Observations and advices oeconomical
North, Dudley North, Baron, 1602-1677.


We have already mention∣ed Page  86 Villains Servants by discent or 〈…〉 nd have approved of their among us Christians; But there is ano∣ther kind, termed by Writers in politicks Servi natura, who are endued with extraordinary strength of body, but altoge∣ther defective in point of un∣derstanding. These receive advantage by being Servants, and may be of good use in a Family, if labouring in body be necessary there; but I alto∣gether disapprove of that use, which is made of them by great Persons turning their defect of Nature into sport. These do not much increase charge, as serving onely for Victuals and Rayment, and excel Beasts lit∣tle in point of Reason, or in any thing else, save their out∣ward Page  87 figure, and in that they have an immortal Soul▪ happy in being innocent, and possest of lesse malice, then appears to be in some Beasts.