Observations and advices oeconomical
North, Dudley North, Baron, 1602-1677.


Money is said to be the Si∣new of War, and it is little less in the way of Oeconomy, for if the Housholder have not mo∣ney in hand he must bear much losse. Provisions will almost double their price, if they be not bought in due time, and in fitting place, for being ta∣ken up upon trust, they must be had of such persons as make a trade of buying and selling, whose manner is to work upon the necessity of others, and Page  75 they will be sure to have great advantage by laying out their Money. Besides this, if the Family be resident in the Countrey, our Master will find that such Lands as he keeps in hand will frequently want stock, which must be accom∣panied with great prejudice.