The Lords Supper or, A vindication of the sacrament of the blessed body and blood of Christ according to its primitive institution. In eight books; discovering the superstitious, sacrilegious, and idolatrous abomination of the Romish Master. Together with the consequent obstinacies, overtures of perjuries, and the heresies discernable in the defenders thereof. By Thomas Morton B.D. Bp. of Duresme.

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The Lords Supper or, A vindication of the sacrament of the blessed body and blood of Christ according to its primitive institution. In eight books; discovering the superstitious, sacrilegious, and idolatrous abomination of the Romish Master. Together with the consequent obstinacies, overtures of perjuries, and the heresies discernable in the defenders thereof. By Thomas Morton B.D. Bp. of Duresme.
Morton, Thomas, 1564-1659.
London :: printed for R.M. And part of the impression to be vended for the use and benefit of Edward Minshew, gentleman,
M.D.C.LVI. [1656]

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Lord's Supper -- Early works to 1800.
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"The Lords Supper or, A vindication of the sacrament of the blessed body and blood of Christ according to its primitive institution. In eight books; discovering the superstitious, sacrilegious, and idolatrous abomination of the Romish Master. Together with the consequent obstinacies, overtures of perjuries, and the heresies discernable in the defenders thereof. By Thomas Morton B.D. Bp. of Duresme." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed September 20, 2024.


That the Text of the Prophet Malachy doth confute the Romish Pretence of Sacrifice, even by the objected Testimonies [ 40] of Ancient Fathers. SECT. III.

PErmit you us, for brevity-sake, to contrive this Section into Ob. and Sol. your Cardinalls Objections, and our Solutions or Answers. I. Ob. Sacrifice is called pure alwayes, and in all places, Ergo, Christs Body. Sol. And Chrysostome (who is a 1.1 obiected) termeth Prayers, Pure Incense (meaning when, or

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wheresoever.) II. Ob. The word, Sacrificè, is spoken of in Ma∣lachy, without an Adjunct, as to say the Sacrifice of praise, &c. for these are improperly called Sacrifices, Ergo, &c. Sol. Yet First,b 1.2 Tertullian (objected) expounded the same word, Sa∣crifice, to signifie Benedictions, and Praises. And Secondly, c 1.3 Eusebius (objected) calleth this Pure Sacrifice, Pious Actions and Prayers. Which your Cardinall could not Answer, but with a marvellous and miserable Illusion. III. Ob. By the word, d 1.4 Sacrifice, were not meant Spirituall Sacrifices, &c. Sol. Yet e 1.5 Hierome (objected) expresly nameth the Sacrifice, in Mala∣chy, Spirituall. [ 10]

To come to your Cardinals principall Reason. IV. Ob. The Iewish Sacrifices were called Vncleane, not in respect of the Offerers onely, but of the Offerings; intimating thereby, that this Offering in the new Testament can be no lesse than the very Body of Christ. Sol. Irenaeus (objected) plainely put∣teth the difference to be made, by Malachy, betweene the Sa∣crifices, as they were the Offerings of the wicked Iewes, and the Sacrifices of godly Christians; and hee giveth this Rea∣son, becausef 1.6 The Iewes (saith hee) offered up their Oblations [ 20] with wicked hearts, but the Christians performe theirs with pure Consciences. And that the Iewish Sacrifices were not re∣jected for themselves, but for the impiety of their Sacrificers; your owne Iesuitg 1.7 Ribera confirmeth both by the Constitu∣tions of Pope Clement, and also by this Testimony of Irenaeus. A Truth so evident to your Divines of Collen, that they pre∣sume h 1.8 None to be ignorant, that the Sacrifices of the old Testament were all cleane and pure, because God hath ordained them, and they became impure by the wicked hearts of the Offe∣rers. And Tertullian giveth the same Observation for the Rea∣son, [ 30] why God, in rejecting them, said,i 1.9 I will no more of [your] Sacrifice, and not of [my] Sacrifice. [ 40]

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But you will say, Some of the Fathers spake directly of the Proper Sacrifice of the new Testament. Wee answer, that as they apply it to the Eucharist, they meant no proper Sacrifice, as the Subject, but onely as the Object therein, which was that of the Crosse. In which respectk 1.10 Chrysostome (objected) calleth it that Sacrifice, whereof Saint Paul writeth, saying, [Christ gave himselfe up a Sacrifice for his Church.] Ephes. 5. Lastly, Cyprian (objected) calleth it thel 1.11 New Sacrifice of Praise: which is, you know, a Spirituall, and no Corporall or Proper Sacrifice. [ 10]


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