The Veres compared. Veri scipiadae, Duo fulmina belli.
SIr Francis and Sir Horace Ver••, sons of Ieffery Vere Esquire, who was son of Iohn Vere, the fifteenth Earl of Oxford; We will first consider severally, and then compare joyntly, to see how their Actions and Arms performed, what their birth and bloud promised.
SIr Fran. was of a fiery spirit & rigid nature, undaunted in all danger, not overvaluing the price of mens lives to purchase a victory therewith. He served on the Scene of all Christendom where War was acted. One Master∣piece of his valour was at the Battel of New∣port, when his ragged Re∣giment (so were the English-men called, from their ragged Cloathes) helped to make all whole, or else all had been lost.
Another was, when for three years he de∣fended Ostend against a strong and numerous Army, surrendring it at last a bare Skeleton to the King of Spain, who paid more years purchase for it, than probably the World would endure. He dy∣ed in the beginning of the Reign of K. Iames, about the year of our Lord, 16—