The wonders of the invisible world observations as well historical as theological upon the nature, the number and the operations of the devils : accompany'd with I. Some accounts of the greievous [sic] molestations by daemons and witchcrafts ... and the trials of some eminent malefactors ... II. Some councils directing a due improvement of the terrible things lately done by the unusual and amazing range of evil spirits ... III. Some conjectures upon the great events likely to befall the world in general and New England in particular ... IV. A short narrative of a late outrage committed by a knot of witches in Swedeland ... V. The devil discovered, in a brief discourse upon those temptations which are the more ordinary devices of the wicked one
Mather, Cotton, 1663-1728.

Proposition V.

Toward the End of his Time the Descent of the Devil in Wrath upon the World, will produce more woful Effects, than what have been in Former Ages. The Dying Dragon, will bite more Cruelly, & sting more bloodily than ever he did before: The •…th-pangs of the Devil will make him to be more Page  22 of a Devil than ever he was; and the Furnace of this Nebuchadnezaear will be heated seven times hot∣ter, just before its putting out.

We are in the first place, to Apprehend, That there is a Time fixed and stated by God, for the Devil to enjoy a Dominion over our sinful and therefore woful World. The D•…vil once Exclaim∣ed, in Mat. 8. 29. Iesus, thou Son of God, art thou come hither to Torment us before our Time? It is plain, That until the Second Coming of our Lord, the Devil must have a Time of plaguing the World, which he was afraid, would have Expired at His First. The Devil is, By the wrath of God, the Prince of this World; and the Time of his Reign, is to continue until the Time, when our Lord Himself, shall, Take to Himself, his great Power and Reign. Then 'tis that the Devil shall hear the Son of God, swearing with loud Thunders against him, Thy Time shall now be no more! Then shall the Devil with his Angels, receive their Doom, which will be, Depart into the Everlasting Fire prepared for you.

We are also to Apprehend, that in the mean time, the Divel can give a shrowd guess, when he drawes near to the End of his Time. When he saw Christi∣anity enthron'd among the Romans, it is here said, in our Rev, 12 12, He knows he hath but a short time. And how does he know it? Why, Reason will make the Divel to know that God won't suffer him to have, the Everlasting Dominion; & that when God has once begun to rescue the world out of his hands Page  23 Hee'l go through with it, until The Captives of the mighty shall be taken away and the prey of the Terrible shall be delivered. But the Divel will have Scripture also, to make him Know that when his Antichristian Vicar the seven headed Beast on the seven-hilled City, shall have spent his determined years, he with his Vicar must unavoidably go down into the Bottomless Pitt.. It is not Improbable, that the Divel often hears the Scripture expounded in our congregations; yea that we never Assemble without a Satan among us. As there are some Divines, who do with more un∣certainty conjecture, from a •…eartain P•…ace in the E∣pistle to the Ephesians, That the Angels do some times come into our Churches, to gain some Advan∣tage from our Ministry. But be sure our Demonstra ble Interpretations, may give Repeated Notices to the-Divel, That his time is almost out: and what the preach∣er says unto the Young Man, Know thou, that God will bring thee into Iudgment! THAT may our Sermons tell unto that Old Wretch, Know thou, that the time of thy Iudgment is at hand▪

But we must now, likewise, Apprehend, that in such a time, the Woes of the world, will be heightened, be∣yond what they were at any Time yet from the foun∣dation of the world. Hence ti's, that the Apostle has forewarned us, in 2. Tim. 3. 1. this know, that in the last days, perillous times shall come. Truly, when the Divel knows, that he is got into his Last days, he will make Perillous Times for us; the times will grow more full of Divels, and therefore more full of Perils, than everthey were before. Of this if we Page  24 would Know, what cause is to be assigned; It is not only, because the Divel growes more Able and more Eager to Vex the world; but also, and cheefly, Be∣cause the world is more worthy to be Vexed by the Divel, than ever heretofore. The Sins of men in this Generation, will be more mighty Sins, than those of the Former Ages; men will be more Accurate & Exqui∣site, & Refined in the Arts of Sinning, than they use to be. And besides, their own sins, the sins of all the Former Ages will also lie upon the sinners of this generation. Do we ask why the mischievous powers of darkness are to prevail more in our days, than they did in those that are past & gone! Tis because that men by sinning over again the sins of the Former days, have a Fellow∣ship with all those unfruitful works of darkness. As 'twas said in Math. 23. 36. All these things shall come upon this generation; so, the men of the Last generation, will find themselves involved in the guilt of all that went be∣fore them. Of Sinners tis said, They Heap up Wrath; and the sinners of the Last generations do not only add unto the Heap of sin that has been pileing up, ever since the Fall of man, but they Interest themselves in every sin of that enormous Heap. There has been a Cry of sin in all Former Ages going up to God, That the Divel may come down! and the sinners of the Last generations, do sharpen and louden that cry, till the thing do come to pass, as Destructively as Ir∣remediably. From whence it follows, that the Thrice Holy God, with His Holy Angels, will now after a sort more Abandon the World, than in the former Ages. The Roaring Impieties of the Old World, Page  25 at last gave Mankind such a Dista•…t in the Heart of the Just God; that he came to say, It Repents me, that I have made such a Creature! And however, it may be but a witty Fancy, in a Late Learned Writer, that the Earth before the Flood was near∣er to the Sun, than it is at this Day; and that Gods Hurling down the Earth to a further Distance from the Sun, were the cause of that Flood; yet we may fitly enough say, that men perished by a Re∣jection from the God of Heaven. Thus, the En∣hanc'd Impieties of this our World, will Exasperate the Displeasure of God, at such a rate, as that he will more Cost us off, than heretofore; until at last, He do with a more than ordinary Indignation say, Go Devils; do you take them, and make them be∣yond all former measures miserable!

