and lute the Joynings over so that you may take the Helm off again, (as you will hear hereafter.) And being thus set in, then dress the Athanor, and put fire and Coals in it. And by the Instruments (of which we have spoken above:) first give it a gentle fire, and let the flegm go over 9 or 10 beats or times (as before) and when the water or flegm is almost over, then shut all the Instruments on the Athanor, and take off the Helm again, and fill more silvery water through the long Tun∣nel, warm into the Bottle, (else it may break and do hurt) and put the Helm on again, and lay the Receiver be∣fore,

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it but lute it not too strong (as at the beginning) and let the water go over again gently.

In this manner 'tis to be done the second and third time with the silvery water; and when you think it be silvery enough in the Bottle, or hast no more to put in, and the flegms are over, then take off the Helm again, and cast into the Bottle (to the Silver or Stuff) a piece of Tallow as big as half a hazel Nut, then the Silver will not ascend in the Bottle, put on the Helm again and lay the Receiver before it, and lute it all over well, and the best thou canst: then let the fire go on the stuff again, and make the fire fiercer (as you see convenient) At last, give it a strong fire, and force the spirits, near 12 hours, pretty well, yet not too high in the beginning, but by degrees increase it, that the spirits may go over with great force, and that the Culb may glow very bright, let it stand in the fire, near two hours▪ that the Silver may almost melt in it, then the spirits will come all into the water, and the Silver freed of them, for if they were not clean forced from the Silver, but remain∣ed by it, they would hurt it in the casting together, and draw it away; which may be seen apparently upon the Coals, that there will lye thick leaves upon it: They therefore who are ignorant of this, do many times work with danger, and great loss of Silver.

[Section. 2] One may also put the silvery Aqua fort. into the glass Bottle luted over upon the Athanor in deep Sand, and draw the flegm (as now is mentioned) gently over, by which may be seen how it governs it self in the Bot∣tle, and how the water decreaseth, and so have more care in putting in more water: finally, the spirits will be forc'd over, and the Silver be glowed out in the Bot∣tle, yet the last out-glowing is better to do in my mind, as above in the Athanor.

[Section. 3] When the water is thus drawn over, then let all be

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cold, and take off the Aqua fort. in the Receiver, which you may use again very well to separate, especially to the Gold-proof, and hath no need of further cleansing: then take out the Silver which was left in the Glass, and put it into a Crucible, and cast it together.

[Section 4] Some of the Gold-Separators have also this manner in drawing over the water, that they do add to the sil∣very * 1.153Aqua fort. in the separating Bottle, if it be six pounds, then one pound of the stuff, of the Aqua fort. (viz. of Nitre, and calcin'd Vitriol, as above is signifi∣ed) and do not put it into the Bottle untill the water be almost gone over, and if the spirits begin to go over, they lute it again very diligently, and keep the Fire (as is necessary in burning of the Aqua fort.) that the spi∣rits at last may come over too: and yet they do think that the Aqua fortis will receive a virtue and strength again from the added stuff, and is better for use in sepa∣rations; then they force the Silver with the Caput Mort. (which yet is but little) into a Crucible, and cast it to∣gether: Whether now this way be better than the first? Experience must teach: So then you will have a good and right Instruction concerning the Silver and Gold separation in the vvater; and 'tis a compleat vvay of se∣parating; especially if one be provided vvith all things necessary to it.

CHAP. XXXV. How to separate Gold and Silver by Fusion.

[Section. 5] * 1.154AS it is an excellent piece of Art to sepa∣pate Gold and Silver (in Aqua fort.) viz. The rich Gold containing Silver; so is also the Separation by Fusion upon the poor Golden Silver, where the Mark contains one peny and an half

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of Gold, to two or three drams, which is an handsome and profitable separation; so that I know no better way: but upon the rich Goldish Oar, that way is not to be used.

[Section. 2] But this separating by Fusion is to be understood thus, That, because the Gold in the poor Content of Goldish Silver is largely distributed, (through the Addition of Gold in the Fusion in a little Silver) it may be brought into a narrowness; namely, as when the Goldish Sil∣ver is thirty Mark, and one Mark contains a dram of Gold, then the thirty drams of Gold (which are in the thirty Mark of Silver, will bring in two Marks of Sil∣ver, and then separate it in the Aqua fort. which is a very great profit, because that one hath not need to re∣fine all the thirty Marks of Silver, and then to separate them in Aqua fort.

[Section. 3] If you have a goldish Silver, which is poor of Gold, put it in a Crucible, let it flow, and grain it in the water, and if it be but wrought Silver, and not fine, 'tis no∣thing: then weigh the graind Silver, and prove it up∣on fine Silver and Gold, how much it contains, that you may keep this Account, that there remaineth no∣thing behind on Gold or Silver, and also canst certain∣ly know, how much the waste hath been in the Silver by the separation.

[Section. 4] After such proving and weighing, make the grain a little wet again, and take to every Mark of Silver, four Loth of yellow small beaten Sulphur, put also the grains wet into a glazed Pot, and put the Sulphur upon it, min∣gle it well together, and cover the Pot with a Cover, then lute it well over, and make a gentle fire round about: so that the sulphur may melt on the grains.

When this is done, Let the Pot cool, and break it in pieces, then you will find the grains and the Sulphur burnt very black together, beat it asunder, and take heed

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that nothing of it spring away. After this put the grains (thus with the Sulphur prepared) into a good Crucible, and upon the Grains put also a Mark of wrought Silver, and half a Loth of Copper; but if it be burnt silver, then take to every Mark two loths of Grain'd Copper, and set the Crucible in a Wind Oven, which is made taper-wise with good and sound Clay under the Iron grate before, towards the wind hole, that if the Crucible should run over, yet the scoria's or dross of all the stuff may flow out of the Oven into the hole under the wind-hole, then there is no need to gather it so largely dispersed; and, that also the Grates may be taken out and laid in again: After such Crucibles are set in, then cover them with an Iron-cover very close, let the stuff flow well, and when 'tis flowed, uncover the Crucible, and stir it well with a glowing Iron hook of a finger thickness, and cast the Silver first down with grained Lead, viz. that you may spread the grain'd [Section▪ 5] Lead upon the stuff in the Crucible, in which the Gold will cast it self down with some little silver, then put * 1.155also upon it some of the stuff (as is directed hereafter) and stir it once with the Iron hook, then cover the Cru∣cible again with the cover, and let it stand thus a while in the stuff, then uncover it again, and cast it down with grain'd Lead and a little grain'd Copper; do this three times, and always use afterwards of the mentioned fluss; but take notice, if you have in the Crucible 20 Marks of silver, that you may not use of the fluss (to three times casting down) above 10 loths, and one and a half of grain'd Lead, and 4 loths of Copper; for if you should use more, then the silver Regulus might be too great. Now when you have precipitated, or cast it down the third time, let the Crucible stand with the stuff a long time in good fluss, then take it out of the fire, and cool it, and beat it asunder, and of 20 Marks of silver you

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will find in the bottom, a Regulus of near 6 Marks weight, or something lesser, in which there will be as much Gold, as in 20 Mark of silver.

