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Observations on the Life of Sir. Richard Bingham.
SIr Richard Bingham, born in Binghams••Mel∣colm in Dorsetshire, of a very ancient Family, in his youth travelled most parts of the world: he was at the Siege of St. Quintin in France; the sacking of Leith in Scotland; served in Ca••dia under the Venetians against the Turk; then return∣ed into the Netherlands, being strong and fortunate in all his undertakings. After all this, he went in∣to Ireland, and was there President of Co••naught, and conque••ed the great and dangerous Rebel O¦Rork.
A Gentleman this, rather skilful in many myste∣ries than thriving in any: of a fancy too high and wild, too defulto••y and over-voluble: yet Imagi∣nation hath often produced Realities, and phancy done the work of Judgement; as in this Gentle∣man, whose daringness went for conduct, whose spirit passed for resolution, whose activity had the honour of skill, and whose success the glory of pru∣dence. It's a wonder of parts that Caesar could write, read, dictate, and discourse at the same time; it's a miracle of fancy that this man should com∣mand a Regiment in the Netherlands, preside in a province of Ireland, manage a Trade in Russia, car∣ry on a plantation in America, and husband a man∣nor in England. But as the King of Spain is painted with a handful of sand running out between his fin∣gers, in reference to his many, but unprofitable Do∣minions; so might this grand Projector be described,