An historical relation of the island Ceylon, in the East-Indies together, with an account of the detaining in captivity the author and divers other Englishmen now living there, and of the authors miraculous escape : illustrated with figures, and a map of the island
Knox, Robert, 1640?-1720.

CHAP. VI. Concerning their Houses, Diet, House∣wifery, Salutation, Apparel.

THeir Houses mean. No Chimneys. The Houses of the better sort. Their Furni∣ture. How they eat. How the great Men eat. Discouraged from nourishing Cattel. Page  [unnumbered] Cle••ly in dressing their meat. Their man∣ner of drinking and eating. Their manner of washing before and after meals. None must speak while the Rice is put into the Pot. Sawce made of Lemmon juice. Their sweet meats. A kind of Puddings. The Wo∣mens Housewifry. How they entertain Stran∣gers, And Kindred. When thy Visit. Their manner of Salutation. The Nobles in their best Apparel. The fashion of their hair. The Womn dressed in their Bravery. How they dress their heads. They commonly borrow their fine Cloths.