Observations and advices oeconomical
North, Dudley North, Baron, 1602-1677.
Page  118


Of active Rural recreations, Hunting offers it self in the first place, which Horace calls,

Romanis solenne viris opus uti∣le famae Vitaeque & membris.
Or thus,
A serious work to all of Ro∣man name,
Useful to life, and limbs, and of good fame.

This is a Pastime Royal fit for Princes, inuring their bo∣dies to motion and exercise, and as Machiavel observes, acquaint∣ing them with variety of places and situations, as Hills, Dales, Woods, Plain grounds and un∣even, Moorish, and Dry, En∣closed, and Champain; a Page  119 knowledge very useful for Commanders Military, which Profession is fit to be under∣stood, not only by Princes, but by the Gentry universally, it being their proper vocation, as appears in some measure by the ensigns of Nobility, their Coats of Arms impressed upon a Shield. This affords enter∣tainment, not onely abroad, but at home in the discoursing of it; and to this may be ad∣ded Hawking, Bouling, Fish∣ing, &c.