Observations and advices oeconomical
North, Dudley North, Baron, 1602-1677.


The first Consideration be∣longing to Servants is their number, wherein no certain rule can be given, for respect must be had to several things, as to the Dignity and Revenue of the Master, his number of Children, &c. But it is abso∣lutely against the Rules of wisdome to erre in the excesse. Better it is to have too few, then too many, as well in re∣spect of their idlenesse, which is to be shunned as a Rock, Page  36 and cannot so be in case a fit number be exceeded, as also in regard of encreasing charge beyond the Masters income, a most necessary thing to be prevented; for what is, or can be more uncomfortable, then for a Master to find his Estate in a continual ebb or diminu∣tion.