The worlds olio written by the Right Honorable, the Lady Margaret Newcastle.
Newcastle, Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of, 1624?-1674.

Friendship of Kings.

SOme say that Kings are unhappy, because they cannot have a Bosome-friend, for there must be some Equality for True Friendship; and a Prince makes himself a Subject, or his Subject as great as himself, in making particular Friendships, which may cause Danger to his Person and State. But a King that hath Loyal Subjects, wants no Friend. But, say they, a Friend is to open and disburthen the Thoughts from his Heart of all Joys, Griefs, and Secrets, which are not so convenient or satis∣factory to be published to all his Loyal Subjects; To all which may be answered, that his Privy Council is a Secret Friend, Page  155 where he may and ought to disburthen his Mind, being an united Body, or should be so; which will increase his Joys with their Joys, and ease his Griefs with their Counsel, which is the part of a Friend: So as a Privy Council to Kings, is as a Private Friend to another Man.