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Title:  An history of the wonderful things of nature set forth in ten severall classes wherein are contained I. The wonders of the heavens, II. Of the elements, III. Of meteors, IV. Of minerals, V. Of plants, VI. Of birds, VII. Of four-footed beasts, VIII. Of insects, and things wanting blood, IX. Of fishes, X. Of man / written by Johannes Jonstonus, and now rendred into English by a person of quality.
Author: Jonstonus, Joannes, 1603-1675.
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it to the clammy matter the Tench abounds with, by which he may heal his wound. A Pike of Frederick the Emperour was said to have lived 267 years in a Lake, that was found out by a brasse ring that he hid under his skin in his gills, when he put him into the lake. It had a Greek Inscription on it; which is to this sense; I am that Fish that was first put into this Lake by Frederick the Second, Emperour of the World, on the fifth of October. Conradus Celtes saith, that ring was found upon that Pike, taken Anno 1497; as Gesner relates in Epistola nuncupatoria.Luna is a fish exceeding beautiful, very small, broad bodied, of a blevvish colour; on the back it hath soft fins, which vvhilest it di∣lates in swimming, it makes a semicircle like to a half Moon, Aelian. ex Demostrato. Those that fish for Bream say, that at the full of the Moon it will grow dry and die; and, put on herbs, it will make them wither.CHAP. XI. Of Manaty, and the Whiting.MAnaty is a great Fish taken in the Rivers of Hispaniola; His head is like an Ox head, or bigger: His eyes in respect of his body are small; he hath two thick feet, like wings in the place of gills, with which he swims, they are set about his head; he hath a thick skin, and no scales. He is so great that there needs a yoke of Oxen to carry him. Sometimes he is above 14 or 15 foot long, and eight hands thick; near the tail he is narrower, and as it were girt in, from which straightnesse the tail growes longer and thicker. He hath two stones, or rather bones in his head, so great as little hand∣balls, or the bullet of a Crosse-bowe, and sometimes greater, as the fish is. He wants ears, but in place of them he hath small holes, by which he hears. His skin is like the skin of a shriveled Ox, a finger thick, ash-coloured, and thin set with hairs. The tail from that straight part unto the end of it, is all nervous. From that, cut into pieces, and then set five or six dayes in the Sun and dryed, and then boyled in a Cauldron, or rather fryed, much fat comes forth: for it all resolves into fat. It is good to fry eggs in a frying-pan. For it ne∣ver grows rank, nor unsavoury. He is made tame, and will be taught like a dog; but Franciscus Lopetius saith, he will remember Injuries. The petty King of Caramatexum, in the Island of Hispaniola, fed one of them 26 years in the Lake Guaynabo, and made him so tame, though he were grown great, as great as an old Dolpbin; for he would take meat by hand; and when they call'd him Mato, which in their Tongue signifies Magnificent, he would come forth of the Lake, and creep to the house for meat, and then go back to the Lake again. Boyes and Men going with him, and when they sang, he seemed to be delighted with it: and he would let them sometimes ride on his back; he would easily carry ten at a time from one part 0