An history of the wonderful things of nature set forth in ten severall classes wherein are contained I. The wonders of the heavens, II. Of the elements, III. Of meteors, IV. Of minerals, V. Of plants, VI. Of birds, VII. Of four-footed beasts, VIII. Of insects, and things wanting blood, IX. Of fishes, X. Of man
Jonstonus, Joannes, 1603-1675., Libavius, Andreas, d. 1616., Rowland, John, M.D.

CHAP. XIII. Of the Mullet and the Barbel.

THe Mugil is a most temperate fish, if he light upon another, he will not touch it, till he move the taile. If it move he leaves it, if it moves not, he preys upon it, Aelian. l. 1. c. 3. It is so sa∣lacious, that in Phoenicia, and the province of Narbon, at the time of copulation, that the male being taken out of Fish-ponds, and with a long line drawn through his mouth and fastned to his gills, cast into the Sea, and drawn back againe by the same line, the females will follow him to the shore, and the Males again will follow the Females at the time they bring forth, Plin. l. 9. c. 13. They are so fleet that when they are hungry they will cast themselves over ships in their way. The Mullet was formerly so noted for luxury amongst the An∣tients, that it was sold for a mighty price; and private Romans would often buy it for the weight in Silver, saith Jovius, if it were above a foot long. Also Pliny writes that Asinius Celr a Consul, was so proud of this Fish, that when Claudius was Emperour, he Mer∣chandised with one of them for 8000 peices of money, that is about, 400 rich Dollers. Macrobius, l. 3. Saturnal, c. 16. adds more, that the Luxury of that age may be esteem'd the greater, because Pliny, saith in his time no Barbel was found, above two pound weight. Scaliger saith, exerc. 226, s. 15, that the Liver of it, lies next the left side, the milt next the right. But Albertus saith, that lust is extinguished by feeding on them, and it is so strong that it will make a Man that eats of it, to smell like it. Athenaeus saith, that strangled in Wine, it spoils the Wine. Pliny saith, that if it be stale, it will make one vomit.