Praxis medicinæ reformata: = or, The practice of physick reformed Being an epitome of the whole art: wherein is briefly shewed, the true causes, signs, prognosticks, and cure, of most diseases. Published for the benefit of all persons. By Robert Johnson, Med. Professor.
Johnson, Robert, b. 1640?

CHAP. XXVI. Of Venereal Affects.

THIS Scourge of transgressing Huma∣nity, being as it were a Murrain, or common Destruction to venereous Persons, may be called in Latin Lues venerea, a 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 solvo, vel quod Corpus omnino dissolvit, vel quasi luens usque ad nihil. Lues enim ista, pestis est species, vel qualiscunque contagio, quoe homines * inficit, debito supplicio scelus luere.

The first Knowledge of this pocky intes∣tine Enemy (at least in the European parts of the World) was at the Siege of Naples, by the French; being brought thither (as some Authours affirm) by the Spaniards, that came with Christopher Columbus from the West Indies, and they like plaguy Persons that croud to infect others (contrary to their reserved temper) being inflam'd with a ve∣nereal Itching, and being also free of their flesh, they communicated (as a great rarity) this new found foul Distemper, to the Italian Women, which among others they had en∣grost Page  280 to themselves from the Animal Indians, in their American Tyrannical Conquests.

Many of those poor Creatures being deep∣ly infected with the monstrous Yaws (so called by the Indians) from whence this foul Distemper had its first original.

Hence it was first called the Neapolitan, and afterward the French disease; since which time, many of the precipitant youth∣full Europeans (to their great Costs and Pain) have been punished with this impure vene∣real Affect.

This Itch in spite of Mortals will be catch∣ing, (where there is no fear of God to re∣strain) but the beginning natural momen∣tany Pleasure, will often urge a smartfull end; so that this is the product of that sin of uncleanness, for which God hath pronoun∣ced, Hebrews 13. 4. Whore-mongers and Adulterers God will judge.

To describe this virulent contagious Di∣sease, It is an universal sour taint of the sper∣matick parts; the seed in the spermatick Vessels being first corrupted with a cold in∣digested Putridness, is sometimes conveyed outward to the groins, infecting the obscene parts with a filthy eating Crusty scab.

But if the poisonous malign quality (got∣ten by impure Coition) be transfer'd to the Liver, which is the chief Subject of its more easie invasion, and its special residence; it Page  281 must necessarily suffer egregious corruption, from whence the afflicting taint is dispersed into the whole habit of the Body, vitiating and corrupting the Nutrition of every part; by which the sick becomes wholly cachec∣tick, and the filthy Pox (without speedy help) tyrannizing with many malign Symp∣toms, and afflicting both the body and mind, doth at length hurry the Patient into the pit of silence.

The cause is chiefly, the carnal use of * venereous Persons.

Also Children sucking of those Nurses that are infected, may receive the pollution from the poisonous malignity of the milk.

It may also be Hereditary, the seed of venereous Parents being polluted.

The most apparent signs, are a dulness of * the whole Body, white face, intolerable pain between the joints, especially in the Night, which hindreth sleep; sometimes Buboes in the Groins, &c. As is before mention'd, also Ulcers, and hard Pustules in many parts of the Body, as Head, Chin, &c. there is sometimes a relaxation of the Uvula, with Hoarsness and Corruption of the Palate, and Tumours of the adjacent Glandulous parts, there is also sometimes a Cariosity of the Skull, and other Bones. Cum multis aliis.

Page  282 1. It is difficult of Curation, if it hath * continu'd long, or the Patient be consump∣tive; or if it be in a sucking Infant.

2. If it be Hereditary, 'tis incurable; but if the Patient be young, and newly infected, it may be easily cured.

As for the Cure of this filthy Disease, first * I advise the Patient to repent from the bottom of the Heart, for this great sin of uncleanness, &c.

Then make choice of an honest Physi∣cian.

The Cure is easiest effected in the Spring, or Fall of the Leaf; but if necessity urge, you may begin the Cure at any time.

First let the Body be prepared,

The following Apozeme may serve for Example in most constitutions.

Take the five opening Roots, Liquorish, * China, of each one ounce; Cinamon, Anise∣seed, Senna, of each half an ounce; Agarick, Rhubarb, Cream of Tartar, of each two drachms; let them be cleansed, bruised and boiled in two quarts of Fountain-water, till half be consumed; then strain it, and add Syrup of Roses solutive four ounces; Salt of Tartar vitriolated two drachms; Spirit of Niter twenty drops; mix it, and give six spoonfulls every two hours.

If the Patient be Plethorick open a Vein; after which you may purge with these or the like Pills.

Page  283 Take of Extractum Rudii, one scruple; * Mercur. dulcis, Salt Armoniack, of each half a scruple; make it into four Pills, and take them in the Morning.

If you perceive by the Excrements, that the Patient's body be very foul, you may administer another Dose of Pills after two days intermission.

Then you may prepare the following De∣coction, or one like it, to cause sweat, &c.

Take of Guiacum, the Roots of China, Sar∣separilla, * of each one pound; Raisins of the Sun stoned, Hermodactils, Polypodium, Barks of Guiacum and Sassaphras, of each four ounces; Juniper-berries, Anise-seed, Liquo∣rish, Elicampane-roots, of each one ounce; let them be cleansed, bruised and infused in four Gallons of Rain-water, very hot for the space of a Night; then boil it gently till a third part be boiled away; strain it, and keep it for use.

