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Title:  An history of the wonderful things of nature set forth in ten severall classes wherein are contained I. The wonders of the heavens, II. Of the elements, III. Of meteors, IV. Of minerals, V. Of plants, VI. Of birds, VII. Of four-footed beasts, VIII. Of insects, and things wanting blood, IX. Of fishes, X. Of man / written by Johannes Jonstonus, and now rendred into English by a person of quality.
Author: Jonstonus, Joannes, 1603-1675.
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the earth, unlesse it be laid up in very dry places, if it be planted again after many Months, it will grow. It grows on the highest Rocks where it hath scarse so much earth as to stick by. Mathiol. l. 4. c. 41. The Rosebush at Carthage in Spain is alwaies full of Roses in Winter, and was alwaies honour'd by the Romans; for they were wont to strew the leaves on their dishes of meat, and to besmear their Citron Tables with the juyce of them, that they might by reason of their bitternesse be free from Worms. Heliogabalus commanded to throw Roses on his Banqueting guests from the top of the Room, as if it rayned Roses. Dalechamp in l. 21. c. 4. That is wonderfull that is related concerning revification. There was a famous Physitian at Cracovia, who could so curiously prepare the ashes of every part of a Plant, that he would exactly preserve all the Spirits of them. The ashes waxing a little hot by putting a Candle to the Glasse, represent∣ed a Rose wide open, which you might behold growing by degrees▪ to augment, and to be like a stalke, with leaves, flowers, and at last a double Rose appeared in its full proportion; when the Candle was taken away it fell againe to ashes. Rosenberg Rhodolog, c. ult. The same thing allmost was done with a Nettle, as Quercetan testifieth in his History of the Plague. For when one would appoint a remedy against the stone, at the end of Autumn he pull'd a great many Nettles up by the roots, of these Nettles he made a lye the common way with hot water, and by strayning and filtring, he purified this lixivium, that he might at last produce salt artifi∣cially as he intended: but when he had set the lixivium all night to cool in an Earthen Vessel, the next day when he thought to Evaporate to extract the Salt; it hapned that night, that the ayre was so cold, that all the Lixivium was over frozen. When therefore in the Morning he purposed to cast that Lixivium out at the Window, besides his expectation he saw that all the water of the Lixivium was frozen, and a thousand figures there of Nettles were in it, so perfect with roots leaves and stocks, and shewing so exactly, that no Painter could paint them better.CHAP. XXXVII. Of Scorzonera, Squills, Sage, and Scordium.SCorzonera is no ancient Plant, Mathiolus first described it, l.. c. 137. It was found in Catalonia by an African servant: he that found it, shew'd that it was a present remedy against the bitings of Adders; he that will escape, must drink the juice. Of Squills, vine∣gar is made, of an admirable quality, saith Mathiolus, if one daily drink a little; his jawes and Mouth will never be ill, his stomach will be well, he will breathe well, see well, he will be troubled with no wind in his belly, and will be well coloured and long winded. He that useth this vinegar will digest his meat well, though he eat much: There will be no crudities in his body, not wind, nor choler, no drgs, nor will the urine or ordure passe away with over loosenesse, 0