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Title:  Orations of divers sorts accommodated to divers places written by the Lady Marchioness of Newcastle.
Author: Newcastle, Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of, 1624?-1674.
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than to Obey Authority; but had I those Abilities, and Wisdome to Govern, and were the whole Nation as Ready and Willing to Obey, and as Industrious and Carefull to Per∣form all my Commands, and were Devoted wholly to my Rule and Government, yet Considering the Trouble and Continual Labour in the Imployment and Affairs of the State, and the Cares and Perturbations in the Mind, con∣cerning those Affairs, as the Maritime, Martial, and Judicial, as also the Civil, Common, and Canonical, besides the Forein, and Home Af∣fairs, as Trade, and Intelligence, and the like; I should not Willingly take upon me that Pow∣er, for a Kingly Power is a Slavish Life, espe∣cially if he Governs as he Ought to do, as to be the Chief Actor and Over-seer Himself, not Trusting those Affairs to the Government and Ordering of some whom he Favours, only Keep∣ing the Name and Title to Himself, quitting the Labour and Trouble to Others; for he will not have much Spare time for Himself, either for Soul or Body; the truth is, a Good Governour is to be a Trusty, Industrious, Laborious Royal Slave; but if he be a Tyrant, he Inslaves the People; And though I am willing to Take any Pains, and to Imploy all my Time, or to Lose my Life or Liberty for the Sake or Service of my Country, yet, by Reason I am not Capable to Govern, nor fit to Rule so large a Nation and many People, I cannot take this great Charge upon me, but most Humbly Desire you to Ex∣cuse 0