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Title:  The worlds olio written by the Right Honorable, the Lady Margaret Newcastle.
Author: Newcastle, Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of, 1624?-1674.
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perform; they teach no Doctrine to delude, nor worship Gods they do not know.Passion and Appetite of Beasts.SOme say, Beasts have no Despair or trouble in Mind; but we find by experience, they will be Mad, and we know not from whence the Cause proceeds, whether from the Body, or Mind; then we find by experience, that they be Jealous, Amorous, Re∣vengefull, Spightfull, Deceitfull, Treacherous, and Theevish, they will steal one from another; Again, they say there is no In∣justice in Beasts, yet what greater Injustice can there be among Men, than there will be among Dogs? for one Dog shall come, and take another Dogs Bone from him, although that Bone was given him by Man for a Reward of some good Service done by him for his Master; Again, what Ambition is there amongst Beasts? for one Horse, striving to out-run another, will run so fast, untill it be near dead; and so the like of Dogs: Then what Envy is there amongst them, that if any Strangers, although of their own kind, come amongst them, they will beat them a∣way, or kill them? Then what Covetousness is there amongst them, to hoard and lay up? but this we call Providence in Beasts, and onely Coverousness in Man; and so for Birds also: Then what Pride is there amongst them? as we may perceive in Peacocks', Turky-cocks, Horses, and many others, and we can guesse at Pride but by the Outward Carriage in Men, so in Beasts: Then they say, Beasts are Temperate, and full of Mo∣deration, and that they never surfet themselves with Excess, nor drink, nor commit Adultery; and yet how often have we seen Pigeons break their Crops with their eating? and Dogs and Cats so to over charge their Stomacks with eating, as they are forced to vomit it up again? and many Creatures will burst themselves: And what Man can or will be more drunk than the Ape, if he can got wherewithall to be drunk? And we find few Beasts that will refuse good Liquor, when it is given them, as Horses, Dogs, and the like; and if they had as much as was proportionable to their Bodies, they would be drunk as often as Men; and believe it, if there were Ponds of Wine, as well as of Water, they would drink of the Wine, and leave the Water; and if they had those Meats that Men call Delicious, they would be as Luxurious, and as great Epicures, as Man; for most Crea∣tures love sweet things, which shews them Lickerish; besides, Birds will choose the best Fruits in a Garden to eat of; and they love Savoury-meat, for Pigeons will pick holes in Walls for Salt-Peter, and many the like Examples; and that which we call Adultery and Fornication in Men, is common among Beasts, for every Bird and Beast will choose his Mate to breed on; but yet not contented with one, they will strive to take each others Mate 0