[Section 6] After the finishing of the first running or casting the * 1.156Metal, then prove if you find the scoria's or dross up∣on the Silver, and the Silver upon the Gold, and that if the scoria's doth contain Gold, set it again in a new Crucible, and let it flow, and use your casting with the grain'd Lead and a little Copper (as before) but not so much, unless the scoria's were rich in Gold, and then one useth much of the grain'd Lead and Copper, whereby the silver Regulus will become the greater, and the Gold will come better together; especially observe, that if much Gold be in the silver, then use at first most of the lower casting, that you may precipitate all the Gold, and when you have all the Gold in the two Regulus's, and do find [Section. 7] * 1.157that they are still too poor in Gold, that is, if you have not in the same a fourth, or at least a fifth part of Gold, by which the Gold in separating did not remain whole, then set in the Regulus again, grain'd and prepared with sulphur (as at the first time) and put the same ashed grains in a new Crucible, and spread a little Copper upon it, and cover it with fluss, and put a cover upon it, and set it, thus covered, again into the fire in the Wind-oven, and let it flow well, then precipitate it again with grain∣ed Lead, and use to every one of the castings the fluss, (hereafter set down) and stir it well about with an Iron hook, now that the silver Regulus be not too great, and not so much (as that you need to separate it in the Aqua fort. in vain,) you may help it with the lower stuff or castings, whether the Regulus be great or small, (as above hath been demonstrated) and so deal also with the remaining scoria's, when such is yet rich in Gold; for by diligent proving one may always perceive whether the Gold be all in the Regulus, or whether some be yet

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behind in the scoria's, that you may regulate your self accordingly.

When then you have done all things in the Cruciple by precipitating and stirring about, and hast lifted out the Crucible, then cast the stuff out of the Crucible into an iron Morter, luted with Tallow and a thin Clay, and made a little warm (which I judge very good) for in such a casting the Regulus comes clean together; and as soon as this is cast out of the Crucible, then set the Cru∣cible quickly in again in the Wind-Oven (especially if the Crucible be good, and, That you may trust to it) Put the stuff out of the Morter, and beat the Regulus from the Scoria's, and presently put the Scoria's in the Cru∣cible, let it flow till it doth flow very easily, and cast it down again, and do it as you are instructed at the first, then put it again into the Morter, and cool it; Lastly, when all the Gold is cast down in the Silver-Regulus, then take the Regulus and burn it clean upon a Test, and grain it afterwards, either in the bubling water (as above mentioned) or cast it into an Ingot and beat it thin, then separate it in Aqua fort. as I have taught.

[Section. 8] To this separating there doth belong good and sound Crucibles, in which you at once may set in to separare near 50 Marks of silver or more, besides, I have seen a Gold-separator in Saxony, in such a Crucible hath set in, and cast down near an hundred Marks of good burnt Silver, thus prepared with sulphur: But, because it causeth some fear to set in so much at once, therefore I judge it better, especially, if one cannot trust to the Cru∣cibles, that one in one Crucible may set in no more than 50 Marks (except it were so much to separate) and then some more Wind-Ovens must be made, and more Cruci∣bles be put in.

[Section. 9] But for a true Instruction of the Precipitation (with the before given manuduction) know, That it hath this

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Condition, viz. When there is put (after the former Directions) much Goldish silver with sulphur prepared in a Crucible, and the Gold is cast down with the Lead, Copper and Fluss, then the Gold will precipitate or cast it self from above, so you may with a little glowing draw out of the Crucible some scoria's, but not the half part, then cover the Crucible again, and preciptate it again, and at last put the stuff (as I have mentioned before) in an Iron Morter, by this way, I suppose, that the sco∣ria's of the Gold will be clean at once.

[Section. 10] I must also further Instruct, That one may use upon * 1.158the poor Goldish Silver (of which a Mark contains but a Heller or Penny-Gold) this following Method of Separation in the Fusion, first, that one must put into a Crucible of the graind Gold, with sulphur prepar'd as above is taught) near 50 Marks, and let it flow well, then precipitate it with graind Lead, and a little Copper and when the Precipitation is right done, and the sco∣ria's with all the stuff cast together with the precipitated Silver, and the Regulus and the Gold put in another hot Crucible, and again out of the same, into the first, and then to cast it into an iron Mould of an Oval form, well wash'd with Clay, and dry'd again, so that it may flow in bredth, and the silver Regulus with the Gold may settle (yet broad and thin) and then you will find, that in such casting that all the Gold will give it self in the silver Regulus at once, and you need not set it in the scoria's again, but it will be clean and free at once: this now is an ingenious Method, though I never used it: because the silver Re∣gulus is so often cast through with the scoria's, and doth spread among the scoria's, so that the silver may the better catch the Gold, and take it to it self.

To such casting one must have a singular iron-Instru∣ment made on purpose to open and close again with two handles, the same is to be holden with thick wet Gloves

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on the hands, and poured out to avoid the heat thereof; Every one may consider of this, but, I judge it most convenient, the casting of the Crucible, as followeth.

CHAP. XXXVI. How the Scoria's or dross is to be made to Profit.

[Section. 1] * 1.159THE remaining silver which in the preci∣pitating comes not into the silver Re∣gulus, but remains in the scoria's, you may make to profit, and bring it from it; only observe this, If one useth to the precipitation much Copper and little Lead, then the Scoria's will become rich in Copper, therefore to make such good again, requires much Lead: But if you use to it much grain'd Lead and little Cop∣per (as hath been taught in my former Instructions) then the Scoria's will become rich in Lead and poor in Cop∣per, and the Gold will precipitate never the less (after this manner) into a silvery Regulus, which in the well making of the Scoria's is very profitable, without any great dammage to the Silver.

Therefore make it thus, If the Scoria's be 30 Mark which you would make to advantage, Prepare a very flat Test, of good wash'd Ashes (as I have taught in the first Book of the silver work) set it before the Bellows, that it be not too strong, let it be warm, and then put upon it 15 pounds of clean Lead, blow it gently, and when it begins to drive, then put continually one piece after another of the Scoria's into it, so the Lead takes the Content of it to it self, and the Sulphur is blown off from the Test, also the Scoria's doth not stick so much in the Test, because 'tis poor in Copper: But if there

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be not enough of Lead, then you may add somewhat more, till all the scoria's be suck'd in: then drive it up∣on the Test clean off, so you will find, that not much more than a dram is gone off from the Silver in the sepa∣ration.

