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Where in the Declaration a Life must be aver∣red, and where it need not. Of Delivery of Declarations at or after the Essoyne-day. De∣clurations when to be entred, as of the same Term where the Copies need not be paid for. Declarations, when amendable or not. Of ex∣pressing the Vills where the Lands lie. Of the Pernomen. Declaration need not be of more Acres than he was ejected out of. Of the Forms of the Declaration, Vi & Armis omitted, Extr. tenet omitted. The President of De∣clarations in C. B. in B. R. in Scacario. The Indorsement on the Copy to be left with the Tenant, and what the Tenant is to do thereupon. The Rule for confessing Lease, Entry and Ouster in B. C. and in B. R.
IF one do declare upon a Lease in Ejecti∣one Firme, and that by Virtue of that Lease he was in possession of the Lands there∣by let to him until that he was ejected by the Defendant, it is supposed that the Les∣sor who made the Lease to him, was alive at the time of the Action brought, Pract. Reg. 110.
The Plaintiff in Ejectment declared of a Lease for three years, if the Wife of the Plaintiff shall so long live, and does not shew that the Wife is yet in Life; yet per Cur' this being after a Verdict, is made good by the Stat. 21 Jac. of Amendments after Exami∣nation by the Sheriff. And in Arundel's