The New academy of complements erected for ladies, gentlewomen, courtiers, gentlemen, scholars, souldiers, citizens, country-men, and all persons, of what degree soever, of both sexes : stored with variety of courtly and civil complements, eloquent letters of love and friendship : with an exact collection of the newest and choicest songs à la mode, both amorous and jovial
Dorset, Charles Sackville, Earl of, 1638?-1706., Sedley, Charles, Sir, 1639?-1701., D'Avenant, William, Sir, 1606-1668.
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Complemental Expressions towards Men, Leading to The Art of Courtship.

SIR, Your Goodness is as boundless, as my de∣sires to serve you.

Sir, Your Vertues are the Load-stones that draw even your enemies to love and to admire you.

Sir, It is my profession to appear in all places a ser∣vant to your Merits.

Sir, I have nourisht in my self a continual care of seeking opportunities to do you service.

Sir, You have so pursued me with your favors, that I am capable of no other pleasure, but to entertain them.

Sir, Such is your deserts and my necessity, that I want both words and services to express how unfeign∣edly I honor you.

Sir, Your bounties have been showr'd upon me with such excess, that I am uncapable of a Complement.

Sir, I shall desire no greater glory from you, than new proofs of my obedience.

Sir, When I have finisht your desires, I should in∣reat you to reserve some new Commands, so great a pleasure I take in being yours.

Sir, You have deserved more services from me, than my life is able to perform.

Sir, Such is the excess of my affection, that all my assions do but wait upon your good fortunes.

Sir, I confess I never merited the effects of such Page  2 nobleness, as that you should account of me as an ob∣ject for your vertuous inclinations.

Sir, The pleasure I entertain to consider your good∣ness, is more satisfaction to me, than my advance∣ment.

Sir, Should I not render you thanks for your many favors, I should die of a deep impatience.

Sir, Your goodness hath forced me to a silence, that I am not able to render you sufficient thanks for so great a favor.

Sir, You are so highly generous, that I am altoge∣ther sencesess.

Sir, With the same joy that I formerly en braced your friendship, I entertained the good news of your happy Marriage; and shall love you with the same passions as before.

Sir, I have made a vow to honor you all my life, and not to remit one point of the passion I have to do you service.

Sir, I am daily in disquiet, and shall be, till some occasion be offered me suddenly wherein I may appear to you to be more than verbal.

Sir, This tyranny of your humor or inclination, is too great a punishment for me to groan under.

Sir, 'Tis my ambition to conserve the Honor I have obtained of being your servant.

Sir, You are so noble in all respects, that I have learn'd to love, as well as to admire you.

Sir, I am grown jealous of your generosity, your favors come so fast on me, that I shall be forced to seem ingrateful.

Sir, Your passions are mine; Nor can I live more in freedom, than when I am bound to you in the bonds of Friendship.

Sir, You are the rising Sun which I adore.

Sir, I wear you in my heart.

Page  3Sir, You are the Star I reach at.

Sir, You are the Miracle of Friendship.

Sir, Your Goodness wants a President.

Sir, You have the power to sway me as you please.

Sir, Be pleased to instruct me how I may thank your love.

Sir, I am your Friend, and that word speaks me wholly yours.

Sir, You have so far engaged me, that I know not what I can do, that is not at your command.

Sir, Whn I would admire you, you wrap me up in wonder.

Sir, My zeal is so fervent towards you, that I am sick with passion.

Sir, 〈◊〉 you have not cast off the name of Friend, make 〈◊〉 companion of your cares.

Sir, I take so much pleasure in serving you, that I am proud to please you.

Sir, You are the onely Anchor of my hopes.

Sir, I shall study to chronicle your Vertues.

Sir, Fear no dangers, my Arms shall be your San∣ctuary.

Sir, You are so full of fair desert, that I have no faculty but what is yours.

Sir, You are so highly noble, that your Purse is my Exchequer.

Sir, I am a captive to your Honor, and your fair Example steers me.

Sir, You Complements call your Faith in question.

Sir, You tell me stories midnight would blush to hear.

Sir, The Ocean's not more boundless than your Favors.

Sir, Be confident of my affection, while I have room to lodge you in my bosom.

Sir, I am sick till I see you, whose presence is my restorative.

Page  4Sir, Your Language is more dubious than an O∣racle.

Sir, You have the power to steer me as you please.

Sir, I am in so great an Extasie for your safety, that passion, like midnight, sits upon my thoughts.

Sir, To be obedient to your Commands, is a duty I am proud of.

