Thesaurus & armamentarium medico-chymicum, or, A treasury of physick with the most secret way of preparing remedies against all diseases : obtained by labour, confirmed by practice, and published out of good will to mankind : being a work of great use for the publick
Mynsicht, Adrian von, 1603-1638., Partridge, John, 1644-1715.
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SECT. XII. Of Marmelades.

Marmelada Cephalica, or a Marmelade for the Head.

TAke Diacydonium simple four ounces, Rotula's of Diamoschu dulce and Diambrae, of each two ounces; preserved roots of Peony an ounce, Con∣serve of Rosemary flowers half an ounce, preserved Walnuts three, Nutmegs preserved in India one, Emerauld pre∣pared a dram, Elaeosaccharum of white Amber, Marjo∣ram and Rosemary, of each a scruple. Mix them, and without any other additional Medicine make a Mar∣melade according to Art.

Virtue, Use, and Dose. It roborates the Brain, and resists all the affects thereof. It is also happily given in the Apoplexy, Epilepsie, Vertigo, Lethargy, Pal∣sie, Trembling, &c. The dose is from a dram to half an ounce.

Marmelada Stomachica frigida, or a cold Mar∣melade for the Stomach.

Take Diacydonium simple four ounces, preserved roo of Succory two ounces, Rotula's of Diarrhodon Abbat an ounce, preserved Emblick Myrobalans, Conserve 〈◊〉 red Roses, of each half an ounce; Nitre vitriolated ha•• a dram. Mix them, and without any additional Me∣dicine make a Marmelade according to Art.

Virtue, Use, and Dose. It relieves the Stomach op∣pressed with hot Humors: It comforts and provokes Appetite. Moreover it alters a hot Temperature, and is happily given to those that have pains about Page  163 the Heart, or are subject to vomit. The dose is the quantity of a Chestnut.

Marmelada Stomachica calida, or a warming Marmelade for the Stomach.

Take Diacydonium simple four ounces, aromatick Ro∣tula's, Succulata Inda, of each an ounce; Bengale Gin∣ger preserved, Calamus aromaticus preserved, Chebul Myrobalans preserved, of each half an ounce; preserved Orange and Citron peels, of each two drams; Elaeosac∣charum of Cinamon and Cloves, of each a scruple. Mix all, and without any addition make a Marmelade according to Art.

Virtue, Use, and Dose. It roborates the Ventricle and parts serving for nutrition. It helps Digestion, moves Appetite, discusseth wind, and preserves from putrefaction. It opens the obstructions of the Veins, and helps Hiccup and Vomiting. The dose is the quantity of a Nutmeg.

Marmelada Pectoralis, or a Pectoral Marmelade.

Take Diacydonium simple four ounces, our Pectoral Morsels and Rotula's prepared with the juyce of Violets, of each two ounces; compound flowers of Sulphur an ounce, preserved roots of Fenil and Elicampane, of each half an ounce; extracted juyce of Liquorish two drams, species Diaireos simple, Confectio Alkermes, of each a dram. Mix them, and without any other addition make a Marmelade, and cover it with gold.

Virtue, Use, and Dose. It helps those who are trou∣bled with infirmities of the Lungs, Coughs, Asthma's, pains of the Breast. It also helps those who are sub∣ject to a deflux of humors from the Brain upon the Thorax and vital parts. The dose is from a dram to two.

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Marmelada Cordialis calida, or a hot Cordial Marmelade.

Take Diacydonium simple four ounces, preserved roots of Borage and Bugloss, of each an ounce and a half; aromatick Rotula's, species of Aromaticum Rosarum, spe∣cies de Gemmis and Diambra, of each six drams; pre∣served Citron peels and Confectio Alkermes, of each half an ounce; Magistery of Oriental Pearls and red Coral, of each a dram. Mix all, and make a Marmelade ac∣cording to Art without any other addition.

Virtue, Use, and Dose. It strengthens and exhila∣rates the Heart and all the vital Spirits hurt by cold, and refreshes them by its heat: It wonderfully helps old people and women troubled with cold Diseases, and is very proper for the distempers of the Womb. The dose is the quantity of a Nutmeg.

