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[Section; 1] THIS Second BOOK describeth how Gold oars are to be known, and how to Roast Boil and Prove them; also of Washing, Purifying and Quickning the Gold Wash-works: and further, how Touch-Needles are to be made, and to Divide the Gold-weights; also to di∣still Aqua Fortis, and to rectify it: also how Silver and Gold are to be parted by Aqua Fortis and by Fu∣sion; and to make the Gold deft to cement it, and give it an high Colour, and how it must be cast through An∣timony, and be brought to its hight with the Ovens, glas∣ses and Instruments which are used to all these.
[Section. 2] * 1.1The Knowledge of Silver-Oars having been now treated of; We proceed to the Gold Oars, (although they are not found in so many Kinds and Colors) which must after their external Modes be known also, together with their proving and ordering of them. But they have this Condition attends them, (as Experience hath taught me) That no Oar hath GOLD only of it * 1.2self, without other incorporated Metals) unless it be ap∣parent