Observations on the Life of the Earl of Carnarvan.
RObert Dormer Ar. was on the tenth of Iune 1615. made Baronet by King Iames, and on the 30 day of the same month was by him crea∣ted Baron Dormer of Wing in Buckinghamshire. His Grand-child Robert Dormer was by K. Charles in the 4th of his Reign created Viscount Ascot, & Ea••l of Carnarvan. He lost his life fighting for him who gave him his honour, at the first Battel of Newbu∣ry. Being sore wounded, he was desired by a Lord, to know of him what suit he would have to his Ma∣jesty in his behalf, the said Lord promising to dis∣charge his trust in presenting his request, and assu∣ring him, that his Majesty would be wi••ling to gra∣tifie him to the utmost of his power. To whom the Earl replyed, I will not dye with a Suit in my mouth to any King, save to the King of Heaven. By Anne da••ghter to Philip Earl of Pembrook & Montgom••∣ry, he had Charles, now Earl of Carnarvan. From h•••• noble Extract, he received not more honour than he gave it: For the blood that was conveyed to him through so many illustrious veins, he deri∣ved to his Children more matured for renown, and by a constant practice of goodness more habi∣tuated to vertue. His youth was prepared for acti∣on by study, without which even the most emi∣nent