[Section. 2] * 1.160Also, one may put again all the Scoria's into a Cruci∣ble, and let it flow in a wind-oven, and when 'tis flowed very well, the silver (with filed Iron, or Iron-Scales and grain'd Lead) is to be precipitated, stir it well about, and with the filed Iron follow it so long, till the scoria's doth touch no more the iron Hook, then lift it out of the fire, and let it cool well: In this precipitation (with the Iron) the Sulphur will loose its strength, and lets fall the Silver, and thus with this precipitation the most part of the Silver settles it self in the Crucible, which with the remaining scoria's is easy to be brought to profit, especially because it is rich in Lead.

Now, because I am just come to the scoria's, I must (in kindness to the Reader) mention somewhat of its rare [Section. 3] * 1.161nature; for first, When the Scoria's is cast into an In∣got, while 'tis yet hot, it may be hammered and beaten, as one pleaseth, like Lead.

[Section. 4] Then one may cast figures and medals which will look like glassy Oar, and if one cast forms of it, and turn it over, and lay it upon a gentle coal-fire, till they are warm, then * 1.162set it over a coal-fire, and the silver will glow out of it, as if it grew in the Myne, and, 'twill look lovely and fair: and this I signify, that any one may use it at their plea∣sure, and, like an Artist, know what is to be done there∣with.

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CHAP. XXXVII. How to make a Fluss for Precipitation.

[Section▪ 1] FLUSS is made by taking Litharge, Glass∣gall, and melted Salt, of each a like quan∣tity, * 1.163small beaten, and filed Iron, and a like quantity of graind Lead, this Fluss or fluible Composition maketh the sco∣ria's deft, so that the Gold will settle it self the easier, and precipitate gently, and not suddenly; and if you will use it, you may do it the more safely in the Precipitating with the Graind Lead and Copper, lest the silver Regulus be too great.

[Section. 2] So you have a clear Instruction how you shall do * 1.164with the Separation in the fluss all in all, which is well to be observed, for it requires a more singular and exact diligence in the Aqua fort. than in other separations, as you will finde.

[Section. 3] * 1.165Concerning the old used Crucibles and Tests, which come from such separations, they are to be kept toge∣ther, for they are not without Silver, and to make such serviceable, set one of the old Crucibles in the Wind-Oven full of Lead, let it drive gently, and lay the pie∣ces of the used Crucibles one after another in it, then the Lead will draw all that remains of the Scoria's to it self, and becomes as wash'd: and you may use the same Lead, in stead of other Lead, or add but a little of it upon the Test, and then you may make it be profitable; for the more you keep all things together the less is the dammage of the Silver: but all is to be swept together, and wash'd at once alike, and then melted for your advan∣tage.

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[Section. 4] And, when in this Separation a Crucible runs out, (as it oft hapneth) then is this stuff and scoria's (because 'tis heavy, and remains in the water) like another Silver to be search'd and found out. But, that you may see the Wind-Ovens (with all the appertaining Instruments and Vessels to this Labour severally formed) I have in the following Sculpture for this end delineated them.

Sculpture XXV.

  • 1. The inward part of the Wind-Oven.
  • 2. The outward part prepared.
  • ...

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  • 3. The holes next the wind-holes.
  • 4. The Pot in which the Sulphur and graind-Mettals are prepared, with a fire under it, and a person attend∣ing it.
  • 5. A single Crucible, and a cover to it. 5. 5.
  • 6. The iron Tongs, by which Crucibles are put in, and taken out of the fire.
  • 7. The Instrument in which the Crucibles are to be set.
  • 8. The iron Vessel into which the stuff or melted matter is to be cast.
  • 9. The person attending the Wind-ovens.

CHAP. XXXVIII. How to make good and sound Crucibles for separating the Fluss.

[Section. 1] BECAUSE there must be good and sound Crucibles to the Separation in the Fluss, therefore I will give here a little Instruction how they are to be made: The chief and that of most concernment is good Clay, that holdeth well in the fire, of which may be made good Crucibles. When you have such Clay, let it be well dryed in [Section. 2] the Sun, beat it small, and sift it through an hair sieve, put among it the tenth part of small beaten flint-stones, which is burnt and wash'd: and half so much small ground Chalk, or in stead of that Glimer or Tallow, or in stead of these burnt Water-flints small grownd, min∣gle all these well together, and moisten it a little; work it well together with your Feet, and after with your Hands: then take smooth pieces of Pear-tree, or other strong wood, suitable to the bigness of the Cruci∣bles;

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which may be taken in two parts asunder, on which may be laid two iron Rings or moulds, beat and press the Crucibles into the same, but let the upper part of the Cru∣cible be first well oyl'd over, that it may the better go out. After the preparation of the Crucible, let it be dry in the Frame, then the Crucible will go out whole, for if the lower part be oyl'd, then the wet Crucible might with the upper part, lift up it self out of the frame, and hardly remain whole; or, take one part of Potters clay, a fourth part of good Clay, and a fourth part of the above mentioned flind-stones: but you must observe whether the stuff or Clay be too fat or dry, and those Portions which you take unto it, and so you will have good Crucibles which will not fail.

[Section. 3] Some use Crucibles having three feet, below, upon which stand the Ovens, and need not be set upon a foot of the Crucible; such Crucibles I much esteem of, for the heat may easily come without hindrance of the thick bottom, that the Silver or Mettal in it, may become sooner hot, than in such Crucibles which must be set upon a thick foot, they stand also and hold better and longer in the fire than they which are set upon particular feet of Crucibles, especially when the feet, as well as the Ashes of the Crucible are not so very dry, then it draw∣eth the bottom of the Crucible, and the Moistness to it self, and cracketh it very easily, and by this may be seen that out of a common three-footed pot (used for boyling and casting Copper and Brass) in an hour and a half you may alwayes make warm and cast a Fluss of 12 pounds in a Wind-Oven; yea, one may well cast some Fluss out of it, especially, if one have tongs to it, to lift the Pot out of the Fire. I was willing to mention this as an Instruction, and the form of such Crucibles you will find in the following Sculpture.

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Sculpture XXVI.

  • 1. The lower part of the frame of a Press, for making Crucibles.
  • 2. The shape of the whole Press, and how the Crucibles are to be forc'd under it.
  • 3. The iron-Rings or Hoops about the Frame.
  • 4. The shape of Crucibles to be made in the Press.
  • 5. The Handle by which the Screw of the Press is to be turned.

