The characters, or, The manners of the age by Monsieur de la Bruyere ... made English by several hands ; with the characters of Theophrastus, translated from the Greek, and a prefatory discourse to them, by Monsieur de la Bruyere ; to which is added, a key to his Characters.
- Title
- The characters, or, The manners of the age by Monsieur de la Bruyere ... made English by several hands ; with the characters of Theophrastus, translated from the Greek, and a prefatory discourse to them, by Monsieur de la Bruyere ; to which is added, a key to his Characters.
- Author
- La Bruyère, Jean de, 1645-1696.
- Publication
- London :: Printed for John Bullord and sold by Matt. Gilliflower ... Ben. Tooke ... Christopher Bateman ... and Richard Parker ...,
- 1699.
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- Character sketches.
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"The characters, or, The manners of the age by Monsieur de la Bruyere ... made English by several hands ; with the characters of Theophrastus, translated from the Greek, and a prefatory discourse to them, by Monsieur de la Bruyere ; to which is added, a key to his Characters." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed September 16, 2024.
- title page
- A KEY to the Cha∣racters or Manners of the Age.
- THE CHARACTERS, OR, Manners of the Age.
- title page
A Prefatory Discourse Concerning
THE Moral Characters OF
THEOPHRASTUS, Done from theGreek. - OF Flattery.
- Of Villany.
- Of Loquacity.
- The News-monger.
- Of Impudence occasioned by Coveteousness.
- Of sordid Frugality.
- A brazen fac'd Fellow.
- Of Unseasonable Conversa∣tion.
- A Busie-body.
- Of Stupidity.
- Brutality.
- Of Superstition.
- A Splenatick Man.
- Of Distrust.
- A Sloven.
- A Troublesome Fellow.
- Vain Glory.
- A Niggard.
- Of Ostentation.
- Of Pride.
- Of Cowardice.
- Of an Oligarchical Govern∣ment, and the Grandees thereof
- Of those that begin to learn in old age.
- Of Slander.
de la Bruyere 's CHARACTERS. -
The Contents of the Characters of