Thesaurus & armamentarium medico-chymicum, or, A treasury of physick with the most secret way of preparing remedies against all diseases : obtained by labour, confirmed by practice, and published out of good will to mankind : being a work of great use for the publick
Mynsicht, Adrian von, 1603-1638., Partridge, John, 1644-1715.

Catharticum Regium, or the Royal Cathartick.

Take Confectio Alkermes vitriolated ten drams, Ma∣gistery of Scammony half an ounce, powder of red Roses moistned with Spirit of Vitriol, acid Tartar, of each a dram; Nitre prepared a scruple. Mix them, and bring all into the form of a Bole.

Virtue, Use, and Dose. This solutive Confection of Alkermes I invented for dainty Constitutions; and Page  186 is a most excellent Purge in malignant Feavers, and all other hot Cholerick distempers proceeding from mixt and complicated causes; and is used by Kings and Princes: It purgeth both kinds of Choler with∣out trouble or any offence to the Stomach, and kind∣ly draws out the other offending humors, even from the Joynts and Limbs, and carries off the tartarous humors that oppress the Reins and Bladder: It re∣frigerates the Heart, mundifies the Blood, and add∣eth strength to all the principal Members. The dose is from a dram to four scruples.

Annotation. For the ordinary and common sort of people, you may instead of Confectio Alkermes sub∣stitute Conserve of Violets vitriolated, and the Com∣position will be equally efficacious.