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CHAP. XXXIX. Of Cementing, and what it is.

[Section. 1] CEMENTING is a singular fine ART through which one may draw and se∣parate from the Gold, Silver, Copper, Brass, and other Metals, by a moist∣ned Pouder, that the Gold may remain separated from its Addition and Allay: But 'tis only to be used to such Golds which are not much more than half Gold, for if the Silver and Copper be more than the Gold, to this the other Separations are better, and 'tis done with the same in a shorter time, and with less labour and expence: and according as the Gold is rich or poor, the Cements is likewise to be pre∣pared.

[Section. 2] But to Cement there appertains such stuffs and matter as will work upon the Silver and Copper, because of their sharpness, and consume them as a sharp Salt species, a∣mong which is to be taken Verdigrise, calcin'd Brass, and such like, that they may give a fine and grateful colour to the Gold, or else Lapidem Haematitem, Crocum Mar∣tis, Tutiam, or calcined Vitriol; which Ingredients, how to be put into the Cement, is left to every ones Liber∣ty, but he must observe, that he take nothing which is contrary to the Gold, or that may make it unclean and do hurt. The Pouder of Tile is to be used in the Ce∣ment, that it may attract what the other Ingredients do scarify, and loosen, as Silver and Copper from the Gold with their sharpness and moistness, which else would stick and hang about the Gold, whereupon the Gold becomes fine and clean.

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Therefore I have set down some Cements which I have used and found very good; But, because in this Art of Cementing there is necessary a particular Oven, which holdeth fire long, therefore I shall first mention how it is to be made, with its Form.

CHAP. XL. How the cover'd Oven for Cement is to be made.

[Section. 1] IF one hath much to Cement, there is no better way, than to prepare such an Oven as in the following Sculpture; and although there may be other Cement Ovens, yet I conceive that this is the most profitable; for it will hold about 24 hours such a continual fire, that there needs not any attending of it, and it is done thus: Make a square of Tile-stones, the inside an Ell wide, and an Ell∣high, to the edge (where the Oven is to be tapering) and then from the same edge to the Tower of the Atha∣nor is to go half an Ell high, and that the Tower of the Athanor be an Ell and a half or two Ells high, and the inside an Ell and half wide, and so the whole Oven three Ells, or three and a half high, and there must be on the foreside of the Oven two Mouth-holes, the lower a third part of an Ell long, and a sixth part of an Ell high, through which the wind may go, but the upper an Ell and half a quarter wide, and so high; and by the same Mouth-hole there must lye (in the inside of the Oven) an iron Grate, with an edge, as in the next Sculpture mar∣ked with Figure 3. and out of the same Grate, before the Mouth-hole in the Oven, an earthen plate upon which a Muffle as high as the Mouth-hole is to be placed, and then

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under it the prepared Cement comes to stand pure and clean, or else the Pot with the prepared Cement is to be set in it without the Muffle: you must also make four smoak-holes upon every side one, as in the next Scul∣pture at figure 4.

[Section. 2] Now, if you will Cement in the Oven, and the Ce∣ment * 1.166is set in, then put in above in the Athanor (or Tower) live Coals, and fill it after with dead Coals; then cover it so as no Air may go out of it, one∣ly leave the Mouth-hole open (marked with the Fi∣gure 1.) and the air of smoak-hole, (noted with figure 2.) that the fire may begin, and have air; then shut all the other air or wind-holes close, and let open only the uppermost hole of the Tower near the cover (noted with figure 5.) About the bigness of a little finger, that the Cement be not too hot, and not to suffer any dammage.

[Section. 3] In such an Oven you may keep a Fire 24 hours, (as abovesaid) that there needs not much waiting on it, nor casting fresh Coals into it, for the Coals in the A∣thanor will follow one another, and keep the fire all the time in due heat (as you please). But if there be cause to continue the heat longer than 24 hours, then put more Coals into the Athanor, and so keep the fire as long as is needful.

[Section. 4] Now, concerning the Cement ovens which have been used formerly, those I leave in their esteem; and when you have try'd both, the Difference will be found.

[Section. 5] But if one cannot quickly have such an Oven to the Cementing, then put the prepared Cement between Tile-stones in a clean Coal-fire, and let it glow its time (as hereafter) but so that it may not melt. Thus, you may do all the cementing: but be diligent, and careful of the coals: Now the form of the cement Ovens may be seen in the Sculpture following.

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Sculpture XXVII.

  • 1. The Athanor and lower Mouth-hole.
  • 2. The upper Mouth-hole.
  • 3. The Edge upon which the iron Plate doth lye on the iron Grates.
  • 4. The Registers or Air-holes above the Grates.
  • 5. The little air-holes near the top of the Athanor.
  • 6. The stopples for the Registers or air-holes.
  • ...

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  • 7. A Test fitted for the Athanor.
  • 8. 9. Cement Pots.
  • 10. An hook to stir the Coals.
  • 11. A person that attends the Furnace and works.

CHAP. XLI. How Rhenish Gold is to be Cemented.

[Section. 1] * 1.167RHENISH Gold (to cement it either in Ingot or Plate) must be beaten thin, (the thinner the better) and cut it in littles pieces, as broad as Crowns. But if it be Rhenish Gilders which you would have cemented and clean, then beat them a little thinner, but if there be not much need of that, then beat them whole: Upon such beaten Gold, or Gold Gilders the Cementing is to be done thus, Take [Section. 2] * 1.16816 Loths of powder of an old dry Tile (not too hard burnt, neither too sandy) then 8 Loths of Salt, and 4 Loths of white Vitriol, grind these Ingredients all toge∣ther small, and moisten them with Ʋrine or sharp Vi∣negar, like Copel Ashes, so is the Cement powder pre∣pared.

Then take that which you intend to cement, glow it first in the fire, and let it be cool, then spread some of the Powder in a Test or Pot, which is to be of an equal wide∣ness, a finger thick, and lay the Gold (which you must first moisten in urine or vinegar) upon the cement Powder, one piece near the other, as broad as the Test, then spread upon it again some of the moistned Cement Pouder half a finger thick, and upon it (as now is mention'd) the urine moistned Gold, lay one lay upon another, until the Test

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or Pot be full, cover it over with the Cement pouder the thickness of one's Finger, that one may see the Gold: then put over it another Test, or cover very well luted, that no vapour or spirits may go out; then set the Test (or Pot) with the Gold, and cement, thus prepared, in a Cement Oven: and observe, that it may stand in like heat 24 hours, and glow brown, that the Gold may not flow in the cement (to prevent Dammage) for, if it should flow in the Cement, then the Silver and Cop∣per which the Cement hath extracted, may suck in the Gold again, and thereby all pains of beating and Cemen∣ting will be in vain.