Sir, The blessings of your Mistriss fall upon you.

Sir, I'le rathr doubt an Oracle, than question what you deliver.

Sir, My want of power to pay those Debts I owe to you and Honor, makes me accuse my fortunes.

Sir, I yield my self to your direction, manage me at your pleasure.

Sir, Your Accomplishments speaks you the Muses Darling; you have suckt the Marrow of the Court.

Sir, You are amorous as the youthful May.

Sir, I'le be just to you, as Heaven to Truth.

Sir, I'le out-wait a Bayliff to attend you.

Sir, You value my weak deserts with too much partiality.

Sir, Necessity hath neither law, nor shame; for con∣trary to my nature, I am forced to become an hum∣ble and an earnest Suitr to you.

Sir, You have over-run the world in Honors Race.

Sir, I am honor'd in this Acknowledgement.

Sir, I shall inform the Lady of your zeal in her Commendation.

Sir, Be pleased to instruct me how I may requite your love.

Sir, You have power to oblige my soul.

Sir, I must die, or live to be ungrateful.

Sir, Let me beg the trouble of a pardon; if I have mitted those honors due to your desert.

Sir, Without a Complement, I am your Friend, and that one word speaks me wholly yours.

Page  5Sir, Pray admit this stranget to your knowledge, his deserts will requite your trouble.

Sir, Since I must be conquer'd by your courtesies, 'tis my glory to be your slave.

Sir, Having your favor I am rich, without it none so miserable.

Sir, I shall not be more importunate than mannerly.

Sir, This Visit is as welcome, as the greatest honor you could do me.

Sir, May your own Vertues be your Guard.

Sir, I congratulate your happy presence.

Sir, May this meeting create a lasting League of Amity betwixt us.

Sir, I should be entirely happy, should I finde an occasion to imprint the Characters of your Vertues in my brest, by a more firm acquaintance.

Sir, Your Civilities have endear'd you to me; you shall rule as a Plant in the Ob of my affections.

Sir, May your love be fortunate, that delights may stream into your bosom.

Sir, The pleasures of the morning wait upon you.

Sir, Your Vertue and Eloquence make you im∣mortal upon earth.

Sir, From the first time that I beheld you, I have made it my zeal to express my self your most humble servant.

Sir, If you love, as you say you do, you will have patience: True love will last a siege.

Sir, It is the design of my Ambition to be passion∣ately your most faithful servant.

Sir, The pleasure I have in your love, and the assu∣rance of my own innocency, hath caused me to give this new remembrance of my being wholly yours.

Sir, Rather than loose your company, I would compass the utmost bounds of the Terrestrial Globe.

Sir, I am yours, and will be so, though fate & death forbid.

Page  6Sir, I am in earnest, 'tis not my humor to treat my friends with dreams.

Sir, This your Barbarity to your Friend, shall not make me forget you, nor my own duty, for though the strongest love oftentimes degenerates into the greatest hate, yet I am resolved to live and die yours.

Sir, Your suit is an impertinent trouble to us both, for be assured it is as possible for the Stars to forget their course, as for me to love you.

Sir, Nothing shall rob my heart of the fair image of your Vertues, but Death it self.

Sir, Your Bounty exceeds the small slock of my Merits, that durst not have entertained such an un∣grateful thought, as to be worthy of those favors you afford me.

Sir, It is by your bounty I am enabled to make a Present, accept therefore of this small one, that the world may testifie how much I glory to proclaim the first Founders of my estate.

Sir, I have ound you so much my faithful friend hitherto, that I doubt not but you will appear so here∣ater, if need require.

Sir, Fortune is now propitious, and hath sent you this grateful acknowledgement for all your favors.

Sir, Your Minde cntains a Spring of Vertue, each day affords me a fresh Character of your Friendship.

Sir, Your reality hath gained my affection, and I want nothing more, than an occasion to testifie my ac∣knowledgements.

Sir, Fortune is now turn'd Strumpet, and extorts from me an interest for the sum of favors she formerly did trust me with.

Sir, Fortune, I thank her, hath now brought me ac∣quinted with Necessity; for this is my opportunity of embracing so rich a Treasure as your self.

Sir, Be wise, and as the Proverb saith, Look before Page  7 on leap; he is happy that can withstand a Tempta∣ion with a noble Resolution.

Sir, Should I twine my arms to Cable, sit up all ight like a Watching Candle, and ditil my Braines through my Eye-lids, yet I must love you; I then lo∣sing you, and you me, who is the third person shall hinder uspunc;

Sir, You seem to be a man of much reading, you talk of nothing but of warbling Rhapsodies.

