The Lords Supper or, A vindication of the sacrament of the blessed body and blood of Christ according to its primitive institution. In eight books; discovering the superstitious, sacrilegious, and idolatrous abomination of the Romish Master. Together with the consequent obstinacies, overtures of perjuries, and the heresies discernable in the defenders thereof. By Thomas Morton B.D. Bp. of Duresme.
Morton, Thomas, 1564-1659.
[ 30] The sixt Transgression of the Canon of Christ his Masse, contra∣dicting the Sense of the next words of Christs Institu∣tion, [TAKE YEE.] SECT. VIII.

THus said Christ to his Disciples; by which words what is meant, your Iesuite will expresse (to wit) thatcBecause [ 40] the Apostles tooke that which Christ gave, the word [GAVE] doth signifie a Delivery out of Christ his hands into the hands of them that did take. Here, you see, is Taking with hands; especially seeing that Christ, in giving the Cup, said, Drinke you all, Matth. 26. one delivering it to another, as it is said of the Paschall Cup, Luc. 22. 17. as it isf confessed.

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The contrary Canon in your (now) Romane Masse.

Concerning this, It is to be noted (saygyou) that the Church of Rome hath judged it laudable, that Lay-people abstaine from ta∣king the Sacrament with their owne hands: but that it be put into their mouthes by the Priest; which is so ordained for a singular re∣verence. So you. [ 10]


VVHat we may note of this your [Notandum] theh Con∣fessions of your owne Iesuites will shew: first, that the Practice of the Apostles and Primitive Church, for above 500 yeares, was according to Christs Institution, to deliver the Bread into the hands of the Communicants. Secondly, that the [ 20] same Order was observed at Rome (as appeareth by the Epistle of Pope Cornelius.) Thirdly, that whereas Some had devised, for Reverence-sake, certaine Silver vessels, by the which they re∣ceived the Sacrament; yet two Councels, the one at Toledo, and the other at Trullo, did forbid that fashion, and required that they should receive it with their hands. Hitherto from your selves.

Vaine, therefore, is your pretence of Reverence, in suffering the Priest onely to receive it with his hands, as being more wor∣thy in himselfe than all the rest of the people: when as our [ 30] High-Priest Christ Iesus disdained not to deliver it into the hands of his Disciples. Or else to deny this liberty unto the people, as if their Hands were lesse sanctified than their mouthes.

But you will say that it is in Reverence, lest that the Body of Christ may (as you teach) light upon the ground, if any fragments of the Hoast should chance to fall. There can be no doubt, but that, in the dispensation of this blessed Sacrament, Christians ought to use due Cautelousnesse, that it may be done without miscarriage; yet must you give us leave to retort your pre∣tence of Reverence upon your selves, thus: Seeing that Christ [ 40] himselfe instituted, and his Apostles observed, and that the whole Church of Christ (for so many hundred yeares) thus pra∣ctised the administration of this Sacrament from hand to hand,Page  45 without respect of such Reverence, they therefore were not of your opinion, to thinke every Crumme or piece of the Hoast, that falleth to the ground, to be really the Body of Christ.

This Aberration wee may call, in respect of others, but a small Transgression, if yet any Transgression may be called Small, which is a wilfull violating of this so direct a Charge of Christ, [Doe this.]