[Section. 3] Now, when the Gold hath stood in the Cement 24 hours, then shut the Oven every where, and let it be * 1.169cool, then take it out and open it, and wash the Cement Pouder off with warm water, then the Gold will be found very near 23 Carats on the Content; and if you will have it higher Gold, then do the Gold over again with another singular fresh Cement (to which take 16 loths of Tile-pouder, and 8 Loths of Salt, and 4 loths of white Vitriol, one loth of Salt-petre, and one loth of Verdigrise) and let it cement again (as before) 24 hours, do this till the Gold is very clean, and high to your de∣light: It is done well in a few hours, but when you have spare time, let it stand the 24 hours, 'tis then bet∣ter and surer; But, how much properly every Cement makes the Gold better, the proof will shew.

[Section. 4] * 1.170If one lay Rhenish Guilders whole in the Cement, and cement it, then there will not only come silver off from it, and Copper, but it will come to be of the Content of the Hungarish Gold, yet they retain their Impression and Cir∣cumscription, only they become lighter as much as Cop∣per and Silver have been in them: in this manner is to be cleansed through the Cement, a light Gold, in an Hun∣garish Content: only observe, if you have according to

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[ XLIII] your pleasure made it higher through the Cement, then you must boil the cemented Gold at last in clear water or lye, until all the sharpness come off from it, so it will become cleaner, than by washing only.

This you must do with all Cements, so you will re∣ceive Gold as high as your desire is.

CHAP. XLII. Another Cement upon light or mean Gold.

[Section. 1] UPON light Gold alwayes the first Ce∣ment must be made of two parts of the pouder of Tyle, and one part Hunga∣rish, or other Salt; but to the other shall be taken two Ingredients, viz. of Virdigrise, Lapis Haematites and calci∣ned Vitriol, as much of the one as the other, and Ʋrine boiled very dry and small beaten, thus the Gold will become high and fine.

CHAP. XLIII. A good Common Cement for all Golds▪

[Section. 1] * 1.171TAKE fourteen loths of Tyle-powder, 4 loths of Haematites, one loth of Cro∣cum Martis, one loth of Verdigrise, six loths of white Vitriol, and three loths of Salt-petre; Grind them all small, and the Gold with Ʋrine moistned, and as before after the first Cement, to be cemented, and it gives a very fine Gold: Some use among this and other

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Cements, Antimony and Sal Gemmae, this is left to every ones freedom: but Reason tells us, That if one cement the Gold right, as it may be, with 2, 3 or 4 of those Ingredients, and, that it is not needful to take above 7 or 8 of them, for, I have found it so: But, if you will do something more for the Graduation sake, it may be done, for it is certain, That every Gold which is very clean and high, brings his right Gold-Graduation and fine natural right Gold-colour with it self, but one may give the Gold (besides this) a high colour, that it may ex∣cell with this colour all other high Golds. But in my Judgment, the same looks not so lovely, as a Gold which hath with it self a high fine Colour.

CHAP. XLIV. More Instructions for Cementing.

[Section▪ 1] WHEN the Gold is cemented, and almost clean then some do use this Method, * 1.172they put the same Cemented Gold into an other Cement made of four parts of the Pouder of Tile, one part of Sal Armo∣niack, one part of Sal Gemmae, and one of Salt, all small ground together, and the Gold moistned in Ʋrine, and put it into a Cement Test (lited as above) and clarified 12 hours: until the Gold becomes very clean: But why they use Sal Armoniack among it (which useth to touch the Gold) I cannot tell: therefore know, That it will not do it raw, especially when 'tis mingled with the watery Salt, (as here) but it purifieth rather that no other Metal (which is made loose of the other Ce∣ment, and yet partly doth hang on it, and in it) may remain.

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[Section. 2] Then some when they have much to cement, and yet are not willing to beat the Gold thin, they put it in a * 1.173Crucible, and grain it in a water, and when it falleth thin and hollow, (as is mentioned in the silver work) they mingle such Grains with the cement Powder, and cover it also with it, that the graind Gold be not seen, and set it in, as they have done with the Ce∣ment before, and when it hath stood its hours, they make the Grain clean from the cement Pouder by washing it with warm water, and set it in again, with the fresh ce∣ment-Powder. But because the Grains cannot fall all alike thin in casting, but some are thicker than others, which the cement cannot quite bite through, like the thin Grains, and then they grain it (when it hath been twice thus in the Cement) once more, then it will come among the other again, and the cement will work the better, and purify the Gold.

[Section▪ 3] This manner of cementing is best upon the light brickle * 1.174Gold, which suffers not it self to be beaten. And though the Gold must be graind once or twice (yet tis better, first to make the Gold deft with much pains) and then to beat it thin: Therefore when the brickle grains are set in, once, four or six times, and hath stood in the cement, and is become clean, and of an high content, to thy de∣sire, then is it deft enough: For all Brittleness and un∣cleanness of Tin or Brass the cement draws out of the Gold; And the Copper and Brass is much sooner and better drawn out of the Gold, through the cement than the silver. In this cement the Gold suffers a great dam∣mage, for the silvers will still contain the Gold which is melted out of the cements.

[Section. 4] * 1.175One might also cast the clear or light Gold in thin leaf's (like as is usual in the coin-works in casting of small Mo∣ney) and then to lay the cast Ingots in the cement in pieces, which when they are cemented twice, and so

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become more deft, then one may beat them a little thinner, and cement them, and follow them with beating and ce∣menting till the Gold becom's very deft, and so you may beat it thin, and then it will become high enough in the Content. By this way the Gold may be better holden together, and the Graind may be brought out of the Ce∣ment; and will not go into the Gold, nor will any Gold come into the Cement.

When the Gold is thus made pure by the Cement and brought upon the Content, as one would have it, then make it clean from the Cement (as above) and do a Crucible over with Borax, put the Gold in it, and let it flow, force it off from the Bellows or in a wind-Oven, untill it appear very bright, and holdeth the blow, so is it deft, then lay a paper anointed with Wax or Tallow upon it, and while it yet burneth, cast it in an Ingot▪ which is done over with Wax, and is warm, then quench the Gold in Ʋrine, so you will have fine Gold and deft Gold.

[ 5] You may also be instructed, if you have quite done cementing, and hast much of the used Cements in which * 1.176is the Silver, and Addition which hath been in Gold, then melt the same Cement with other sweepings which is not Goldish through a melt Oven, and bring it to pro∣fit, so that the Silver which the Cement hath suck'd in out of the Gold may be made again to profit, for the Ce∣ment takes no Gold to it.

