The beauty and order of the creation together with natural and allegorical meditations on the six dayes works of the creation : with the addition of two compendious discourses : I. of the creation of man after the image of God, II. of the creation of angels, with a description of their several properties
Maynard, John, 1600-1665., Gearing, William.

SECT. 2.

IN the second place is to be considered the distinction and division between the great∣est parts of the Earth and Waters.

1. The division of the upper parts of the Waters from the lower parts of the same, which was by the Firmament, or Body of the Ayr, which God made between the upper and lower parts of the Water, which I apprehend thus: That although the Earth and Waters lay confused together in one heap, yet the thin∣ner parts of this lump coming neerer the na∣ture of Water, was raised to the upper part; and that these muddy Waters lying in an huge heap above the grsser and more earthy part, the Spirit of God did penetrae into them, and b his vertue rarily the middle part of this wa∣tey matter, turning it into an huge, spacious, but much purer and thinner body of the Ayr, which is called an Expansion, or out-spread Covering, wherby a separation was made be∣tween the Wterish matter, compassing and hiding under it the whole Earth on every side, and the upper parts of the Water, which in Clods and Exhlations were drawn and rai∣sed Page  33 up; some higher, some lower, above some parts of this Ayr or Covering. And this Fir∣mament is called Heaven; even the same spo∣ken of elsewhere in Scripture: The Heavens shll hear the Earth, Hos. 2 21. That is, the Ayr shall showre down fattning Showres upon the Earth, and so we ead of The Fowles of Heaven, that is, of the Ayr: As S. Paul also calleth the Heaven of the blssed Saints and Angels, The third Heaven; ad o propr∣tionably, that which is the place of the Sun and Stars, is the second, and this of the Ayr here mentioned is the first Heaven; and this Evening and Morning wherein this was doe, was the second Day, though yet without a Sun.

2. As there was a distinction of the upper and lower parts of the Waters; so now of the Waters from the Earth; the Waters hat en∣compassed & wholly overwhelmed the Earth before, being by the Word of God g••hred togeter, ad shut up in one plce, and called Seas; so that the dy Lnd, wh••h was aloge∣ther hidden before, did now appea: the wis∣dome of God thus provid ng for those Crea∣tures, which he pupoed to place upon the Earth.

Next to this was he furnishing the Earth with Plnts, Trees▪ Herbs, Grass &c. which were the first Creatures that had life, and that the first degree of life, vz. Vegetation, with∣out sene or motion from place to place, yet ended with a seminal vertue, enabling them Page  34 to propagate their kinde, and to bring forth an encrease. And this was the work of the third Day, when as yet the Sun was not cre∣ated.