Marmelada Cordialis frigida, or a cold Cordial Marmelade.

Take Diacydonium simple three ounces, Manus Chri∣sti perlati, Rotula's of Diamargariton frigid, of each an ounce and an half; Pulp of preserved Citrons, Conserve of red Roses, of each six drams; preserved roots of Suc∣cory half an ounce, Confectio Alkermes two drams, pre∣cious Stones prepared, of each a scruple. Mix them, and bring all into a Marmelade.

Virtue, Use, and Dose. It comforts the Heart, and extinguisheth the heat thereof: it contemperates the heat of the Bowels, and is of excellent use in Car∣dialgia's, Feavers, cholerick Vomitings and extreme Thirst. The dose is from half a dram to two.

Marmelada Epatica calida, or a hot Marmelade for the Liver.

Take Pulp of preserved Quinces four ounces, Diacu∣beba, Diacurcuma, Dialacca, of each an ounce; preser∣ved roots of Burnet, Fenil and Eryngo, of each half an Page  165 ounce; Cinamon two drams, Rhubarb a dram, spirit of Salt congealed with Salt of Wormwood half a dram. Mix them, and make of all a Marmelade according to Art.

Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is given to open obstructi∣ons of the Liver and Spleen in intemperate and cold Constitutions; and is therefore good in all ill Habits and Dropsies, and provokes Urine. The dose is from a dram to two, more or less.

Marmelada Epatica frigida, or a cold Marmelade for the Liver.

Take the Pulp of preserved Quinces three ounces, pre∣served roots of Succory and Scorzonera, of each an ounce and a half; Rotula's prepared with the juyce of Barber∣ries and Goosberries, of each six drams; preserved pulp of Citrons, preserved Spanish Lettice half an ounce, spe∣cies Diarrhodon Abbatis first moistned with Spirit of Vi∣triol two drams, the four greater cold Seeds, Nitre pre∣pared, of each a dram. Mix all, and make them into a Marmelade.

Virtue, Use, and Dose. It cools the heat of the Li∣ver, Stomach and Praecordia: It extinguisheth thirst, and gives ease to those troubled with Feavers and a heat in their Bowels. The dose is the quantity of a Chestnut.

Marmelada magnanima, or a magnanimous Marmelade.

Take Diacydonium simple four ounces, preserved roots of Satyrion, Succulata Inda, of each two ounces, Pine∣nuts cleansed, and green Pistick Nuts, of each an ounce; Chestnuts boiled in Sack, Nutmegs preserved in India, Confectio Alkermes, of each half an ounce; Oyl of Mace exprest two drams, Gallia Moschata, Magistery of Ori∣ental Pearls, of each a dram; Oyl of Cinamon a scruple. Mix them, and without any other Ingredient make a Marmelade.

Page  166Virtue, Use, and Dose. It incites to Venery, fat∣tens, nourisheth, restores strength, comforts the Heart, and refresheth Nature. It roborates the Li∣ver and Ventricle, and digesteth Flegm, &c. The dose is morning and evening the quantity of a Nut∣meg.

Marmelada Carminativa, or a Carminative Marmelade.

Take Diacydonium simple three ounces, preserved Orange peel, preserved Citrons, of each an ounce and a half; preserved roots of Fenil, preserved Calamus aroma∣ticus, our Carminative Rotula's, of each six drams; pre∣served Nutmegs, bone of a Hares foot, of each two drams; Zedoary, white Ginger, the lesser Galangal, of each a dram; Elaeosaccharum of Cinamon, Cloves, Ani∣seeds and Mace, of each a scruple. Mix them, and make a Marmelade according to Art.

Virtue, Use, and Dose. It discusseth the flatulencies of the Ventricle, which are generated from thick and flegmy Humors. It allays the Gripes of the Bel∣ly, and is effectually used against the Colick and Tympany. The dose is from one dram to two.

Marmelada Splenetica, or a Marmelade for the Spleen.