[Section. 6] But, as for the Cement of which the Philosophers and Alchimists do write, by which one may change Cop∣per * 1.177into Silver, and Silver into Gold, those I leave to their worth, for such belong not to these Cements. For * 1.178in my Books I write nothing else, but what is natural and approved, upon which one may trust, and not labour up∣on a vain hope.

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CHAP. XLV. How to graduate Gold.

[Section. 1] * 1.179GRADUATING Gold (that is to give the Gold a higher Colour above its fine natural Colour, to become more red, its right high Gold colour) is to be done thus: take good Rhenish Gold, add to it as much fine Copper, cast it together, beat it thin, and cement it off again that it may have its first Gold-weight, then set to the Gold, and so much pure Copper again, and cast it together, beat it thin again and cement it the second time, and so do untill the Colour pleaseth thee: By this Process, some think the Gold may come to such an high Colour, that it will exceed the Copper in colour, if it were thus cast 30 times with the Copper, and cemented off again, only that one must use the Cement (written hereafter) which is much better than a common Cement: namely, Take the Pouder of Tile which is well dryed in the Sun, and com∣mon [Section. 2] * 1.180Salt once dissolved through the Filtre, purified and once glowed, make out of every one, a part of small powder searsed through a hair fieve, and then put in Ro∣man Vitriol, first rubified, as followeth: Take good red Vinegar distilled through an Alimbeck, and in this dissolve the Vitriol, and purify it through a Filtre, fair and clear, and let it evaporate upon warm Ashes till you find it fair, then put it in a new Pot, set it betwixt Coals, and stir it about with a little wooden stick, till it becomes blood Red, let it be cool, and grind it small, and then 'tis rubified: also take Verdigrise, and dissolve it in distilled Vinegar, and distill it by Filtration, and let it

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evaporate, and glow it, as you have done with the Vi∣triol: Take also so much Sal Armoniack, dissolved in red Vinegar: and of these now mentioned powders, take of one so much as of the other, mingle them well, and sprinkle them with the Vinegar wherein the Sal Ar∣moniack was dissolved, so is the Cement prepared.

[Section. 3] Some do write, That one may mingle the Gold with the Copper, alike in weight, and then to cast it through * 1.181Antimony, and then blow it off and purify it, and again with the Copper, and so mingle and cast it through so often till the Gold receives thy desired high Colour: I believe also, That if one can have good Antimony, that it will give the Gold an higher Colour.

[Section. 4] But the common Graduations may be done thus, That one may make a Powder of two parts Copper, and one part of Sulphur; Calcine them together till no blew flame goes off them, so you have a Graduation Powder, grind it: and when this Powder is used, the Gold will be of a little lighter Content.

[Section. 5] * 1.182Of such high Graduated Gold, and how to be used, many of the Philosophers do write, but 'tis nothing to this, for in my Judgment, when 'tis indifferently brought high, it may be most convenient for the Goldsmiths to use for guilding, that they may reach the further with it, because of the Colour, yet it is free to every one to make Experience of it.

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CHAP. XLVI. How to make brickle Gold, deft.

[Section. 1] THIS Labour hath formerly been esteem∣ed a singular Art of the Coin-workers and Goldsmiths and other Gold-workers, and indeed it is a fine and useful Art, not to every one known, and is necessary to be know to all Goldsmiths: For there are several wayes to make the Gold deft, only one is more easy and better than the other. And I will here shew some wayes, which partly I have tryed my self, and out of which every one, according to his occasion may take Instruction, to use that which will be most con∣venient for him.

[Section. 2] * 1.183When you have the brickle Gold (it may be Hun∣gurian Crowns or Rhenish Gold) and wouldst make it deft, then do it thus: First, Cast the brickle Gold into an Ingot, then put it in a Crucible in a coyn'd Oven or be∣fore the Bellows, and give it a strong fire, and observe when the Gold sweateth, and will soon flow: Then cast good purified Salt petre upon it, so the Gold will * 1.184burn, because of the Salt petre, and quickly flow, and as soon as it flows, then the Salt petre will quite cover the Gold, then you must not drive it hard, so as you may not see the Gold under the Salt Petre, but pour it out under it, into an Ingot, luted with Wax, so is it Deft; * 1.185some use among the Salt Petre, Calx Viva, it doth the same, and the Gold becommeth deft.

But if it should be neglected, that the Gold in the set∣ling in, might flow in the Crucible, before the Salt Petre were cast upon it, then pour it out again into an Ingot,

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and put it in again, for else it will not be smooth and deft although you do cast much Salt Petre upon it; but if the Gold (as in the Rhenish Gold sometimes hapneth) were not too brittle, that it at once doth not become very deft, then put it in the second time, and it will become deft, although there may be Brass in it.

[Section. 6] You may know also, That when the Gold shall be driven too hard with the Salt Petre, and that it appear∣eth and may be seen under the Salt Petre, then it is not deft, for the brittleness driveth it self again out of the Salt Petre into the Gold, therefore 'tis to be observed, That the Salt Petre be cast upon it in the right time, and also the Gold cast out again, in the right time, and so you will have deft Gold▪

CHAP. XLVII. Another way to make Gold, Deft.

[Section. 1] * 1.186CONCERNING the good Gold, or of Hungarish Content, if the same be brickle, then take a flat Test, made for it on pur∣pose, that the Gold may have room up∣on it, Lute it over with pure Littarge, and set the Gold upon it (yet you must not set in it, at once, above two Mark) and set the Test with the Gold before the Bellows, and drive it; But if it will not endure the blowing, then add a little Ball of good clean Lead, and drive it again, until it will endure the Bellows and become deft, then put it in a Crucible, and cast it into an Ingot, and quench it in Ʋrine, and so the Gold will be deft, one may also cause the Gold to

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flow with fresh coals, upon a flat Test, and then drive it, and this also doth well.

[Section. 2] * 1.187But if you will cast such Gold (if it be good or light) out of the Crucible on a Plate, then take a Paper, and dawb it over with Wax and Venetian Soap, cast a little piece upon it, and while it yet burns, lift the Cruci∣ble off, and cast the Gold out under the flames, and so it will remain warm and have no scum, and cast it self clean, that nothing may remain hanging on the Crucible.

[Section. 3] * 1.188If a good or Hungarian Gold becoms brickle, because of an unclean Fire or bad smoak, then it may also be made deft, upon a flat Test, with the Bellows, or one may, when 'tis cast into an Ingot, lay in one of the before written Cement Pouders, an hour or two, and so it will become deft.

Or melt it with good Venetian Borax, and drive it before the Bellows, till it endureth the blowing, or in de∣fect of all these Ingredients, if a Gold be only brickle by an evil smoak, then make it deft with Venetian Soap, and let the Venetian Soap burn upon the Test, then there will remain a gray Pouder, which you may use instead of the Borax, and so the Gold may be cast clean.

