Poems, and fancies written by the Right Honourable, the Lady Margaret Newcastle.
Newcastle, Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of, 1624?-1674.

The Lord of Objections Speech.

My Lord:

ALL that your Lordship spoke is true, and therein you have shewed your selfe a Loyall Subject, and a faithfull Servants and I make no question, but every Member in the House will not only give their Estates, but spend their Lives for their King, and Country. Yet let me tell your Lordship, that I do beleeve the Par∣liament will never be able to raise a Subsidy of Justice from the Commonalty: it is too strict a demand; as it is impossible for us to satisfie the Kings desire, unlesse the Commons were richer in Equi∣ty. But if our gracious Soveraigne will take a Subsidy of Faith in lieu of it, I dare say it may be easily got, raising it upon the Clergy, who are rich therein.

After he had spoke, rose up the Bishop of Resentment, and said.