The Lords Supper or, A vindication of the sacrament of the blessed body and blood of Christ according to its primitive institution. In eight books; discovering the superstitious, sacrilegious, and idolatrous abomination of the Romish Master. Together with the consequent obstinacies, overtures of perjuries, and the heresies discernable in the defenders thereof. By Thomas Morton B.D. Bp. of Duresme.
Morton, Thomas, 1564-1659.
The second Romish Transgression of the Canon of Christ his Masse; [ 10] is in their Contradicting the sense of the next words of Institution, [HE BRAKE IT] SECT. VI.

HE brake it.] So all the Evangelists doe relate. Which Act of Christ plainely noteth that hee Brake the Bread, for di∣stributing of the same unto his Disciples. And his Command is manifest, in saying as well in behalfe of this, as of the rest, [Doe this.] Your Priest indeed Breaketh one Hoast into three [ 20] parts, upon the Consecration thereof: but our Question is of Fraction or Breaking, for Distribution to the people.

The contrary Canon of the (now) Romane Masse.

p BE HOLD (say You) Christ brake it; but the Catholik Church (meaning the Romane) now doth not breake it, but giveth it whole. And this you pretend to doe for reverence sake, Lest (as yourq Iesuite saith) some crummes may fall to the ground. Nei∣ther is there any Direction to your Priest to Breake the Bread, [ 30] either before or after Consecration, in your Romane Masse; espe∣cially that, which is distributed to the people.


BVt now see (we pray you) the absolute Confession of your owne Doctors, whereby is witnessed, first, that Christ [ 40] brake the bread into twelve parts,raccording to the number of Com∣municants. Page  16 Secondly, that this Act of Breaking of bread is such a principall Act, that the whole Celebration of this Sacrament hath had from thence this Appellation given to it, by the Apo∣stles, to be called Breaking of Bread. Thirdly, that the Church of Christ alwayes observed the same Ceremonie of Breaking the bread, aswell in the Greeke as in the Latine (and consequently the Romane) Church. Fourthly, that this Breaking of the Bread is a Symbolicall Ceremonie, betokening not only the Crucifying of Christs bodie upon the Crosse, but also (in the common participa∣tion thereof) representing the Vnion of the Mysticall body of [ 10] Christ, which is his Church, Communicating together of one loafe: that as many graines in one loafe, so all faithfull Communicants are united to one Head Christ, as the Apostle teacheth, 1. Cor. 10. thus, [The bread which wee breake, is it not the Communion of the bodie of Christ? for we being many are one bread.]

Wee adde, as a most speciall Reason, that this Breaking it, in the distribution thereof, is to apply the representation of the Bo∣die Crucified, and the Bloud shed to the heart and soule of every Communicant: That as the Bread is given Broken to us, so was Christ Crucified for us. Yet, neverthelesse, your Church contra∣rily [ 20] professing, that although Christ did breake bread, yet (BE∣HOLD!) she doth not so; what is it else, but to starch her face, and insolently to confront Christ his Command, by her bold Coun∣termand (as you now see) in effect saying; But doe not this.


AS for that truly-called Catholike Church, you your selves do grant unto us, that by Christ his first Institution, by the Practice of the Apostles, by the ancient and universall Custome [ 30] of the whole Church of Christ, aswell Greeke as Latine, the Cere∣mony of Breaking bread was continually observed. Which may bee unto us more than a probable Argument, that the now Church of Rome doth falsly usurpe the Title of CATHO∣LIKE, for the better countenancing and authorizing of her novell, Customes, although never so repugnant to the will of Christ and Custome of the truly-called Catholike Church. Howbeit wee would not bee so understood, as to thinke it an Essentiall Ceremonie either to the being of a Sacrament, or to the Sacramentall Administration; but yet requisite, for [ 40] the Commandement and Example-sake.

In the next place, to your Pretence of Not-breaking, because of Reverence, Wee say; Hem, scilicet, Quanti est sapere! As if Christ and his Apostles could not fore-see that your Necessitie, (namely) that by the Distributing of the Bread, and by Breaking it, some little crummes must cleave sometimes unto the beards of the Communicants, or else fall to the ground. Or as though Page  17 this Alteration were to be called Reverence, and not rather Ar∣rogance, in making your-selves more wise than Christ, who insti∣tuted; or than all the Apostles, or Fathers of primitive times, who continued the same Breaking of Bread.

Therefore this your Contempt of Breaking, what is it but a peremptory breach of Christ his Institution, never regarding what the Scripture saith;*Obedience is better then Sacrifice. For, indeed, true Reverence is the mother of Obedience; else is it not Devotion, but a meere derision of that Command of [ 10] Christ, [Doe this.]