[Section. 4] Some also cast upon the Brickle Gold in the Fluss, * 1.189Mercurium Sublimatum, and blow the Gold with it, and it will be deft (which is a good way) others on the con∣trary use yellow Sulphur, but the Gold must be cast out soon after it, or take Antimony, and cause it to flow in a Crucible, and when it is flowing, then they cast as much [Section. 5] * 1.190Sulphur and Argol in it, and let it stand so long in the fire, till it becoms a Glass, and with this Glass the brittle Gold is to be driven deft.

[Section. 6] Some of the Goldsmiths use a Pouder, made of Brass calcin'd and Verdigrease, but it should not be so, for both these species are Metallish and go in the Gold, by which it becomes higher or meaner.

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[Section. 1] CHAP. XLVIII. How to make Gold Deft upon the Copel.

WHEN you have good Gold, set it with Lead upon a Copel, and let it be very hot that it may stand pure and clean up∣on the Copel, but before it hardens upon it, put it with the Tongs gently on the Copel, that the Gold may simper and qui∣ver; do this till it becoms hard and standeth still, then 'tis deft, but if it harden upon the Copel, before it be mo∣ved, then 'tis not deft, but all such Gold receives a pale colour of the Lead.

[Section. 2] And although many other Ingredients do make the Gold Deft, which are often used of many, yet I will not set them down (for brevity sake) but leave it to every ones freedom, to follow mine or their own Instructions, only I desire they would dilligently observe my meaning, not only in this, but in all my Books, and not neglect [Section. 3] * 1.191the Work it self, then I hope they will find it right, as they desire, and the Work will judge it self. For such a thing cannot well be so pictured on paper, as thereby to judge and comprehend all out of the writing, but by read∣ing Instruction comes, and by Practice the Experi∣ence.

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CHAP. XLIX. How to cast Gold through Antimony.

[Section. 1] * 1.192IT is an old Invention to cast Gold through Antimony, so that the Gold by it may be made very clean and fine, and therefore, they have supposed, this to be the only means, and none else besides, by which such may be done. Now this is true (when the Antimony is good) that the Gold may be brought out very high, and almost fine out of the same, so that it will become the finest Gold that is, and no Cement can be made like it. But be∣cause Antimony is not all alike good, but some much better than the other, therefore the Gold becomes some finer than the other: so it is not well to trust to this, that the Gold should alwaies come out sure and very clean. And although the casting through Antimony be used sometimes upon many Marks of Gold, yet 'tis not taught so, that all such with it may be brought out very fine, and upon the highest Content, but it may satisfy, if it be brought in the quan∣tity, upon the Content of good Duccats, for by the higher driving, the Antimony comes into the Gold, and without a singular Care in purifying of it, it goeth much more off, than by Cementing; therefore the best casting through is upon a little Gold (to bring such almost very fine and to the highest) which is done thus, If the con∣tent of the Gold be of 16, 17, 18 or 20 Carats, and you would make it very pure and fine, then take one part of the Gold (if it be of a pretty rich Content) and two parts of good clean Antimony (because the clean

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Gold is sooner to be cast through) put it together in a a Crucible, blow it, let it flow, and when well flown to∣gether, then pour it into a warm Cup, made of Iron or Brass, and greased with Tallow or Wax, let the Antimony and the Gold be cool in it, then you must turn the Cup, and dash it upon a stone, whereby the Antimony may go together with the Regulus (which hath setled be∣low and looks of a gray-yellow colour) and be easily beaten out.) But that you may bring the Gold upon the highest Content, cast such Regulus once or twice more with fresh Antimony, and at all times into the Cup, after set the Regulus upon a flat Test in the fire, blow to it, and it will melt quickly, but blow with the Bellows very gently, so that it may just blow upon the Gold in the Test, and do this until the Antimony be evaporated, again very clean from the Gold, and that the Gold do endure the blowing well, and becomes deft, then let it be cool, and quench it in Ʋrine, cast it then to thy pleasure, so you have very fine and high Gold, which is judged fine Gold.

[Section. 2] * 1.193But if the Gold be poor upon the Content, or very light, then take more of the Antimony, and add to a Mark of Antimony 4 Loths of Sulphur, and cast the Gold through with it, as hath been said, and put in the Regulus with fresh Antimony, the second and third time without the Sulphur: Lastly, drive it upon the Test, that the Gold may become very clean: you may also take to such casting through, upon every Mark of Gold, 4 Loths of Copper or scales of Copper, so it will re∣ceive a fine colour from it, but when you take Copper to it then take the more Antimony that it may consume it and the Addition.

[Section. 3] * 1.194Some use to the casting of light Gold, which containeth of it, from 12 to 18 carats, a singular Powder of one part Sulphur the other Antimony, and one part of prepared

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Caput Mort. and take to it of Mark Gold, 12 Loths: let it flow well together, then cast it into the Cup, and beat the Regulus from the slacks, and cast it with half so much Antimony again twice or thrice, then drive it upon a Test, so you have good high Gold.

Now, how the Cup, Ingot and other Instruments to the casting through are to be formed, the follow∣ing Sculpture will shew.

Sculpture XXVIII.

  • 1. The Form of the Common Cup, cast in Brass.
  • 2. A Cup made of Smiths work.
  • 3. A Crucible for the Work.
  • 4. A flat Test for it.
  • 5. The Ingot.
  • 6. The Plates.
  • ...

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  • 7. Of Antimony with a Gold Regulus.
  • 8. Of Antimony when the Gold Regulus is beaten from it.

[Section 7] * 1.195When the Gold which is come out of the casting through, is blown clean, yet it may retain a smack of the Antimony: to prevent this: Beat the Gold very thin, lay it in a particular Cement made on purpose, as is men∣tioned in the Description of the Cements: Let it stand some hours in it, so it will extract such also, and becomes clean.

CHAP. L. How the Blick or light Gold, containing much Silver, is to be separated.

