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Title:  The worlds olio written by the Right Honorable, the Lady Margaret Newcastle.
Author: Newcastle, Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of, 1624?-1674.
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An Epistle to the Unbelieving Readers in Natural Philosophy.MANY say, That in Natural Philoso∣phy nothing is to be known, not the Cause of any one thing; which I can∣not perswade my self is Truth: for if we know Effects, we must needs know Causes, by reason Effects are the Causes of Effects; and if we can know but one Ef∣fect, it is a hundred to one but we shall know how to produce more Effects thereby.Secondly, That Natural Philosophy is an endless Study, without any profitable Advantage: but I may answer, That there is no Art nor Science but is produced thereby; if we will, without Partiality, consider from whence they were derived.Thirdly, That it is impossible that any thing should be known in Natural Philosophy, by reason it is so ob∣scure, and hid from the knowledge of Mankind: I an∣swer, That it is impossible that Nature should perfectly understand, and absolutely know her self, because she is Infinite, much less can any of her Works know her; yet it doth not follow, that nothing can be known; As for example, There are several parts of the World discovered, yet it is most likely, not all, nor may be ne∣ver shall be; yet most think, that all the World is found, because Drake and Cavendish went in a Circular Line, untill they came to that place from whence they set out 0