The harmony, chronicle and order of the New Testament the text of the four evangelists methodized, story of the acts of the apostles analyzed, order of the epistles manifested, times of the revelation observed : all illustrated, with variety of observations upon the chiefest difficulties textuall & talmudicall, for clearing of their sense and language : with an additional discourse concerning the fall of Jerusalem and the condition of the Jews in that land afterward
Lightfoot, John, 1602-1675.

SECTION XXXII. MAT. Chap. XI. from Ver. 20, to the end of the Chapter. Chorazin and Bethsaida upbraided.

BEsides Matthews continuing this portion to that that went before, the upbraiding of these Cities is so answerable to the matter contained in the end of the former Section, that it easily shews it to be spoken at the same time: See Ver. 17, 18, 19, of this Chapter.

When Christ saith, that if the things done in these Cities, had been done in Tyre and Sidon, and Sodom, and Gomorrh, they would have repented, and would have remained till now; he understandeth not saving grace and saving repentance in them, but such an externall humiliation as would have preserved them from ruine: As the case was with Page  28Nineveh, they repented and were delivered from the threatned destruction: their repen∣tance was not to salvation of the persons, but to the preservation of their City: as Ahabs humbling prevented the present judgement, and not his finall condemnation.