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Observations on the Life of Sir Henry VVotton, with some Account of his Relations.
SIr Henry Wotton first having re•••• of his Ance∣stor Sir Robert Wotton, the noble Lieutenant of Guisnes, and Comptroller of Callais, in King Edward the fourth's days, His Grand-father Sir Edward Wotton, that refused to be Chancellor of England in King Henry the Eighth's time. 2. Ha∣ving known his Father Sir Thomas Wotton, one of the most Ingenuous modesty, the most Ancient freedom, plainness, single-heartedness, and integrity in Queen Elizabeths Reign: His Brothers Sir Edward Wotton, the famous Comptroller of Queen Eliz. and K. Iames his Court, since Lord Wotton, & Baron Morley in Kent; Sir Iames Wotton (with R. Earl of Essex, Count Lodowick of Nas∣saw, Don Christophoro, son of Antonio King of Portugal, &c.) Knighted as an excellent Soldier at Cadiz: Sir Iohn Wotton the ••ccomplished Tra∣veller and Scholar, for whom Q••een Eliz. de∣signed a special favour: —His Uncle Nicholas Wot∣ton, Dean of Canterbury and York, nine times Em∣bassador ••or the Crown of England (••e that was one of King Henry's Execu••ors, King Edward's Secretary of State, Queen Mary's right hand•• a••d (that refused the Arch-Bishoprick of Ca••t••rbury in Queen Eliz. days.) 3. Being bred 1. In Winche∣ster,