Let the sick take four spoonfulls of it, with ten grains of Antimonium diaphoret. every Morning and Evening, for four or five days following, and sweat after it in Bed, or in a Hot-house, or Bagnio, so long as can be well endured.

Then omitting a day or two, you may take another Dose of Pills; then sweat seven days more, after which purge as before; this doe for forty days, or till the Cure be per∣fected.

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Page  284 You may make a second Decoction of the Ingredients, for ordinary drink.

But if the sick have extreme Pains in the Night, ten grains of the following Pills may be given to bed-ward instead of the Decoc∣tion.

Take Gum of Guiacum two drachms; Antimony Diaphoretick, Bezoar-mineral, * Flower of Brimstone, Diagredium, Mercur. dulcis, humane Bones calcin'd, of each one drachm; Saffron, Laudanum opiatum, of each half a drachm; with Syrup of Saffron, make it into a Mass for Pills.

If there be a Defluxion of Rheum on the Lungs, you may give ten or twelve drops of Balsam of Sulphur, in a little of the Decoc∣tion every Morning, and the like quantity with half a drachm of Venice-treacle every Night; after which drink four ounces of the aforesaid Decoction, to promote a gentle sweat.

You may also make Fontinels in the Arm and Leg with good success.

But if the sick be of a hot Constitution, and the Disease be inveterate, and stubborn; the shortest and best way of Cure will be by salivation.

I do not approve of unction with mer∣curial Ointments, to raise the Flux, nor Turbith-mineral to be given inwardly; but the safest way is to administer Mercur. dulcis, but Page  285 let it be well prepared. Then you may give twenty grains of it with a little Diascordium, or Conserves of Roses: give it three or four Mornings successively, and drink a draught of the Diet-drink after it.

Also the second Decoction may be some∣times made use of for ordinary Drink, all the time of the Cure; and warm Posset∣drink at other times, when desired.

When the Salivation is rais'd, let the sick have a piece of Gold between the teeth; and keep warm, and continue spitting till the Spittle become insipid, which is com∣monly in twenty days.

In the mean time, wash the Mouth with Plantain-water, and Syrup of Mulberries.

When you would abate the spitting, ad∣minister a Carminative Clyster, or a Clyster of Milk and Sugar every Night; and after its operation, give the following Bolus.

Take of Diascordium half a drachm; Gas∣coigns * powder fifteen grains; Oil of Vitriol two drops; with Syrup of Poppies make it into a Bolus; give it at Night going to bed.

Pustules, Tumours and Ulcers of the Mouth, Tongue, Gums, or any other Place, will be all easily cured, when the Salivation is over.

You may dress the sores with the follow∣ing Ointment, which is very effectual to cure all Pocky ulcers.

Page  286 Take of Verdigreece, and common Salt, of each two ounces; powder them, and * calcine them together; then mix it with eight ounces of Unguentum Enulatum.

When the filthy Enemy, or Neapolitan disease, is cast out by Salivation, you may sweat the Patient with the Decoction of China, &c. before mention'd, for sometime, as is there directed.

Let the Diet be drying; rost Meat is better than boil'd.

Mutton, Chickens, Partridges, Rabbets, &c. are all good Food.

When strength doth begin to increase, Bread and Raisins may be eaten.

The greater Symptoms of this Disease, are the Running of the Reins, Nodes, Ca∣runcles, &c.

The Running of the Reins is called in Greek 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, ex 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 semen, & 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 fluo, it being a Flux of natural Seed of Man or Woman unwittingly.

If the Gonorrhoea be virulent, it is a praelu∣dium to the Pox, and must be cur'd the same way; but if it be newly contracted, it may wholly and most safely be absolved by purgation.

The same Apozeme, and purging Pills, before mention'd, are very proper, which must be continu'd till the Running of the Reins cease.

Page  287 If the Patient be plethorick, let a Vein be opened.

To strengthen the spermatick parts, the following Balsamick Pills are effectual.

Take of Mummy, Bole Armenick, Gums * Dragon and Arabick, of each one ounce; Bal∣sam of Sulphur two drachms; with Syrup of dried Roses, make it into a Mass for Pills, of which you may give half a drachm every Morning and Evening.

If there be Nodes, Caruncles or Ulcers in the urinary Passage,

The following Medicine may be daily in∣jected.

Take the Water of the Spawn of Frogs * four ounces; Honey of red Roses one ounce; white Troches of Rhasis one drachm; pow∣der the Troches, and mix all together for an Injection.

After injection, put in an hollow Instru∣ment made of Silver or Lead, being first anointed with some consolidating Ointment, as was directed in the Stoppage of Urine.

I do not approve of Astringents in the Beginning of the Cure of a Gonorrhoea, till the Patient be well purged, and the running begin to cease; because all Astringent means conduce to prolong the Distemper; but af∣ter the Cause is eradicated by purging, then they may be safely administred, if the Cure be not effected without it.

Page  288 To prevent the Return of the Distem∣per, I advise the Patient to purge, and bleed every Spring and Fall.

Also keep a good Diet, be moderate in Exercise, and all other of the nonnatural things.

When thou art recovered, give God the Praise; and have a care of committing the like sin again, lest a worse thing befall thee; for it is a fearfull thing to fall into the Hands of the Living God. Hebr. 10. 31.