Observations on the Life of Sir Tho∣mas Bodley, by himself.
1. I Was born at Exiter in Devonshire, March 2. 1544. descended both by Father and Mother of worshipful Parents. My Father in the time of Q••een Mary, being noted and known to be an enemy to Popery, wa•• so cruelly threatned and so narrowly observed, by those that maliced his Re∣ligion, that for the safeguard of himself and my Mother, who was wholly affected as my Fa∣ther, he knew no way so secure as so flye into Ge••∣many.
2. My Father fixed his abode in the City of Ge∣neva; where, as far as I remember, the English Church consisted of some hundred persons. I was at that time of twelve years of age, but through my Fathers cost and care, sufficiently instructed to become an Auditor of Cheval••erius in Hebrew, of Bernaldus in Greek, of Calvin and Bez•• in Divi∣nity, and of some other Professors in that Univ••r∣sity (which was newly then erected) besides my domestick Teachers in the house of Phili••erius S••∣raceaus, a famous•• Physitian in that City, wi••h whom I was boarded, w••ere Rober••us Constanti∣nus, that made the Greek Lexicon, read Homer to me.