The banquetting-house, or, A feast of fat things a divine poem, opening many sacred Scripture mysteries ...
Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704.

HYMN 221.

Psal. 103. Free Pardon.

MY Soul now bless with readiness
The Lord's most holy Name,
And let my heart's most inward parts
Applaud and spread his fame.
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O bless the Lord, his praise record,
My Soul be not unkind,
As one that slights his Benefits,
And puts them out of mind:
Who pardons thy Iniquity,
And cancels all thy score;
Who healeth thy Infirmity,
And doth thy health restore:
Who from the Grave thy Life did save,
And Crowns thee from above;
With Mercies free inlarg'd to thee
By his most tender love:
Who satisfies thy Mouth likewise
With Blessings that are good;
Thy flower of Youth, as th' Eagles, doth
He make afresh to bud.