A fountain of gardens watered by the rivers of divine pleasure, and springing up in all the variety of spiritual plants; blown up the pure breath into a paradise, sending forth their sweet savours, and strong odours, for soul-refreshing. By Jane Lead.
Lead, Jane, 1623-1704.
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August the 20th. 1676.

This Word visited me with a mighty inward Cry, Let the old Creature dye and pass away. Bury this Dead out of sight, that it may dissolve into the New Earth, which I have prepared. From whence ye may expect, that new Crea∣turely Body, which is all available, and goeth beyond the first Fruits of Circum∣cision. For Renovation in the Mind may be brought forth, and yet this New Creature not raised, which is the very Body appertaining to the Ghostly Spirit, which can only mount, and give this New Creature the Wing of Ascension. Here is a new creating Word, which now upon the Sounding is: what excellent new framed Piecemay be expected hence from its Matter and Composition? What think you now must this New Creature be made of, that it may transcend the Old? That must dry, moulder, and vanish away, as it is de∣creed: that so room may be for the new Body to take place. Which is to be co∣agulated from the Virtual Golden Page  312 Mould, as the material Matter of this All-Spiritual Creature, which is appoint∣ed for Mount Sion's Communion. Oh! the first Adam was created for Paradise: out of the Dust of that Earth, he was made a living understanding Soul, sparkling in the pure Innocency. From which de∣generating he hath changed both the inward Principle, and outward Body, into the Nature of Sin and Corruptibi∣lity. Which now must be put off, be∣fore the most Holy will know you in the way of delightful Conversation; for which end every Trumpet doth sound, till ye be framed and raised out of Holy Ground, made all of one entire Piece, a Massy Lump, which may out-ballance that, which as a Shrine adulterated is, with other false Metals: as in the first Adam's state you have seen, where the Good and Evil do dwell, that makes all the Strife and Uneasiness. For which, no other way is found, for the putting an End thereunto, but by a total dis∣solving of the old Creature, wherein this Mixed thing is found.

Here arose this Objection in me, Ah my Lord and Master, I grant and ac∣quiesce with thee, concerning this new Page  313 Bodifying, for the Eternal Spirit to act through, in pure new raised Humanity, but why is thy Word still directed to me, who find hereunto no Sufficiency: for it is the business of a God-creating Power, I do see, as thou dost take this Prerogative unto thy self, saying, Rejoice in that which I do create?

Answ. True, Oh Shunamite, this Glory thy Father only appropriated un∣to himself, and none else can assume it, or counterfeit it; For here are no painted Forms that can serve; for to make Images without Life will not do. Hereby shall the face of the Covering be discerned, that hath deceived all Na∣tions, that have still cryed the Temple-Body, when it is no other but a dead piece of Formality, which is at least no way able to effect beyond the Species of a poor piece of impotent Mortality, which under great disability doth lie. Therefore the Voice in thee doth Cry, Call, and Incite, that thou mayst look within for this Creating Might. Lo, it is not so lost or gone out of Sight, but it will be found upon search and seeking, being at hand to renew and change the Vile, and bring forth another Body and Page  314 Spirit, that may God's Virgin-Bride in∣herit, with all her Mountain Arabian spicy Wine, which is refined from the Lees. That is the Spirit, which is pure∣ly extracted from the Deity, to move in a Body that is all contacted of Sion's Mat∣ter: For the New Creation will be filled with such Inhabitants, as mighty Princes, each one in their own Power moving, with such anointed Shields, as all Earth∣ly Weapons will be too blunt, and too short to annoy such Spirits, or new Crea∣turely Bodies, that are compacted of this sublime matter. But here this Jesus, whose Spirit searcheth the inward deep of this Soul meeteth with somewhat, which is still questioning and asking, How can this great thing be? seeing I am not come to live out of sensible Mortality, that is touched with every Essence, which appeareth from that ground, sometime listed up, then again cast down, according to the mutation of the Starry Region. Well, I know, (saith he) it is so, but art thou here confined for ever to stay? Hath Bounds been set, that beyond this thou art not to pass? Dost thou think my Calls and Invitations are only verbal? or that I put you upon Page  315 that, which the Omnipotency of co-work∣ing Power cannot make good? Only believe, laying the stress of all upon my Creating Word, which will move, till the Number Three be witnessed, for the raising of this Temple, which all fill'd shall be with their own silent Company, walking all in holy Order, according to the living, Testimony. Which openeth a new. To which inspiring Word, ever more watch, and it shall be your safe Guide and Guard, till you are come here to abide within this fixed Sphear.