A treatise of the divine promises in five bookes : in the first, a generall description of their nature, kinds, excellency, right use, properties, and the persons to whom they belong : in the foure last, a declaration of the covenant it selfe ...
Leigh, Edward, 1602-1671.
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7. Feare. Promises, of Feare. GOD promiseth to make us feare him.

Hee saith in his New Cove∣nant, that he will put his feare into our hearts, as Ier. 32.39, 40. and that wee shall feare him for ever. The LORD doth oft repeate this promise, as Deut 4.10. where one speciall meanes whereby this feare is wrought, is set downe.* Gather mee the people together, and I will make them heare my words, that they may learne to feare mee all the daies that they shall live upon the earth, and that they may teach their chil∣dren. So Pro. 2.5. They who seeke for wisedome, shall understand the feare of GOD. David, Psal. 40.3. shewes another meanes, where∣by GOD doth stirre up this grace in his people, viz. the be∣holding Page  325 of GODS mercy on others, saying. And he hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our GOD: many shall see it and feare, and shall trust in the LORD. They shall feare thee as long as the Sunne and Moone endure, throughout all generations, Psal. 72.5. They shall feare the GOD of Israel, Esay 29.23.* They shall feare the LORD, and his good∣nesse in the latter daies, Hos. 3.5.

GOD hath made promises to free his people from servile feares, Iob 11.15. Psal. 112.7, 8. Prov. 1.33.

Promises to Feare.

1. Great and everlasting mer∣cy is promised to those that feare GOD.*

As the heaven is high above the earth: so great is his mercy toward them that feare him, Psal. 103.11. The mercy of the LORD is from everlasting to everla∣sting, upon them that feare him, verse 17.

Page  326O how great is thy goodnesse, which thou hast laid up for them that feare thee, Psal. 31.19.

2. Such as feare GOD, are ac∣cepted of him,* Act. 10.35. He ta∣keth pleasure in them, Psal. 147.11. Mal, 3.16, 17. The Sunne of righteousnesse shall rise up to such. Mal. 4.2. GOD will teach them in the way that they should choose, Psal. 25.12, 13, 14. Hee will fulfill their desire, Psal. 145.19.

3. They shall not want, There is no want to them that feare the LORD, Psal. 34 9 Psal. 111.5.

4. The Angell of the LORD encmpeth round about them, and delivereth them,* Psal. 34.7.

5. Their daies shall be prolon∣ged, Pro. 10.27. Pro. 19.23. Pro. 22.4. and they shall be rewar∣ded,* Pro. 13.13.

6. Those that feare the LORD are pronounced bles∣sed.

Blessed is the man that feareth GOD, Psal. 112.1, 2. Hee will Page  327 blesse them that feare the LORD, both small and great, Psal. 115.13. Happy is the man that feareth al∣way, Pro. 28.14. He that feareth the LORD is, and shall be every way blessed, Psal. 128.1, 4. The reward of eternall life shall be given them, Rev. 11.18.