The gallery of heroick women written in French by Peter Le Moyne of the Society of Jesus ; translated into English by the Marquesse of Winchester.
Le Moyne, Pierre, 1602-1671., Winchester, John Paulet, Earl of, 1598-1675.


I Fear that if I propose the Example of Jahel to gallant women, they will reject my proposition and abhor the blood and 〈◊〉 of this Precedent. Nevertheless they may imitate her without violating the Law of Hospitality, without exasperating the mildeness of their Sex; without ••taging o framing the 〈◊〉 with blood. There are no more Canaanites to overcome▪ not 〈◊〉 there another Sisera to vanquish: But there are 〈…〉, there are com∣manding and 〈◊〉 Passion, which are to the 〈…〉 at that day what Sisera and the Canaanites were heretofore to the Israelites: Not only Men ought to take up arms against these spiritual 〈…〉 but even Wo∣men also must enter into this war, and the 〈…〉 which they should hold with them would be a kinde of treason and 〈◊〉. Above all, it there be any woman who hath entertained some Sisera in her 〈◊〉, who hath opened her heart, and promised security unto some predomi∣nant Passion, the ought to be advertised, that this sort of charity is destructive and not to be 〈◊〉 in▪ and that toward 〈…〉 mercy proves 〈◊〉, and fidelity scandalous and of dangerous example. Saul was reproved for the 〈…〉 thrown to the king of the Amale∣kites, and because he was pitiful out of ••ason, and against the will of God, he lost both rown and 〈…〉. Take heed of the lie fault, if you be not prepared against the 〈◊〉 misfortune. And if you have afforded a place of retreat to some Soveraign passion, to some Capital and com∣manding vice. Remember that you are bound in honour both to betry it, and to keep no faith with it, as it is a Sisera to you, so ought you to be a Jahel to it, and you shall be to it an Heroick and victorious Jahel, if you ull it asleep with the blood of the Lamb, and plane a Nail of the Cross in the Head of it.