Sir, You understand your Authority over me, I dare not deny my endeavors to perform whatsoever you shall please to command.

Sir, Heaven which hears and answers prayers, give a blessing to all your vertuous desires.

Sir, The late courtesies you did me, are but bor∣rowed, and like an honest Tenant, I shall provide my Rent against the time of your demand.

Sir, I would advise you to be careful of your Ho∣nor, but I doubt you were never yet right worshipful.

Sir, Let this suffice, I am satisfied; your innocency hath cleared my jealousie.

Sir, I am ignorant wherein I am guilty of any thing may prompt you to suspect either my love, or duty.

Sir, I cannot be so tedious in the performance of your Commands, as you are to employ me.

Sir, Farewel, you are grown rude; I dare not hear you farther.

Sir, I hate your base desires, you and your lust con∣tinue, till shame work an amendment.

Sir, Sin is a brave Orator; you give your lusts the golden titles of pleasure and delight, but forget what bitterness attends the end.

Sir, I submit to your Censure, either to approve or to condemn, you are the Oracle of the Court.

Sir, Be not daunted, Love and Fortune joyn with the Couagious.

Page  8Sir, I should sin, should I suspect your Vertue, whose glory it is to vanquish all deceits.

Sir, Such is my interest in your prosperity, that I will never condemn fortune, whil she makes you her Darling.

Sir, Pardon me, if my presumption hath run beyond the rules of good manners.

Sir, Adieu, may pleasures be your attendance, whilst I court your return.

Sir, In all your dangers, let my bosome be your religious sanctuary.

Sir, Your Bounty hath added so many feathers to my wings, that I am in haste to do you service.

Sir, May we from this day date our immortal friendship.

Sir, I cannot stoop too low in my observance to your desires.

Sir, Your fortunes are your own, but your fate is mine.

Sir, You humble your self in exalting me.

Sir, I would beg a favour of you, but my modesty bids me stay.

Sir, I am ready to obey, no man can be more proud of your commands.

Sir, Let me beg your acceptance of a trifle, onely the earnest of my gratitude.

Sir, 'Tis your presence that compleats our joys.

Sir, My blessings are derived from you.

Sir, Pursue your pleasures, my life shall be engaged to your interest.

Sir, I would thank you for the honour you have done me, but shame and my fearful blushes teach me a farther duty.

Sir, I must blushing leave you, having nothing to requite you with but words.

Sir, You are kinde in this friendly Visit, your Page  9 welcome, and my thanks are infinite.

Sir, Let us embrace as friends, and not as Cour∣tiers.

Sir, Sleep is not more welcome to the wearied Tra••ller, than you are to my House.

Sir, My entertainment speaks me most freely wel∣come.

Sir, Let me know your ground for this suspition.

Sir, How have my actions rendred me suspected?

Sir, Envy hath no power to hurt your fame.

Sir, Malice can never blemish your deserts.

Si, My submission waits upon your pardon.

Sir, Nothing is wanting, but my all, your pre∣sence.

Sir, One that desires to serve you sends this paper to salute your hands.

Sir, You bestow too great an Honor on him that is your creature.

Sir, Teach me to be grateful, I dare presume my soul would be apt to learn any thing that might tend to your service.

Sir, My Thanks and the endeavours of my life are a debt I owe to you.

Sir, I shall be your debter, if you keep me in your minde.

Sir, I have one sute, and shall dare to beg no more.

Sir, I latter my own discretion in nothing more than in loving you.

Sir, I am proud when a kinde opportunity makes me yours.

Sir, Understand your own worth, and then know I can have no power to slight any occasion of sr∣ving you.

Sir, Your love is the Exchequer of my Wealth.

Sir, The rough humours of your age, are unfit to be compelled with the smooth brows of youth.

Page  10Sir, I beseech you be more sparing of your courte∣sies, lest the world take you for a prodigal.

Sir, Be not so inconstant in your affection, lest in the conclusion you appear too much like the Mary∣gold, to open at the Sun-shine of prosperity, and to hrink before the clouds of adversity.

Sir, By your singular Character, the Lady seems to be so rarely accomplish'd, that to her onely, I commit the Treasures of my life and fortunes.

Sir, My late confidence hath this excuse, that nei∣ther Fate nor Fortune delighteth in a Coward.

Sir, I will rather hazard my reputation, than be negligent of your Commands.

Sir, I will endeavour hereafter to encounter your graces and courtesies, with an unwearied constancy in the roads of Vertue.

