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Title:  Letters concerning the love of God between the author of the Proposal to the ladies and Mr. John Norris, wherein his late discourse, shewing that it ought to be intire and exclusive of all other loves, is further cleared and justified / published by J. Norris.
Author: Norris, John, 1657-1711.
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Creature but Sin, because nothing but that is its true and proper Evil, consequently GOD's being the Au∣thor of Pain can be no just bar to our Love, much less any motive to our Hatred or Aversion.I consider further, that though Man does naturally desire Pleasure in all his Capacities, and therefore Indolence is necessary to perfect Felicity, yet since there is no such thing as perfect Happiness or per∣fect Misery in this World, that which has a greater degree of good than of evil in it, may properly e∣nough be call'd a good; admitting therefore that sensible Pain is dis∣agreeable to the lower Faculties of the Soul, yet being it is designed by GOD to better and improve the Spirit of the Mind, and has a ten∣dency to do good to our better part, if we our selves do not wil∣fully 0