THE Silvery rich Gold, especially that which comes of from melting, of which a Mark contains from 9, to above 12 Carats off fine Gold, this is to be separa∣ted thus: Grain it in a boyling Wa∣ter (as above is said of the fine, thin and even Silver) then prove it, so as it hath a like Content, then take the Grain'd and moisten it with water, and take to every Mark (of the above-mentioned Pouders) 12 loths, of good yellow Sulphur, and mingle it with them, and put it in to a glazed Pot, luted with a cover, and make a fire round about it, till the Pouder on the grain'd be well flown; let it cool, then beat the Pot in pieces, then take and put the grain'd into a Crucible, set it in a Wind-Oven, let it flow very well, and cast upon it a little ground Sandover, mingled with grain'd Lead, let it stand a little longer, then pour it into a warm luted Iron Mor∣ter,

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and if much of it setleth to a Regulus on the bot∣tom, and the Silver becomes a scorias, then beat it off from the Gold Regulus, which will be yellow and gray, but because the Silver of the first Fluss, will not all come into the scorias, therefore grain the Gold once more, and prepare it with the Pouder, and let it flow, and pour it again into the Morter; Lastly, take the Gold, and cast it through only with the Antimony, blow that which is cast through upon a Test, and cast it clean, so you will have good and Deft Gold; This casting through, is a way if one have need of the Gold in hast, else there are other and better ways, namely, when the Gold is cast once or twice with Sulphur, that it may be driven deft, and then cast into an Ingot, then beaten thin and cement∣ed, whereby not so much will go off from the Gold, but it requires greater time.

[Section. 2] * 1.196The used Antimony, through which you have cast at last the Gold, retain singly, and put it again in a Cru∣cible, and let it flow well, and add to it filed Iron, so much, that the stirring-hook with which you stir it about, may no more be touched, so the Antimony, eats it self [Section. 3] * 1.197weak on the Iron, (which it doth easily touch) and doth let the Silver and Gold fall, as much as it hath with it, then pour it into a Morter, and according to the quantity, the Regulus will settle it self on the bottom, this retain singly or apart.

[Section. 4] * 1.198The scorias which is come from the first casting (as a∣bove is mentioned) put likewise into a Crucible, and beat down the Silver in it with grain'd Lead and filed Iron, as long until the scorias, with the Iron Hook (that stir▪reth it about) toucheth no more, by this time, almost all the Silver will fall down, and of this Silver, retain also a part.

The remaining scorias with the Antimony, which is left out of the Silver and Gold, (as now signified) be∣ing

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precipitated; take them together and put the Lead upon a Flat Test, or in an unglazed Clay Dish, set two of them within one another, and when it is entred, then let it go off upon a Test (as is usual) and observe when the entred Lead begins to drive upon the Test and goes clean, then put the Silver Regulus (which is fallen out of the scorias) upon a Test, that it also may go off clean, and then this Silver Proof upon Gold, will shew how rich it is in Gold; also prove the Regulus, which is fallen out of the Antimony upon Gold. If now the same Re∣gulus, (which before by it self is to be burnt upon a Test) be not very rich in Gold, then put it also among the Sil∣ver, and separate it apart in Aqua fort. and you will hard∣ly find a nearer way to make such Gold clean: and al∣though this Instruction looketh as if there were an Ambi∣guous way, yet it is not; but when one is in work, then it goeth soon to an end; for the Gold, thus with the Sul∣phur and Antimony prepared, floweth easily, and thereby many castings may be done in a day, or in half a day▪ yet every one may require a consideration, how the best is to be done.

CHAP. LI. How to separate the used Antimony▪

[Section. 1] * 1.199IN regard that the burnt Antimony keep∣eth back somewhat of Gold, yet there re∣mains Gold and Silver in it, now to bring this clean out of it (which is called to refine the Antimony) do it thus: Put the used Antimony together, in a Crucible, and if it be a pound, then add 4 Loths of filed

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Iron, 1 Loth of Copper, 4 Loths of Lead, and 4 Loths of Littarge to it, let it flow well together, then cast it into a Cup, or let it cool in the Crucible, then set the Antimony again in the Crucible, and beat it down with a little grain'd Lead and Littarge, and cast upon it [Section. 2] * 1.200melted Salt; let it stand well in the Glass, and cast it into the Cup, then drive off the Regulus which cometh out of it, upon a Test, then you will receive the Gold and Sil∣ver, as much as the Antimony had retained; this you may cast once more through with fresh Antimony, and so the Gold will come out, yet the Antimony will re∣tain still some of the Gold, (which comes in the Silver, made out of the Antimony) and this is to be separated in the Aqua fort. and if it be too rich in Gold, then must be added to it, fine Silver, that the Water may touch it.

[Section. 3] But some do use the parting of the Antimony thus, they take a part of Antimony and one part of Vitriol, one part of grain'd Lead, one part of Salt Petre, three quarters of filed Iron, and a little Copper, and this they put into a Test, and let it evaporate, so there will remain a∣mong them another mixt matter, to this they add (ac∣cording to the quantity of the Antimony) more fresh Lead, and boyl it clean up, then drive the Lead off upon the Test, and so will it find in it self the Silver and Gold, which the Antimony hath had by it self.

[Section. 4] * 1.201When the Antimony is very Rich in Gold and Sil∣ver, then may it be made pure, as followeth (and it is the best cleansing, only that it taketh much labour and some∣what longer time) Take the Antimony, put it upon a Test, let it flow well, and add to it filed Iron, and stir it about always with an Iron, and cast as much of the filed Iron into it, until the Iron, with which you stir it, touch no more the Antimony (as before mentioned) which is then very easy to be seen; then add to the same Anti∣mony,

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Lead, and boyl it clean up, by this addition of the Iron, the wildness is taken away from the Antimony, so that then (which is very easily boyled up) it will go clean off upon the Test, and will not work upon the Test, which is a good way.

CHAP. LII. How Gold may be made fine and clean through Aqua Regis.

BECAUSE the Aqua Regis toucheth on∣ly the Gold and not the Silver, therefore I judge the Gold may be made purest and finest by this way. Take good high Gold, set it upon a good Test, made on purpose for it) let it go off upon it, with clean Lead, that you may be sure no Copper remains in it, then blow the Gold upon the Test, unless it become deft, then beat it thin, glow it, and then put it in a good and well luted Glass Bottle, pour upon it Aqua Regis, and dissolve all the Gold, and what will not dissolve but remain in the bottom of the Glass, that is no Gold; then pour the Aqua Regis (in which the dissolved Gold is,) clean off, and put it in another glass Bottle, and draw the water from it, then the Gold will remain in the glass Bottle; cast it together and blow it clean, and this Gold thus prepared may be judged, as fine Gold, because the Aqua Regis toucheth nothing * 1.202but Gold and Copper, and if the Gold be first made clean from the Copper, upon the Test, then can nothing else but

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pure Gold come out of the Aqua Regis, but how much good Aqua Regis (as I have said) is to be made, of this, you have been sufficiently instructed before.

Thus much Courteous READER, I was willing to describe of the Gold Oars and their Labour, as a furtherance to Experience, and for the use of common Mine-Workers, and yong As∣sayers, and so leave it to further Considera∣tion.

The END of the second Book.


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