Psychodia platonica, or, A platonicall song of the soul consisting of foure severall poems ... : hereto is added a paraphrasticall interpretation of the answer of Apollo consulted by Amelius, about Plotinus soul departed this life
More, Henry, 1614-1687.

Upon the second Book.

THis second Book, before we descend to par∣ticular lives, exhibits to our apprehension, by as fit a similitude as I could light upon, the Universe as one simple uniform being, from A∣had to Hyle: no particular straitned being as yet being made; no Earth or any other Orb as yet kned together. All homogeneall, simple, single, pure, pervious, unknotted, uncoacted, nothing existing but those eight universall orders,

There God hath full command, builds and de∣stroyes what he lists.

That all our souls are free effluxes from his es∣sence, what followes is so plain that the Reader wants no direction.