A looking-glass for all those called Protestants in these three nations Wherein they may see, who are true Protestants, and who are degenerated and gone from the testimony and doctrine of the antient Protestants. And hereby it is made to appear, that the people, called in derision Quakers, are true (yea the truest) Protestants, because their testimony agreeth with the testimony of the antient Protestants in the most weighty things wherein the Lord called them forth in that day. Particularly, with the testimony and doctrine of William Tindal, who is called a worthy martyr, and principal teacher of the Church of England;faithfully collected out of his works. By George Keith.
Keith, George, 1639?-1716., Tyndale, William, d. 1536.


Concerning Hereticks, that they should not be corporally punished.

WHereas T. More alledged that S. Paul gave two He∣reticks to the Devil, which torment∣ed their flesh, which was no small punishment, and haply he slew them: W. Tindall answereth, "O Expounder of the Scripture! like Page  24 Hugo Charensis, which expoundeth Hereticum hominem de vita, take the Heretick out of his life: we read of no pain that he had whom the Christians Excommunicated and gave to Sathan to slay his flesh, save that he was ashamed of himself and repented, &c.

A Testimony of John Frith, ano∣ther English Martyr, against out∣ward and bodily compelling and punishing of them that believe not aright.

In his Answer to the Lord Roche∣ster Bishop.

To say that Christ would have his Disciples to compel men, with Prisonment, Fetters, Scourging, Sword and Fire is very false, and far from the mildness of a chaste Spirit, although my Lord approve it never so much; for Christ did forbid his Disciples such Tyranny, yea rebukes them, because they Page  25 would have desired, that Fire should descend from Heaven and consume the Samaritans, which would re∣ceive not Christ: but with Violence will God have no man compelled unto his Law. Paul also testifieth, 2 Cor. 1. that he had not rule over the Corinthians, as touching their Faith. And again, As no man can search the heart, but God only, so can no man judge or order our Faith but God only through his Holy Spirit.

Collected faithfully by me G. K. out of the Works of W. Tindall and John Frith, who are called Worthy Martyrs, and Princi∣pal Teachers of the Church of England, in the Title Page of the Book Printed at London by John Day, Anno 1573.