Poems, and fancies written by the Right Honourable, the Lady Margaret Newcastle.

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Poems, and fancies written by the Right Honourable, the Lady Margaret Newcastle.
Newcastle, Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of, 1624?-1674.
London :: Printed by T.R. for J. Martin, and J. Allestrye,

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"Poems, and fancies written by the Right Honourable, the Lady Margaret Newcastle." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. https://name.umdl.umich.edu/A53061.0001.001. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed October 13, 2024.


Of Shadow, and Eccho.

A Shadow fell in love with the bright Light, Which makes her walke perpetually in her sight; And when He's absent, then poore Soule she dyes, But when He shewes himselfe, her Life revives. She Sister is to Eccho loud, and cleere, Whose voice is heard, but no Body appeare: She hates to see, or shew her selfe to men, Unlesse Narcissus could live once agen. But these two Soules, for they no Bodies have, Do wander in the Aire to seeke a Grave. Silence would bury on the other Night, Both are denied by Reflections spight; And each of these are subject to the Sense, One strikes the Eare, Shadow the Eye presents.
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