Accedence commenc't grammar, supply'd with sufficient rules for the use of such (younger or elder) as are desirous, without more trouble than needs to attain the Latin tongue the elder sort especially, with little teaching and their own industry
Milton, John, 1608-1674.


THrough all Moods, except the Infinitive, there be three Persons in both Numbers, as Sing. Laudo I praise, laudas thou praisest, lauda•… he praiseth; Plur. Laudamus we praise, laudati•… ye praise, laudant they praise. Except some Verb•… which are declin'd or form'd in the Third Per∣son only, and have before them this sign, It; a•… Taedet it irketh, oportet it behoveth, and are call∣ed Impersonals.

Page  19 The Verb which betokeneth being, is proper∣ly this Verb Sum only, which is therefore call'd a Verb Substantive, and formd after this man∣ner.