A looking-glass for all those called Protestants in these three nations Wherein they may see, who are true Protestants, and who are degenerated and gone from the testimony and doctrine of the antient Protestants. And hereby it is made to appear, that the people, called in derision Quakers, are true (yea the truest) Protestants, because their testimony agreeth with the testimony of the antient Protestants in the most weighty things wherein the Lord called them forth in that day. Particularly, with the testimony and doctrine of William Tindal, who is called a worthy martyr, and principal teacher of the Church of England;faithfully collected out of his works. By George Keith.
Keith, George, 1639?-1716., Tyndale, William, d. 1536.
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Concerning the Heathen, that they had the Spirit of God, and that Pharoh had the Spirit of Grace, before his heart was hardned.

In his Prologue upon Matthew.

ANd Paul Writeth Rom. 1. that the Heathen because when they knew God, they had no list to ho∣nour him with Godly living; therefore God powered his Wrath upon them, and took his Spirit from them, and gave them up to their hearts lusts to serve sin, from Ini∣quity, to Iniquity; till they were throughly hardned, and past Re∣pentance. And Pharoh, because when the Word of God was in his Country, and Gods People scat∣tered, throughout all his Land; Page  5 and yet he never loved them, nor it; therefore God gave him up: and in taking his Spirit of Grace from him, so hardned his heart with co∣vetousness, that afterward no My∣racle could convert him, hereunto pertaineth the Parable of the Ta∣lents.