Take Diacydonium simple four ounces, Diacurcuma, Dianthos, of each an ounce; preserved roots of Elicam∣pane and Scorzonera, of each six drams; Essence of Harts-tongue and Broom flowers, of each two drams; the fruit of Tamarisk and bark of Caper roots, of each half a dram; Elaeosaccharum of Rosemary, Cloves and Cina∣mon, of each a scruple. Mix them, and without any other Medicine make a Marmelade.

Virtue, Use, and Dose. It roborates the Spleen, and dissolves the Scirrhus and hard Tumors thereof: It removes Obstructions, and digests and cuts tough Page  167 Humors, it alters all its intemperance, and helps other Diseases thence proceeding, the Body being first pur∣ged. The dose morning and evening is the quantity of a Chestnut.

Marmelada Stegnotica, or an astringent Marmelade.

Take Diacydonium simple six ounces, preserved roots of Comfry and Succory, of each two ounces; powder of the roots of Tormentil half an ounce, Magistery of Coral rosated, Extract of Dragons blood, Harts-horn burnt and prepared, of each two drams; Crocus Martis made by reverberation, Emeraulds prepared, sealed Earth, of each a dram and a half; Oriental Bole, Nutmegs, seeds of Plantane, seeds of Roses, of each a dram; Cassia lig∣nea, Cloves, of each half a dram; Oriental Saffron, Oyl of Mace exprest, of each a scruple. Mix them, and make all into a Marmelade of a just consistence.

Virtue, Use, and Dose. It stays a Loosness although old, and in a wonderful manner helps Dysenteries and pains in the Guts: It stays the immoderate flux of the Terms and Piles, and all fluxes of humors from the Head to the lower parts. The dose is from one dram to three in appropriate Vehicles.

Marmelada Terebinthinata, or a Marmelade of Turpentine.

Take Pulp of preserved Quinces four ounces, Cyprus Turpentine washed in Rhenish Wine two ounces, species Diarrhodon Abbatis, roots of Liquorish, of each half an ounce; powder of Aniseeds a little moistned with the Oyl thereof two drams, the four greater cold Seeds, of each a dram. Mix them, and without any other additional Medicine make a Marmelade.

Virtue, Use, and Dose. It purgeth the Reins, and carries off Sand and other things that offend the parts. It mitigates the pains of the Loyns and Back. Page  168 It removes Obstructions, provokes Urine, opens the Passages, cures the Strangury and virulent Gonor∣rhoea: For the Turpentine is endued with excellent virtues, and is an admirable help in many cases. The dose is from one dram to two early in the morning.

Marmelada Nephritica, or a Marmelade for the Reins and Kidneys.

Take Diacydonium simple three ounces, preserved roots of Eryngo, Parsley and Fenil, of each an ounce and a half; ripe Winter-cherries six drams, acid Tartar three drams, Magistery of Perch stones, Crabs eyes, of each a dram; Salt of white Amber a scruple. Mix them, and make a Marmelade of a just consistence.

Virtue, Use, and Dose. It brings away the Stone and Gravel from the Reins, Ureters and Bladder: It removes Obstructions, opens the Passages, and powerfully provokes Urine. The dose is from one dram to two in specifick Vehicles.

Marmelada Hysterica, or a Marmelade for the Womb.

Take Diacydonium simple four ounces, Sugar prepared with Rosemary flowers two ounces, preserved Calamus arc∣maticus, preserved roots of Peony, of each an ounce; Ci∣namon, Faecula Bryoniae, of each two drams; seeds of Parsneps, Agnus castus and Garden Rue, of each a dram and a half; Cardamoms the less, Antophyllorum, Mace, of each a dram; Magisteries of English Tin, of Mother of Pearl and red Coral, of each half a dram; Elaeosaccha∣rum of the seeds of Angelica, Marjoram, white Amber and Aniseeds, of each a scruple. Mix them, and accord∣ing to Art make a Marmelade of a just consistence.

Virtue, Use, and Dose. It helps the suffocation of the Womb and the Whites, and brings away any depraved Humor that is contained in those parts, by opening the Passages, and removing Obstructions. Page  169 The dose is the quantity of a Chestnut, by it self, or in warm Wine, or in any Hysterical water.