Sir, Let me be still a sharer in your savors, so shall I grow proud of my own fortunes.

Sir, This part of the world shars in your prosperi∣ty, since you were born to serve your Prince, and to command his people.

Si, My onely glory in your service, is to be hum∣ble and to obey.

Sir, Your Endowments shine beyond the degree of brightness.

Sir, Your inventing new Fables, speaks you a good Poet, and me a good subject for your Romantck Fancy.

Sir, Your good Fortune and noble Resolutions shine so clear in all employments, that it appears Na∣ture made all things to honor you.

Sir, Your Vertues are so well known, you cannot think I latter.

Sir, I never had those ambitious thoughts to think you could affect so imperfect a creature as my self.

Sir, Your Vertues may give a lustre to a Princes Court.

Page  11Sir, Without you, the States necessities encreae.

Sir, I could not allot more moderate limits to my Ambition, than to do you service.

Sir, You can never die, succeeding Chronicles will give a life to your Heroick acts.

Sir, If you command, I will despise the worst of fate, or bow to the infelicities of cruel fortune.

Sir, My appetite is sick, for want of a capacity to digest your Favours.

Sir, Whatsoever your designs are, let your reputa∣tion continue fair.

Sir, He that tramples on your fame, stamps upon the reputation of the whole Court.

Sir, Your Vows have so amaz'd me, I know not how to answer.

Sir, In all shapes and under the most fearful aspects that can appear, I am yours.

Sir, I will forbear commending you, since all that I can say is dishonorable to your deserts.

Sir, The chief objects of my thoughts hath been the glory of your Name.

Sir, I prostrate my presumption at your feet, I shall lose happiness if you forsake me.

Sir, My very thoughts are yours, you have an in∣terest in them as well as me.

Sir, All my acknowledgments come far short of the obligations I owe to your honor.

Sir, You mistake my disposition, if you judge I affect praises, Heaven never made me so intem∣perate.

Sir, Should not my friendship appear on any occa∣sion to serve you, it would rmain as a recluse.

Sir, The World would be so unpeopled, and Nature would loose her pride, were there no such men as you to maintain their Honours.

Sir, Your Vertue can be recorded by none but by your self.

Page  12Sir, Though you injure me, my humility shall make me silent.

Sir, Though your anger seems to thunder, I can forbear no longer.

Sir, Your favors come so fast, they will neither suf∣fer me to be miserable, nor to seem so▪

Sir, Your actions are so vertuous, they carry an authority always with them.

Sir, Build not too much on your confidence, lest you tyre him whom you have so often injur'd.

Sir, If you alledge excuses for so poor a trifle, you make your self a stranger to my love.

Sir, You fetch your conceits too far, they transcend the subject on which you do bestow them.

Sir, Your fortunes are fair, but your judgement may be admir'd.

Sir, Your excellent qualities might become the presence of a Prince.

Sir, It is by your contents or discontents, that I measure the necessities and fatalities of this world.

Sir, Your favors have raised me so high, that I seem to stand upon a precipice, and to discern my fall with the greater terror.

Sir, I have long since learnt, a Lovers religion is to swear and forswear.

Sir, I have a new life in being yours, your good∣ness gives me a new creation.

Sir, Futurity shall crown the Reliques of your Ho∣nored Ashes with Palms and Laurels.

Sir, I shall not hold my self absent from you, whilst I retain any room in your heart and memory.

Sir, You are the heir of a rich inheritance, the evi∣dence of your Vertue entitles you to Heaven.

Sir, 'Tis no wonder there is so little goodness in the world, since by the rich stock of Vertue that rests in you, others are become bankrupts!

Page  13Sir, I owe my good Fortune to your favourable assistance.

Sir, My wishes go along with your endeavours, may your desires be happily performed.

Sir, I should prove cruel to my self, should I neg∣lect one that nobly loves me.

Sir, Forbear your hasty protestations, I do believe your soul's without a blemish, and I glory in my choice.

Sir, Leave your superfluous Language, I am none of those Ladies that are enamoured with flattering Acrosticks; or to have their names so dis-jointed in an Anagram, 't would puzzle ten Magicians to set them together again.

Sir, You have a good smack at Poetry, and I grant you too, Love and Poesie are divine, commonly in∣fused together; yet 'tis ordinarily tyed to rules of flat∣tery.

Sir, Your Oratory makes me suspect your faith, let it suffice I love you; Nor shall it be long ere Hymen shall seal the Contract.

Your very servant, Sir.