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CHAP. V. Containing part of the Third Proposition.
PROVING, That none may do the Work of the Ministry without Or∣dination.
NO man may perform the work of the Ministry but he that is solemnly set apart and ordained to be a Mi∣nister.
Having in the precedent Chapter asserted the necessity of Ordination to the work of the Ministry against the presum∣ptuous usurpation of such as run and are not sent; We shall by the grace of God in this Chapter vindicate the work of the Ministry unto those whom God hath set as Officers in his Church.
That there is a work belonging to the Ministry is out of question, and what that work is, is confessed by all; It be∣longs to them to dispense the mysteries of God, the keys of the Kingdom of God are in their hands; It is their work to watch for souls as they that must give an account of them at that great day; To preach the Word, and by sound doctrine to convince gain-sayers, to administer the Sacraments of Bap∣tism and the Lords Supper, to pray for and blesse the people in the Name of God, to rule and govern the Church, ha∣ving a care of discipline, and all these as in the place and per∣son of Christ.
Of how great necessity these works are unto the Church, is evident unto understanding Christians, and hath been de∣monstrated already: It now remains to be enquired, whether all or any of these works may be performed by men uncalled, though gifted, or whether they be peculiar unto Ministers.
Those with whom we have to do, yeelding all the rest to