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Title:  A memento to young and old: or, The young man's remembrancer, and the old man's monitor. By that eminent and judicious divine, Mr. John Maynard, late of Mayfield in Sussex. Published by William Gearing, minister of the Gospel
Author: Maynard, John, 1600-1665.
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to lye alone, but sought companions in wickedness and wretchedness, so he instilleth the same disposition into those who are caught in his nects. These therefore partly by hel∣lish scoffs at those, who even out of ingenu∣ity, or good education, loath their courses at the first; partly by pleasing insinuations, smooth language, especially by that name of good fellow-ship, wherewith the Fa∣ther of lies hath sought to grace one of his own occupations, do hale others with them in the same wayes of Destruction; and be∣ing joyned together in a wretched society, by lewd and lustful songs, scurril jests, abusive speeches, loud laughter; ruffian-like out∣faceing better and wiser men than them∣selves, they encourage each others, they har∣den their hearts, they drown the voice of Conscience, they contemn the Word of God they fight against Heaven with prophane and horrible Oathes, and (as it were) seal al their leagues of pretended good-fellow-ship even with a resolved , a decreed for∣getfulness of God, and so of godliness, o Death and of Judgment to come, wherewith St. Paul made even his Heathen Judge to shake, as he sate upon the Bench.2. Secondly, and especially, a company o grounded Drunkards, that are up and down i0