If Lastly, We are inquisitive after Instances of those Aggravated Woes, with which the Devil will towards the End of his Time assault us; Let it be Remembred, That all the Extremities which were foretold by the Trumpets and the Vials in the Apo∣calyptic Schemes of these things, to come upon the world, were the woes to come from the wrath of the Divel, upon the shortning of his Time, The horren∣dous desolations that have come upon mankind, by the Irruptions of the old Barbarians upon the Roman World, and then of the Saracens, and since, of the Turks, were such woes, as men had never seen before. The Infandous Blindness and Vi•…eness which then came upon mankind, and the Monstrous 〈◊〉 which thereupon carried the Roman world by the Page  26 Millions together unto the shambles, were also such woes as had never yet had a Parallel. And yet these were some of the things here intended, when it was said, wo! For the Divel is come down in Great wrath, having but a short Time.

But besides all these things, and besides the In∣crease of Plagues & Wars, and Storms, and Internal Maladies now in our days, there are especially two most extraordinary Woes, one would fear, will in these days become very ordinary. One Woe that may be look'd for is, A frequent Repetition of Earthquakes, and this perhaps by the energy of the Divel in the Earth. The Divel will be clap't up, as a Prisoner in or near the Bowels of the earth, when once that Conflagration shall be dispatch'd, which will make, The New Earth wherein shall dwell Righ∣teousness; and that Conflagration will doubtless be much promoted, by the Subterraneous Fires, which are a cause of the Earthquakes in our Dayes. Ac∣cordingly, we read, Great Earthquakes in divers pla∣ces, enumerated among the Tokens of the Time approaching, when the Devil shall have no longer Time. I suspect, That we shall now be visited with more Usual, and yet more Fatal Earthquakes, than were our Ancestors; inasmuch as the Fires that are shortly to, Burn unto the Lowest Hell, and set on Fire the Foundations of the Mountains, will now get more Head than they use to do; and it is not impossible, that the Devil, who is e're long to be punished in those Fires, may aforehand augment his Desert of it, by having an hand in Page  27 using some of those Fires, for our Detriment. Learned Men have made no scruple to charge the Devil with it; Deo permittente, Terraemotus causat. The Devil surely, was a party in the Earthquake, whereby the Vengeance of God, in one black Night sunk Twelve considerable Cities of Asia, in the Reign of Tiberius. But there will be more such Catastrophe's in our Dayes! Italy has lately been Shaking, till its Earthquakes have brought Ru∣ines at once upon more than thirty Towns; but it will within a little while, shake again, and shake till the Fire of God have made an Entire Etna of it. And behold, This very Morning, when I was intending to utter among you such Things as these, we are cast into an Heartquake by Tidings of an Earthquake that has lately happened at Iamaica: an horrible Earthquake, whereby the Tyrus of the English America, was at once pull'd into the Jawes of the Gaping and Groaning Earth, and many Hundreds of the Inhabitants buried alive. The Lord sanctifie so dismal a Dispensation of his Pro∣vidence, unto all the American Plantations! But be as∣sured, my Neighbours, the Earthquakes are not o∣ver yet! We have not yet seen the Last. And then, Another Wo that may be Look'd for is, The Devils being now let Loose in preternatural Operati∣ons more than formerly; & perhaps in Possessions & Obsessions that shall be very marvellous. You are not Ignorant, That just before our Lords First Co∣ming, there were most observable Outrages com∣mitted by the Devil upon the Children of Men: Page  28 And I am suspicious, That there will again be an un∣usual Range of the Devil among us, a little before the Second Coming of our Lord, which will be, to give the last stroke in, Destroying the Works of the Devil. The Evening Wolves will be much abroad, when we are near the Evening of the World. The Devil is going to be Dislodged of the Air, where his present Quarters are; God will with flashes of hot Lightning upon him, cause him to fall as Lightning from this Ancient Habitations: And the Raised Saints will there have a New Heaven, which, We expect according to the Promise of God. Now, a little before this thing, you'l be like to see the Devil, more sensibly and visibly Busy upon Earth perhaps, than ever he was before: You shall oftner hear a∣bout Apparitions of the Devil, and about poor peo∣ple strangely Bewitched, Possessed and Obsessed, by Infernal Fiends. When our Lord is going to set up His Kingdom, in the most sensible and visible manner that ever was, and in a manner answering the Transfiguration in the Mount, it is a thousand to one, but the Devil will in sundry parts of the World, assay the like for Himself, with a most A∣pish Imitation: and Men, at least in some Corners of the World, and perhaps in such as God may have some special Designs upon, will to their Cost, be more Familiarized with the World of Spirits than they had been formerly.

So that, in fine, if just before the End when the Times of the Iews were to be finished, a man then •…an about every where, crying, Wo to the Nation! Wo Page  29 to the City! Wo to the Temple! Wo! Wo! Wo! Much more may the descent of the Devil, just be∣fore his End, when also the Times of the Gentiles will be finished, cause us to cry out, Wo! Wo! Wo! because of the Black things that Threaten us!

But it is now Time to make our Improvement of what has been said. And, first, we shall enter∣tain ourselves with a few Corollaries: deduced from what has been thus asserted.